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Well-known member
Ah if he tells me I'm nuts and lost and he has, it doesn't bother me. As far as I can see he thinks deeply about the word and likes asking questions that I think are good questions. Plus he's not a maddhatter.

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The fact that he tells everyone they are nuts and lost should tell you something. Lots of people think deeply about the word....JWs, GT, etc, and he's so easily offended, he proves his ego rules his thinking. Pride rolls out of the man like a foul wind.

Besides which, he is an enemy of the Gospel, denying man is capable of turning to God with belief in Jesus Christ.


The fact that he tells everyone they are nuts and lost should tell you something. Lots of people think deeply about the word....JWs, GT, etc, and he's so easily offended, he proves his ego rules his thinking. Pride rolls out of the man like a foul wind.

Besides which, he is an enemy of the Gospel, denying man is capable of turning to God with belief in Jesus Christ.

I don't believe man can turn to God in faith unless God enables that man to be able to exercise the "limited to not seeking God" free will that man is born with. The difference between nang and I is that to her faith is the gift. Faith is not the gift, salvation is. But unless man believes he can not be saved yet according to scripture there is none not even one who does seek God and further scripture says no one can come to the Son without being drawn. Putting the scriptures together teaches us that God elected those whom God chose and God enabled those chosen to be able to make a choice contrary to their sinful disposition which rendered them unable to choose Him. Divine enabling is a part of the salvation package that includes the Atonement and includes election.

If you think you chose God think again. You chose Him because He first chose you and in choosing you He provided divine enabling for you to exercise your will and had He not enabled you to exercise your will to believe you could not have done so. In other words you didn't do jack sister. God did it all.

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I don't believe man can turn to God in faith unless God enables that man to be able to exercise the "limited to not seeking God" free will that man is born with. The difference between nang and I is that to her faith is the gift. Faith is not the gift, salvation is. But unless man believes he can not be saved yet according to scripture there is none not even one who does seek God and further scripture says no one can come to the Son without being drawn. Putting the scriptures together teaches us that God elected those whom God chose and God enabled those chosen to be able to make a choice contrary to their sinful disposition which rendered them unable to choose Him. Divine enabling is a part of the salvation package that includes the Atonement and includes election.

If you think you chose God think again. You chose Him because He first chose you and in choosing you He provided divine enabling for you to exercise your will and had He not enabled you to exercise your will to believe you could not have done so. In other words you didn't do jack sister. God did it all.

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Man that was good

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Well-known member
I don't believe man can turn to God in faith unless God enables that man to be able to exercise the "limited to not seeking God" free will that man is born with. The difference between nang and I is that to her faith is the gift. Faith is not the gift, salvation is. But unless man believes he can not be saved yet according to scripture there is none not even one who does seek God and further scripture says no one can come to the Son without being drawn. Putting the scriptures together teaches us that God elected those whom God chose and God enabled those chosen to be able to make a choice contrary to their sinful disposition which rendered them unable to choose Him. Divine enabling is a part of the salvation package that includes the Atonement and includes election.

If you think you chose God think again. You chose Him because He first chose you and in choosing you He provided divine enabling for you to exercise your will and had He not enabled you to exercise your will to believe you could not have done so. In other words you didn't do jack sister. God did it all.

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Contrary to the fact that the GOSPEL is the Power of God unto Salvation.

Good, I'm glad to see you think God would tell man to do something he is not capable of doing.

You and Bluster can continue with your bromance without fear.


Contrary to the fact that the GOSPEL is the Power of God unto Salvation.

Good, I'm glad to see you think God would tell man to do something he is not capable of doing.

You and Bluster can continue with your bromance without fear.

God sure owes you so much for finding it in your will to believe in the Gospel. Good on you for having a go honey!

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Well-known member
God sure owes you so much for finding it in your will to believe in the Gospel. Good on you for having a go honey!

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Don't call me honey. It's highly offensive.

Actually, I give all the Glory to God that the Gospel of Salvation was preached to me. I was simply persuaded by the Word to believe. So keep your Tulips in your own yard. I'm not buying.


Don't call me honey. It's highly offensive.

Actually, I give all the Glory to God that the Gospel of Salvation was preached to me. I was simply persuaded by the Word to believe. So keep your Tulips in your own yard. I'm not buying.

I can be called honey.

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TOL Subscriber
I don't believe man can turn to God in faith unless God enables that man to be able to exercise the "limited to not seeking God" free will that man is born with. The difference between nang and I is that to her faith is the gift. Faith is not the gift, salvation is. But unless man believes he can not be saved yet according to scripture there is none not even one who does seek God and further scripture says no one can come to the Son without being drawn. Putting the scriptures together teaches us that God elected those whom God chose and God enabled those chosen to be able to make a choice contrary to their sinful disposition which rendered them unable to choose Him. Divine enabling is a part of the salvation package that includes the Atonement and includes election.

If you think you chose God think again. You chose Him because He first chose you and in choosing you He provided divine enabling for you to exercise your will and had He not enabled you to exercise your will to believe you could not have done so. In other words you didn't do jack sister. God did it all.

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All components of the salvation package are the gift of God . . Predestinating souls in Christ before creation, grace, calling, changing our hearts, minds, and wills, giving faith to believe and repent, justification, sanctification, etc. (Romans 8:28-30)

Everything we experience in this world, we receive from His hand.


New member
Hall of Fame
Hurt people hurt other people.
We are beings that need unconditional all accepting love.

I totally agree with that. But some people like hurting others as well, and some people completely reject love.

Love also protects, will God accept sin into heaven or the new heavens and earth? Will the Father accept the rejection of the Son?


New member
I rebuke you again, in the name of Jesus Christ.

James 4:6 But He gives us more grace. This is why it says: “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

The Messiah doesn't know you, so you are using His Name in vain.


New member
No. Not the way you phrased the question. God does however, see me as holy and blameless because of Jesus Christ. We have His righteousness

2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV - Colossians 1:22 KJV -

Ephesians 1:4 KJV -

It sounds as if you are a universalist. In which case The Father does not view you in the Eternal Son. I also find it impossible to think that anyone who is as impious as you could possibly be saved. Impiety is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

patrick jane

It sounds as if you are a universalist. In which case The Father does not view you in the Eternal Son. I also find it impossible to think that anyone who is as impious as you could possibly be saved. Impiety is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
You are going to hell Truster, you are not saved