Then here's your chance to shut me down.
The man in the op and the one in the other thread who was ready to buy a far as these reports go, is their sin that they are homosexuals, or that they are child molesters, or both? Or neither?
Simple question.
Seriously?SpoilerAfter you just told me to "own some of this" because I "jumped in?"
This is plain nuts. You know, you can keep pretending that you didn't mess up big time, but you did. Don't lie about me. That's it.
No again. You told him you thought his sexual life was impure. That's none of your business. What hubris... Try talking about the subject without personalizing it in such an obnoxious way.
I'm not interested in your preaching, and I'll post right past it if you insist on forcing it into a conversation with me.
You have to realize you express your shallow two-dimensional thinking. I'm a bigot because the 'bully' pulled a knife on me and tried to rape me. I've been inappropriately propositioned when sex was the last thing on a young kids mind. THAT is what causes bigotry.Bigotry is basically an addiction to the delusion of one's own inflated self-righteousness.
For whatever reason, you weren't their target. Go figure you'd blame those who were. Again, your pop psychology ONLY applies to you.Normal people don't obsess over them, and loathe complete strangers because of the sins they imagine them to have committed. Only spiritually and psychologically sick people do that.
And here I thought it was because every one I'd ever met was older and making advances toward a child :dizzy:Actually, they are pretty much the same sentiment, and idea. The uglier you imagine the world to be, the prettier you can imagine yourself as being, in relation.
Its a good thing it isn't rocket-science but it might as well be for you. You can't do it. This is a erroneous blanketed statement.It isn't rocket science. Grade school kids do it all the time. They single out the kid that's different and pick on them so they won't be the one picked on, themselves. They do it to others because they're afraid if they don't others will do it to them. This is the mentality of the bully and the bigot. It's fueled by their own fear. They publicly focus on the flaws of others, real or imagined, hoping that no one will see the flaws in themselves. And over the years it just becomes their nature: to blame everyone else while they pretend they're better than them. This is what happens to people when they can't control or even recognize their own ego-centric fear.
Some people sure hate Christians because you think we 'hate or are afraid of' homosexuals. Some people will hate the sinner here on TOL. I think I've a few reasons to do so, but I don't.Hating strangers for the 'sins' that you imagine they've committed is a sickness that will destroy your own soul.
:up: Your whole post. You think we're "just being mean."It's also an expression of religious bigotry.
From my experience? They all were. That's not bigotry. I expect there may be homosexuals that aren't. Do I have any experience with that? :nono: A good many of the rest of us heterosexuals in high school weren't even hetero at that point.The whole point of this thread was to spread the lie that all homosexuals are pedophiles. That's bigotry, plain and simple. I'm just explaining why people fall into it.
Again, your pop psychology ONLY applies to you.
Homosexuality is not a sin.
Show me how those fit in the human sexual spectrum?:dizzy:
"'OM...' is not a sin."
"Thievery is not a sin."
Lying is not a sin.
"Having other gods is not a sin."
"Simply 'wanting' what another has (coveting) is not a sin."
"Saying something false about another person is not a sin."
"Adultery is not a sin."
"Fornication is not a sin."
"Relations with animals is not a sin."
"Pedophilia is not a sin."
"Using other people for your own desires is not a sin."
"Disobeying your parents is not a sin."
"Dishonoring your parents is not a sin."
"Divorce is not a sin."
"Disagreeing with God is not a sin."
"They guy who pulled a knife on me wasn't sinning."
"Older men propositioning me as a child was not a sin."
"Older men propositioning me as a young adult was not a sin."
Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a [man or] woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Aha yeah rightAny professing Christian who reduces opposition to biblically identified sins to "bullying" cannot be saved, since there's no way they would ever repent to and believe the Bully behind it all.
The Bible tells me it is.Homosexuality is not a sin.
Show me how those fit in the human sexual spectrum?
Our habitual sins very much become multiple. When we harm ourselves and others, we are dishonoring and disobeying our parents, we make excusing behavior that blasphemes God and His Holy Name, we covet and live according to the flesh, etc. It is the job of pastors to help people live on a spiritual plain and walk with their God. Making provisions for the flesh is exactly opposite of a pastor's call and he/she would no longer be God's servant, but a servant of people and the flesh.:dizzy:
"'OM...' is not a sin." - Taking not only His name, but Him in vain. He designs something and we go against His design, it is sin
"Thievery is not a sin." - Any time we take what doesn't belong to us, assuming we all live or die to the Lord, then it is thievery
Lying is not a sin. - In this case, even if we don't know we are saying something wrong, it is still following the father of lies
"Having other gods is not a sin." - "My God is not against...." Making a god in our own image and preference rather than allowing Him to dictate:
Any professing Christian who reduces opposition to biblically identified sins to "bullying" cannot be saved, since there's no way they would ever repent to and believe the Bully behind it all.If he can prove his point, you are found in sin and calling evil good, and good evil. That is the earmark of blasphemy. Why would you do that? --> It is an excusing behavior. Bigotry is a problem. It is either Samaritans or black Americans BUT if we sanction one based on his/her sins, rather than identity, then we've crossed an unacceptable line and are protecting a sin, rather than a person in our policy. Bottom line: ANY malpurpose of sex is outside of God's design.Aha yeah right
God only designed it for the confines of marriage. That's it. The rest of us are to remain celibate. Of course the world will sin, but we are not to 'sanction' sin. You and I should sanction the sinner. There is a big difference. Love people. Hate sin.
