Anger at mass Muslim rapes = mass Muslim rapes, IF NOT WORSE


Well-known member
Actually, Res was being a bit blunt, but it's actually not without merit.
There comes a time when people need to stop whining, and move on.
We all know it and yet because we're talking about the holy rape topic, people love to get offended.

Put it behind you and move on is absolutely a legitimate piece of advice. We give it to ourselves all the time....everyone has told themselves to do exactly that. Even those bleeding hearts would admit doing so, if they were honest.

We cry into our pillow until it's wet, we tell everyone how upset we are until they get tired of hearing it, we finally reach the point of saying "suck it up"....perhaps not in those exact words, but the exact words don't matter. It's a fact. Acceptance is absolutely necessary to moving on. It's one of the stages of grief, and when someone needs to be encouraged to do just that, their best friend will do so. They will not just keep patting and stroking and feeling sorry for them.

Good and loving advice....not a cold cruel heart.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.

But coming from Res, the Loki of TOL, and the way he said it...assuming that's even what he meant (which I do not know) know what I mean?


Hall of Fame
Well that's exactly what Rusha's going after. These are the same good Christian folk who ask what a rape victim was wearing, or doing, or drinking, and insist she shares at some least some complicity with what happened to her. Find some Muslim bogeymen and all the sudden the discussion completely changes.



Well-known member
As a dispie fundie, I know this whole world is destined to burn, then be remade. I rejoice in that because it'll be (first and foremost) JUSTICE AND RETRIBUTION for all the unaddressed wrongs of history, then the Restoration of All Things.

In the meantime, I'm a middle aged man with two daughters well under the age of 10. I confess that, as a father, I now find myself in a position I couldn't have imagined ten years ago. I am TERRIFIED at the world they're going to have to face as it grows more savage by the day. And it's coming here too. Sooner or later, it's coming here. So when I see people who I thought acknowledge that fact but seem to dismiss or ignore it, it bugs me greatly. But I'll just learn to keep it to myself. It doesn't do any good to discuss. It won't change anything anyway. Every man look to his own house; everyone else take care of themselves. May as well start now.

Don't keep it to yourself, brother.

Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.​


Well-known member
But coming from Res, the Loki of TOL, and the way he said it...assuming that's even what he meant (which I do not know) know what I mean?

I know exactly what you mean, but the lynch mob goes after those who are not so blunt, too, so I figure lay it out there whether they like it or not. It's a fact.

Mollycoddling may make the mollycoddler feel really special, but it will never help any victim get out of bed and get going. Tough love is a lot like common's an endangered species. ;)


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Well that's exactly what Rusha's going after.
I know.
Kudos to her for pointing it out.

These are the same good Christian folk who ask what a rape victim was wearing, or doing, or drinking, and insist she shares at some least some complicity with what happened to her.
Some Muslims do the same.

But you know what, Granite?
What really disgusts me about this is that I have had some of my "Christian" friends question me (and even admonish me) for agreeing with some of my non-Christian friends on social issues, as if I were betraying my Christian faith for doing so.
In fact, I have had some shun me simply for having a non-Christian friend at all.

When it comes to rape victims, I will side with you and Rusha over Doser any day of the week.
And anyone that doesn't like it can bite me.

I chose right over wrong.
Not because someone that is Christian or non-Christian agrees or not.
But simply because it is the right thing.


Well-known member

No. That's just more of Granite's typically shallow thinking.

Women getting drunk around strangers, yada yada...we've been over that. It's their legal right. And yes, they have the legal expectation not to be raped or assaulted. They still run the risk of a rapist or rapists among the men they party with; a calculated risk that no woman who goes out partying does not think about. Some plan for it, some don't. It is a calculated risk and every woman on this thread knows it.

