Anybody know much about Islam?


Well-known member
It's not just about angels, but ANYONE that preaches another gospel.
Sure, and like I said, Mohammad didn't preach a gospel so can't be accused of preaching a wrong gospel.

Islam preaches a gospel that denies God has a Son, and that His Son was bodily resurrected.
That is in direct opposition of Christianity.
Actually, no, Islam does not deny he was resurrected. I used to think that before I looked into it more. One of a myriad of myths about Islam. Be that as it may, the Christian Gospel is not a doctrinal understanding about God or Jesus, it's the good news about the Kingdom of God having come to earth.

If that is what you believe, then you could just as easily chunk the entire bible.
So what do you even base your "Christianity" on?????
It's not based on someone's report of what angels said, it's based on an something more verifiable, such as an empty tomb, and the teaching of the one who rose from it. If that eliminates Paul's testimony, so be it. I don't need Paul to be a Christian, though he does provide some awesome truths about the New Covenant, walking in the Spirit, loving each other, etc. BTW, if you get a chance to witness to Muslims, forget about quoting anyone other than Jesus, but certainly do quote Jesus, since he is one of their prophets too.


Well-known member
Then your assumption would be wrong.
Islam has differing sects that disagree with each other on some principles. (Shiites and Sunnis)
They disagree on the succession of Imans and the caliphate.

It's all be covered here on TOL before.
Just because some do not want to spell it all out again does not mean they are uninformed.
Especially to one like yourself that has already assumed that you know more about it than others.

Good, then maybe I'll weed out the more ignorant. That's my intention. It might save me some time later.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
BTW, if you get a chance to witness to Muslims, forget about quoting anyone other than Jesus, but certainly do quote Jesus, since he is one of their prophets too.
Moses and Paul should certainly be quoted when discussing Christianity, along with all the other prophets of scripture (which does not include Mohammed).
Mohammed is the one that shouldn't be quoted.


Well-known member
Moses and Paul should certainly be quoted when discussing Christianity, along with all the other prophets of scripture (which does not include Mohammed).
Mohammed is the one that shouldn't be quoted.

You're going to have just as hard a time convincing a Muslim that Paul represents an authentic understanding of the Prophet Jesus (since his claim is based on a vision and reports by those who bought into his testimony) as a Muslim is going to have convincing you that Muhammad's vision was from God. I suggest if you want to understand his faith you start with Mohammad's words and go out from there, taking his companion's reports with a grain of salt, and you give him the same liberty to start with Jesus' teachings and go out from there, taking what Paul and Jesus' other "Companions" said with a grain of salt. Did Jesus' Great Commission include "teach all that Paul said," or did he say, "Teach all that I have commanded you"? Do you believe Jesus missed it by limiting it to his own words? I don't think he did at all. Paul's writings are instructive but they don't need to be considered authoritative by anyone interested in the Gospel.


New member
Well then they wouldn't have much credibility with me because even a newbie like me knows Mohammad never issued any punishments for homosexuality and killing infidels was only in the context of self defense so isn't saying anything materially different than our Constitution which also promotes self-defense.

As Sheikh Abu al-Dema al-Qasab put it, "Jihad comes first, for it is the pinnacle of Islam, and if the pinnacle of Islam can only be achieved through sodomy, then there is no wrong in it."


Well-known member
The best use of your time would be to not support Islam at all.

There is a lot of animosity and war between the faiths due mainly to ignorance. There is fear and hatred within the hearts of Christians and there is a lot of things our nation does that causes problems in the Mid East. I have complete peace with Islam, love Muslims, and hope to write a book some day that will help Christians get past all of the disinformation and the false narrative that is so common among Christians, especially Evangelicals. Blessed are the peacemakers. As Christians we should be interested in promoting truth, and teaching against lies, no matter where it comes from, and supporting those such as the Palestinians who become persecuted, just like we supported the Jews when they were the ones suffering. Jesus hung out with the "sinners" that the religious people hated, and I suggest we do the same.


Well-known member

Oh gaaawwwd, here it comes...the never ending quranic verses taken out of context, the crackpot Muslim commentators, the perverted view of Islam favored by ISIS, blah blah blah, ad nauseum. Dude, if you want to dig up dirt on Islam there will be no end of "scholars", forgories, etc. to titillate your desires. Have fun with it. If you were really a "peacemaker" you would take a different approach.


New member
I've been doing a lot of study about Islam these last 2 years. I find the public narrative to be completely wrong and most Christians are content to just spread lies about it, never bothering to do any fact checking, just accepting anything that's negative and passing it along on their Facebook wall.

From time to time I come up with questions where I wished I had a knowledgeable person to field those questions.