"Simply 'wanting' what another has (coveting) is not a sin." - we treat each other as objects, animals. It is NOT spiritual.
"Saying something false about another person is not a sin." - They/we are NOT animals, we are spiritual beings.
"Adultery is not a sin." - Bottom line: ANY malpurpose of sex is outside of God's design.
God only designed it for the confines of marriage. That's it. The rest of us are to remain celibate.
"Fornication is not a sin." -Bottom line: ANY malpurpose of sex is outside of God's design.
God only designed it for the confines of marriage. That's it. The rest of us are to remain celibate.
"Relations with animals is not a sin." - Anybody can blame their craving for something and say "I was born this way." Yes, it is true, we were born in sin. It is making excuses for it that is unacceptable. If all people were Christians, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Scriptures tells us to make no provision for the flesh specifically because it does not identify us. We are not, in fact, born this way.
"Pedophilia is not a sin." - Again, I was not sexual in high school. Attracted? Sure, but NOT the same thing. I was A-sexual.
"Using other people for your own desires is not a sin." - As above, we are not to harm others in our usury. It goes beyond simply money and goods, to the very person themselves. One reason I remained celibate is that I never wanted to misuse another's spouse. If they weren't my spouse, they certainly were another's. All those reasons are love and my every reason against sex is about those who have physical uncontrolled gratification that has harmful consequences. Homosexuality hurts and ruins families of multiples involved.
"Disobeying your parents is not a sin." - Perhaps there is a parent out there that doesn't care. Most of them would choose a normal family for their kids.
"Dishonoring your parents is not a sin." - Doing things that harm self and others is not what parents desire.
"Divorce is not a sin." - Again, the problem is that anything but an organic family is not God's design. We are spiritual beings. Family has a spiritual purpose and design by God.
"Disagreeing with God is not a sin." - The Levitical passages are clear and Jesus read and called the whole O.T. God's word that not one jot or tittle of it would disappear. Only coping mechanism/excuse would seek to take the plain reading and turn it around. You'd do it, I imagine, to accommodate, but accommodating sin is never the pastor's answer. His job is to unite man with his God. You are no longer functioning in that capacity when you favor man in this exchange. I see it as a grave sin.
"They guy who pulled a knife on me wasn't sinning." - I'd think you weren't reading a few of these when you asked for this...
"Older men propositioning me as a child was not a sin." - They were treating me in the flesh and after their own sinful appetites.
"Older men propositioning me as a young adult was not a sin." - Again, nice as all get-out, but propositioning me all the same in a sexual manner. They were denying spirituality and after the flesh and only the flesh. My flesh is for the Lord 1 Corinthians 6:13
Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a [man or] woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
My dad grew up in Cleveland, in neighborhoods where black people lived. As a result he also grew up being very racist, because he was so often mistreated by the black kids he encountered, there.You have to realize you express your shallow two-dimensional thinking. I'm a bigot because the 'bully' pulled a knife on me and tried to rape me. I've been inappropriately propositioned when sex was the last thing on a young kids mind. THAT is what causes bigotry.
Bigotry is still bigotry whether you were victimized as a child or not. Grow up, Lon, and stop using your victimization to victimize others. Because that's what your bigotry does.For whatever reason, you weren't their target. Go figure you'd blame those who were. Again, your pop psychology ONLY applies to you.
Everyone you met did not make such advances. Your reason and memory are being clouded by your unresolved resentment of those few. Maybe it's time for you to forgive those people, instead of wallowing in your resentment and loathing of them the rest of your life. And hating people you don't even know, because of it.And here I thought it was because every one I'd ever met was older and making advances toward a child
The world is fill of injustice. And your hatred of all homosexuals because you encountered a couple of pedophiles as a child is only adding to it.Your pop psych is horribly inaccurate. Some? Yeah but to whitewash the whole? :nono: it is injustice.
Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality. If it did, no priest would have assaulted the girls. And yet girls were assaulted, too. Boys, mores, because priests had access to boys more often.Cruciform told TOL that it was the homosexual priests that were allowed in much as society is doing now. These were the ones that had been molesting children. Now, as policy, the RC no longer allows homosexual priests. It cost them a lot giving them the benefit of the doubt.
