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New member
It sounds as if you are a universalist. In which case The Father does not view you in the Eternal Son. I also find it impossible to think that anyone who is as impious as you could possibly be saved. Impiety is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The mouth of the serpent will always make the universal atonement of Christ into universalism which is heresy. The two branches of Protestant Christianity that still uphold 'faith alone' theology are Lutheran and Calvinist/Reformed churches. The major difference between the two is that Lutherans confess that Christ is the savior of the world and his blood is the propitiation for all sin. Calvinist/Reformed of course deny this to their eternal shame.


Well-known member
Don't worry, you're both saved. You just need to come on over for some sound teachings.

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That's right.....all roads lead to heaven. Don't worry about preaching the Gospel...gotta get them inside so they can put their penny in your jar.


That's right.....all roads lead to heaven. Don't worry about preaching the Gospel...gotta get them inside so they can put their penny in your jar.

Don't worry, you're saved as well. You just need maturing.

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New member
The mouth of the serpent will always make the universal atonement of Christ into universalism which is heresy. The two branches of Protestant Christianity that still uphold 'faith alone' theology are Lutheran and Calvinist/Reformed churches. The major difference between the two is that Lutherans confess that Christ is the savior of the world and his blood is the propitiation for all sin. Calvinist/Reformed of course deny this to their eternal shame.

You added the word "all" to suit your superstition.


New member
Reformed who lies so poorly that he can't even admit that he's Reformed. Reformed Christians want to be part of the Reformation so bad but they're 'all' excluded.

It is you that reject the power of the evangelism to save all those for whom Messiah died. You suggest that the blood was shed for all, but does not have the power to save all those for whom it was shed.


New member
It is you that reject the power of the evangelism to save all those for whom Messiah died. You suggest that the blood was shed for all, but does not have the power to save all those for whom it was shed.

The bible says his blood was shed for all not me and all Christians except Reformed believe that.


New member
"He came to save His people from their sins."

Christ has saved the world with everyone in it. Those that believe receive the merits of his perfect atonement. Those who don't believe like Truster reject Christ and die in their sins.


New member
Christ has saved the world with everyone in it. Those that believe receive the merits of his perfect atonement. Those who don't believe like Truster reject Christ and die in their sins.

Once regenerate a man can trust, but before regeneration the man cannot do anything that can induce salvation.


New member
Once regenerate a man can trust, but before regeneration the man cannot do anything that can induce salvation.

Conversion is the result of a broken and contrite heart - read Psalms. David was converted and God did terrible things to him before and after conversion.


New member
Conversion is the result of a broken and contrite heart - read Psalms. David was converted and God did terrible things to him before and after conversion.

You don't even know what conversion means. To prove me wrong give an explanation of what conversion is and explain your conversion.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
God sees the potential for goodness in us in that He draws us unto Himself.

John 6:44 New King James Version (NKJV)

44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.