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New member
John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

A scripture used in this manner is the hissing of a viper. It's exactly what Satan did while testing Messiah in the wilderness.


New member
What manner is that, His word never comes back to Him void.

There is a rule in the interpretation of scripture that is often broken by pentecostals and you have just done it. A verse of scripture cannot mean what it never meant. You abuse the word to suit your own wicked agenda and that is proof you do not love the truth.


Eclectic Theosophist
Inherent Good..............

Inherent Good..............

Do you feel as if there is a certain goodness within you that appeals to The Almighty. That he saw something good, or a potential for good, in you and so saved you?

I would say that any goodness within me is from my Creator, therefore it is there by 'original creation' when he did create and saw that his creation was 'good', and even went on to describe man's creation as 'VERY good',....I think that answers the question of 'goodness' in the affirmative :) - naturally what is of 'God' in me, would appeal to 'God' don't you think? God sees the good, value and 'appeal' of his image and likeness in me, reflecting himself.

All good, all potential of good is from God, the Good. Think 'original creation', holy, good, blessed, untainted, pure in itself.

The doctrine of 'total depravity' would reject this, a human assumption. I celebrate 'Original Blessing' :) I recommend Matthew Fox's book by the same title :thumb: - for starters ;)


Well-known member
There is a rule in the interpretation of scripture that is often broken by pentecostals and you have just done it. A verse of scripture cannot mean what it never meant. You abuse the word to suit your own wicked agenda and that is proof you do not love the truth.

But it can mean what it always means and therefore it was spot on.

You are the thief that has come to steal and destroy. And the message you preach is not LIFE. You steal from Calvin, yet you spit on his teachings. You have lied to yourself and claim his teachings as coming from you.

Just as the Pharisees did with their pretence of long prayers and their false doctrine, you seek to lift yourself up on the backs of others. You're too afraid to look in the mirror, so you try to tear down others in order to make yourself acceptable to your own deformed ego.

Turn, turn, turn, and you may yet enter into His grace.
It still isn't too late for you.


New member
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.


New member
Hall of Fame
There is a rule in the interpretation of scripture that is often broken by pentecostals and you have just done it. A verse of scripture cannot mean what it never meant. You abuse the word to suit your own wicked agenda and that is proof you do not love the truth.

Your lack of discernment is staggering. Im also not Pentecostal. Dont quit your day job to be a heart reader, He can do it better than you.


Eclectic Theosophist
For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

This is Pauls' personal struggle issues, in his duality play of pitting the flesh against the spirit, a classic Gnostic dichotomy, also featured universally in greek and other metaphysical schools. Paul shared alot of his own opinions and his gospel is really his own personal revelations mixed with other religious-philosophical influences amalgamated into one. Focusing on 'total depravity' in the extreme can obscure the 'original goodness' of our creation where God himself declares his creation GOOD, and man as VERY Good. Isnt that noteworthy? Why mar that? Even with the concept of sin, the fall, and so on....the original creation is still inherently GOOD. Why not celebrate Original Blessing? :)


Eclectic Theosophist
O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! Psalm 119:5​

And his prayer was answered, for David was not sinning 24-7, and had a heart after God's own. David also knew that there were people keeping God's statues, following his laws, DOING his will! There were both righteous and wicked people back then, just as there is now. Clearly in the OT, the God of that era did say it was POSSIBLE to keep his word in their heart and obey it, so the 'ability', 'desire', was there with the assistance of God's spirit, angels, etc....although in the new dispensation of the Messiah Jesus, we have an even greater dispensation of Holy Spirit, grace and truth, and new-covenant benefits. There did exist however in seminal form in the Old Covenant, divine assistance.


New member
And his prayer was answered, for David was not sinning 24-7, and had a heart after God's own. David also knew that there were people keeping God's statues, following his laws, DOING his will! There were both righteous and wicked people back then, just as there is now. Clearly in the OT, the God of that era did say it was POSSIBLE to keep his word in their heart and obey it, so the 'ability', 'desire', was there with the assistance of God's spirit, angels, etc....although in the new dispensation of the Messiah Jesus, we have an even greater dispensation of Holy Spirit, grace and truth, and new-covenant benefits. There did exist however in seminal form in the Old Covenant, divine assistance.

Thanks for confirming the scripture:

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.​


New member
This is Pauls' personal struggle issues, in his duality play of pitting the flesh against the spirit, a classic Gnostic dichotomy, also featured universally in greek and other metaphysical schools. Paul shared alot of his own opinions and his gospel is really his own personal revelations mixed with other religious-philosophical influences amalgamated into one. Focusing on 'total depravity' in the extreme can obscure the 'original goodness' of our creation where God himself declares his creation GOOD, and man as VERY Good. Isnt that noteworthy? Why mar that? Even with the concept of sin, the fall, and so on....the original creation is still inherently GOOD. Why not celebrate Original Blessing? :)

Thanks for confirming the scripture:

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.​


New member
Your lack of discernment is staggering. Im also not Pentecostal. Dont quit your day job to be a heart reader, He can do it better than you.

The spirit of the pentecostals is at work in you. You even call yourself an angel...Such behaviour magnifies your hypocrisy.