You think homosexuals are pedophiles. And they are not. You think this because you think the pedophiles that harassed you were homosexual. You are using your personal experience with a couple of presumed homosexuals to condemn all homosexuals as pedophiles.Bigotry is applying experience to all people in that group. You should own the idea that you are a bigot against conservative fundamental Christians. I am not afraid of or hate homosexuals. I am not afraid of or hate adulterers. I am not afraid of, nor hate gluttons.
You need to forgive what happened to you so you can finally stop playing the victim, like this. It's unbecoming for a grown man to be whining about how everyone "hates him for being a Christian".Some people sure hate Christians because you think we 'hate or are afraid of' homosexuals. Some people will hate the sinner here on TOL. I think I've a few reasons to do so, but I don't.
The whole point of this thread was to spread the lie that all homosexuals are pedophiles.
:yawn: Thank you Mr. Arm-chair psychBigotry is still bigotry whether you were victimized as a child or not. Grow up, Lon, and stop using your victimization to victimize others. Because that's what your bigotry does.
Time for your lesson. You are nobody's guru. You are opinionated and your opinion is most often shallow or altogether wrong. One or the other.I have a friend who was sexually abused by a priest when he was a kid. Now he hates Catholicism, and all priests. But he wasn't victimized by Catholicism, nor by all priests. So his hatred is unfounded. And his victimization does not justify it even if it does explain it. Part of being an adult is taking responsibility for these feelings and dealing with them properly, so that we don't become abusers, ourselves, from the anger and resentment we feel about these past abuses.
Not only do I reject your armchair trash, I've already told you I'm not a hater.Everyone you met did not make such advances. Your reason and memory are being clouded by your unresolved resentment of those few. Maybe it's time for you to forgive those people, instead of wallowing in your resentment and loathing of them the rest of your life. And hating people you don't even know, because of it.
Your arm-chair psychology is childish AND you don't listen very well. I already told you I've gotten to the other end of this issue.The world is fill of injustice. And your hatred of all homosexuals because you encountered a couple of pedophiles as a child is only adding to it.
Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality. If it did, no priest would have assaulted the girls. And yet girls were assaulted, too. Boys, mores, because priests had access to boys more often.
You realize NAMBLA is yet associated with them? Still listed with them in a good many endeavors? No? Thought not.You think homosexuals are pedophiles. And they are not. You think this because you think the pedophiles that harassed you were homosexual. You are using your personal experience with a couple of presumed homosexuals to condemn all homosexuals as pedophiles.
:nono: Nice arm-chair try.That's bigotry. And it has nothing to do with conservative Christianity, except that conservative Christianity provides a good cover and excuse for you to imagine that your bigotry is justified. As it does for many other bigots.
You need to forgive what happened to you so you can finally stop playing the victim, like this. It's unbecoming for a grown man to be whining about how everyone "hates him for being a Christian".
Grow up. Be a Christian. And forgive those old trespasses against you. You'll be a better man for it.
You're welcome.Thank you Mr. Arm-chair psych
Well, that's how you would see it if I were right, and you just didn't want to face up to it. And since it was you that felt the need to interject yourself into this discussion, I think that's the more likely option. Thou dost protest a little too loudly.Time for your lesson. You are nobody's guru. You are opinionated and your opinion is most often shallow or altogether wrong. One or the other.
Bigotry is a form of hate, because it slanders and belittles it's targets. If you don't hate or loathe homosexuals, why are you slandering them in your heart and mind with lies about how they're all pedophiles?Not only do I reject your armchair trash, I've already told you I'm not a hater.
Then why are you still using it to justify your bigotry? You're claims of having gotten past it ring hollow in the face of your obvious bias and loathing.Your arm-chair psychology is childish AND you don't listen very well. I already told you I've gotten to the other end of this issue.
And you are looking for excuses to blame me, or Catholics, or whomever, so you won't have to face your own unresolved resentment and bigotry.You are a shallow and biased man and easily duped by media and ad hoc movements. Good company for the mindless drones though.
More bigoted lies and slander from "conservative Christians". As the bile just keeps on oozing out of that festering wound that you claim has healed.You realize NAMBLA is yet associated with them? Still listed with them in a good many endeavors? No? Thought not.
I didn't. You don't listen well and are in love with your own voice.If you don't hate or loathe homosexuals, why are you slandering them in your heart and mind with lies about how they're all pedophiles?
Ad hoc inept assumptions are like that...You're claims of having gotten past it ring hollow in the face of your obvious bias and loathing.
Wow. Just wow. Somebody is definitely a bigot against Christian though. So you aren't as well read. No reason to flame out on me. I read a couple of articles in the Advocate that still lists them as associate and with their citations. They still wave banners at the parades, etc.More bigoted lies and slander from "conservative Christians". As the bile just keeps on oozing out of that festering wound that you claim has healed.