What happened in Europe was something new and different. The women, and the men accompanying them, did not realize (though maybe they should have) that there was a new element. Just in Cologne, a force of Muslim rapists who were not there last year -- men taught to look on all non-Muslim women as whores for the taking -- outnumbered the cops 8 to 1. No one had any reasonable expectation that this would or could happen. This was an uncalculated risk because it was (I guess) impossible to predict. The cops could NOT stop what happened. The Muslims won the night, and it may only be a dry run to test Germany's mettle. Germany failed, as did all European cities on NYE, so there will be a next time, and it will be much worse. Next time it'll resemble Paris if they're lucky, Belsen if they're not.

And their own governments caused it.

That's why this is very different situation.


New member
I know.
Kudos to her for pointing it out.

Some Muslims do the same.

But you know what, Granite?
What really disgusts me about this is that I have had some of my "Christian" friends question me (and even admonish me) for agreeing with some of my non-Christian friends on social issues, as if I were betraying my Christian faith for doing so.
In fact, I have had some shun me simply for having a non-Christian friend at all.

When it comes to rape victims, I will side with you and Rusha over Doser any day of the week.
And anyone that doesn't like it can bite me.

I chose right over wrong.
Not because someone that is Christian or non-Christian agrees or not.
But simply because it is the right thing.


New member
No. That's just more of Granite's typically shallow thinking.

Women getting drunk around strangers, yada yada...we've been over that. It's their legal right. And yes, they have the legal expectation not to be raped or assaulted. They still run the risk of a rapist or rapists among the men they party with; a calculated risk that no woman who goes out partying does not think about. Some plan for it, some don't. It is a calculated risk and every woman on this thread knows it.

What happened in Europe was something new and different. The women, and the men accompanying them, did not realize (though maybe they should have) that there was a new element. Just in Cologne, a force of Muslim rapists who were not there last year -- men taught to look on all non-Muslim women as whores for the taking -- outnumbered the cops 8 to 1. No one had any reasonable expectation that this would or could happen. This was an uncalculated risk because it was (I guess) impossible to predict. The cops could NOT stop what happened. The Muslims won the night, and it may only be a dry run to test Germany's mettle. Germany failed, as did all European cities on NYE, so there will be a next time, and it will be much worse. Next time it'll resemble Paris if they're lucky, Belsen if they're not.

And their own governments caused it.

That's why this is was very different situation.

This is not the normal conversation on rape. There is a war for Europe going on. As soon as Europe realizes it, they can start to turn things around. If not, more rapes to come and other aggressions.

This is why I went nuclear on burning houses down. It's a war.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
But coming from Res, the Loki of TOL, and the way he said it...assuming that's even what he meant (which I do not know) know what I mean?
Don't do the crawfish dance now.
You were right ---- what he said and how he said it was retarded and evil.
Don't back down from that.


Well-known member
This is not the normal conversation on rape. There is a war for Europe going on.

Exactly. Which is why I'm frustrated that some try to reduce this to just another rape thread out of (I'm guessing) retaliation for the old rape threads, using the same "arguments" used on the old rape threads. They do not apply here. This is war, and it really doesn't make a damn bit of difference that the rapists are (and will continue to be) Muslims. The issue is much larger than just rape...but some want it kept narrowed down to yet another discussion about rape.


Well-known member
Don't do the crawfish dance now.
You were right ---- what he said and how he said it was retarded and evil.
Don't back down from that.

I'm not backing off of that one bit. I just don't know Res well enough to give him benefit of the doubt that he actually MEANT well but couldn't say it the way Glory did, so it came out retarded and evil.

And it was retarded and evil.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I'm not backing off of that one bit. I just don't know Res well enough to give him benefit of the doubt that he actually MEANT well but couldn't say it the way Glory did, so it came out retarded and evil.

And it was retarded and evil.
Good. :thumb:
Don't let GloryDaz fool you.
She has high-fived Doser on just about everything (if not all) he said about rape victims.
She is just as wrong as Doser on the issue of rape victims.