Anybody here fit that bill?

If you want serious answers about Islam you need to do the reading and research yourself, beginning with buying a copy of the Koran (with a good translation, not something from the 19th century) and reading it.

There are any number of good books on the subject as well like Reza Aslan's 'No God but God' -though one needs to keep Aslan's background and point of view in mind, as one should do with any information source.

Theology Online is absolutely the last place any serious person should look.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So far a lot of ignorant opinions but there's always a chance...

Well, you are the big-shot on this thread; I see that as your purpose. No sense feeding someone's know-it-all attitude. No sense in making an argument with one who thinks he has all the right answers; one who thinks everyone else is less knowledgeable. It is too boring, and stupid.


New member
There is a lot of animosity and war between the faiths due mainly to ignorance. There is fear and hatred within the hearts of Christians and there is a lot of things our nation does that causes problems in the Mid East. I have complete peace with Islam, love Muslims, and hope to write a book some day that will help Christians get past all of the disinformation and the false narrative that is so common among Christians, especially Evangelicals. Blessed are the peacemakers. As Christians we should be interested in promoting truth, and teaching against lies, no matter where it comes from, and supporting those such as the Palestinians who become persecuted, just like we supported the Jews when they were the ones suffering. Jesus hung out with the "sinners" that the religious people hated, and I suggest we do the same.

Um hmm. I'm sure you will include all the apostates from Islam that have been murdered by both governments and everyday Muslims all over the world in your book, right? Yet you think WE are the problem, and the source of all fear and hatred.

I'm all for truth too, and you are far from it, especially if you think the Palestinians are innocent victims.


New member
Well, you are the big-shot on this thread; I see that as your purpose. No sense feeding someone's know-it-all attitude. No sense in making an argument with one who thinks he has all the right answers; one who thinks everyone else is less knowledgeable. It is too boring, and stupid.



New member
Oh gaaawwwd, here it comes...the never ending quranic verses taken out of context, the crackpot Muslim commentators, the perverted view of Islam favored by ISIS, blah blah blah, ad nauseum. Dude, if you want to dig up dirt on Islam there will be no end of "scholars", forgories, etc. to titillate your desires. Have fun with it. If you were really a "peacemaker" you would take a different approach.

How do you interpret the Quranic verses mentioned, and what about the web page do you disagree with the most?

Lazy afternoon

There is a lot of animosity and war between the faiths due mainly to ignorance. There is fear and hatred within the hearts of Christians and there is a lot of things our nation does that causes problems in the Mid East. I have complete peace with Islam, love Muslims, and hope to write a book some day that will help Christians get past all of the disinformation and the false narrative that is so common among Christians, especially Evangelicals. Blessed are the peacemakers. As Christians we should be interested in promoting truth, and teaching against lies, no matter where it comes from, and supporting those such as the Palestinians who become persecuted, just like we supported the Jews when they were the ones suffering. Jesus hung out with the "sinners" that the religious people hated, and I suggest we do the same.

The early RCC was the same as todays Islamists.

The masses just follow their leaders and todays protestants are much the same.

Only the few ever find the real Lord and serve Him truly.



New member
The early RCC was the same as todays Islamists.

The masses just follow their leaders and todays protestants are much the same.

Only the few ever find the real Lord and serve Him truly.


Oh please! Do you HAVE to go and make Christians the enemy? Not to mention offering nothing factual, much as the OP himself.


Well-known member
Well, you are the big-shot on this thread; I see that as your purpose. No sense feeding someone's know-it-all attitude. No sense in making an argument with one who thinks he has all the right answers; one who thinks everyone else is less knowledgeable. It is too boring, and stupid.

See, my tactic is working. You have been culled (I hope).


Well-known member
Um hmm. I'm sure you will include all the apostates from Islam that have been murdered by both governments and everyday Muslims all over the world in your book, right? Yet you think WE are the problem, and the source of all fear and hatred.

I'm all for truth too, and you are far from it, especially if you think the Palestinians are innocent victims.

Victims yes, innocent, no. There are very few innocent victims of long-standing abuse who take the way of Christ and allow themselves to be killed off. Most choose to retaliate or make their plight known to an uncaring world. You would too if you were in their shoes.


Well-known member
The early RCC was the same as todays Islamists.

The masses just follow their leaders and todays protestants are much the same.

Only the few ever find the real Lord and serve Him truly.


Fortunately there are a lot of good leaders within Islam to follow. Of course you never hear about them in American culture. Christians would do well to support them because the real changes are going to come from within, not any opposition from Christians. Our local Imam, for example, is a great guy with a great congregation.