New member
Hall of Fame
But you know what, Granite?
What really disgusts me about this is that I have had some of my "Christian" friends question me (and even admonish me) for agreeing with some of my non-Christian friends on social issues, as if I were betraying my Christian faith for doing so.

Well, tribalism's a heck of a drug. I definitely understand it. You'd think these people might be able to appreciate this in the real world but it's their loss if they don't.

In fact, I have had some shun me simply for having a non-Christian friend at all.

I've seen that happen too. Funny, it's almost like they're afraid they'll catch something.:wazzup:


New member
Hall of Fame
Exactly. Which is why I'm frustrated that some try to reduce this to just another rape thread out of (I'm guessing) retaliation for the old rape threads, using the same "arguments" used on the old rape threads. They do not apply here. This is war, and it really doesn't make a damn bit of difference that the rapists are (and will continue to be) Muslims. The issue is much larger than just rape...but some want it kept narrowed down to yet another discussion about rape.

Do you have a solution at all, or are you just gonna keep complaining?

I'm hoping it's something more elegant than "burn their houses down."

"Round them up and kick them out" is what this boils down to, yes?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Do you have a solution at all, or are you just gonna keep complaining?

I'm hoping it's something more elegant than "burn their houses down."

"Round them up and kick them out" is what this boils down to, yes?
When you have government agencies that do not have the manpower or means to protect all it's citizens at all times, then I believe it it the citizens themselves that should take action with whatever force they have available.

We the people are what makes America.
All of us, not just those in government agencies.


New member
Hall of Fame
When you have government agencies that do not have the manpower or means to protect all it's citizens at all times, then I believe it it the citizens themselves that should take action with whatever force they have available.

We the people are what makes America.
All of us, not just those in government agencies.

I was asking more about what musty would seriously propose in Europe.


Hall of Fame
I know.
Kudos to her for pointing it out.

Some Muslims do the same.

But you know what, Granite?
What really disgusts me about this is that I have had some of my "Christian" friends question me (and even admonish me) for agreeing with some of my non-Christian friends on social issues, as if I were betraying my Christian faith for doing so.
In fact, I have had some shun me simply for having a non-Christian friend at all.

When it comes to rape victims, I will side with you and Rusha over Doser any day of the week.
And anyone that doesn't like it can bite me.

I chose right over wrong.
Not because someone that is Christian or non-Christian agrees or not.
But simply because it is the right thing.



Well-known member
Don't do the crawfish dance now.
You were right ---- what he said and how he said it was retarded and evil.
Don't back down from that.

I didn't take it as retarded and evil in any way. We had been discussing rape for quite some time when Doser made that statement. Both sides have consistently said rape is evil and there is never any excuse for rape.

What has been debated is that there are some women who do the very acts that get women raped, and have gotten women raped from the beginning of time. It's why God has used the term "harlot" and "lewd" behavior so consistently throughout the Scripture.

Doser was not only saying there comes a time for victims to suck it up and move on, but (in my view) he was also saying those who refuse to see that some women are raped because they have played the harlot ....those people who refuse to see that need to suck it up and move on.

The fact is that All victims must eventually "suck it up", and there is nothing evil or retarded in saying it.

I see it as being quite similar to a mother's rocking a child who has sustained some injury and a dad intervening and saying it's time to stop crying and come outside and play. The dad is not evil and retarded for suggesting such a thing.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I was asking more about what musty would seriously propose in Europe.
You don't mind if I just talk, do ya?

I can't think of a solution that would not involve casualties of innocents.
I guess the question is: How far would you (ie. all citizens) be willing to go?
Are the citizens really expected to sit around and wait for some agency task force to arrive in time?
I'm starting to see that method as outdated, and in a lot of cases, useless.


Well-known member
When you have government agencies that do not have the manpower or means to protect all it's citizens at all times, then I believe it it the citizens themselves that should take action with whatever force they have available.

We the people are what makes America.
All of us, not just those in government agencies.

Yep. :thumb:

And the same is true over in Europe....too bad their guns have been taken away.