Anger at mass Muslim rapes = mass Muslim rapes, IF NOT WORSE


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Hall of Fame
Seems to be.

Wonder what happened to the retarded "just suck it up and take it" mentality we saw from some concerning rape?

Well that's exactly what Rusha's going after. These are the same good Christian folk who ask what a rape victim was wearing, or doing, or drinking, and insist she shares at some least some complicity with what happened to her. Find some Muslim bogeymen and all the sudden the discussion completely changes.


Well-known member
Incidentally, this:

Is the anger over people being raped ... or is it because they are being raped by Muslims?

is not only bad logic (the False Dilemma) but is also a common Marxist debate tactic.


Well-known member
Seems to be.

Wonder what happened to the retarded "just suck it up and take it" mentality we saw from some concerning rape?

You saw that from ONE. That was all Res and it was stupid and evil of him to say that, even as a joke (if it was a joke).


New member
BOTH, Rusha, and this is exactly why your "play dumb" act is so tiresome. It's not an either/or. The governments of Europe knowingly inflicted this on the women and the men of Europe, and it's only going to get worse. On top of that, those same governments with a complicit media spent the better part of a week trying to suppress just how widespread this wasn't just Cologne. But now it's starting to come apart. See for yourself:

What bothers YOU more, Rusha: the fact that the women were raped, or the fact that they weren't raped by white males?

All white males should be imprisoned or executed if they don't agree wholeheartedly with some people's agenda. Wow.... I just peeked in the subconscious of someone and it wasn't a pretty site.


Well-known member
More than Doser, Musty.

Not me.

You are 100% correct on that!
It's refreshing to see some see it as it is, and not try to make excuses for the retarded evil things he says.

I agree with much of what he says, but then he goes off and does something like that. I'll be the first to say I don't get it. But there's a lot of things on this board I can't understand anymore.


Hall of Fame


New member
And anyone else in the house too, now doesn't it.

Set an example, and perhaps they will think twice about living in the same house as a radical Muslim.

If your husband just came home from raping and pillaging, gather your family and get out of the house quickly.


New member
Hall of Fame
Set an example, and perhaps they will think twice about living in the same house as a radical Muslim.

If your husband just came home from raping and pillaging, gather your family and get out of the house quickly.

Are you trolling or just off your rocker?


Well-known member
As a dispie fundie, I know this whole world is destined to burn, then be remade. I rejoice in that because it'll be (first and foremost) JUSTICE AND RETRIBUTION for all the unaddressed wrongs of history, then the Restoration of All Things.

In the meantime, I'm a middle aged man with two daughters well under the age of 10. I confess that, as a father, I now find myself in a position I couldn't have imagined ten years ago. I am TERRIFIED at the world they're going to have to face as it grows more savage by the day. And it's coming here too. Sooner or later, it's coming here. So when I see people who I thought acknowledge that fact but seem to dismiss or ignore it, it bugs me greatly. But I'll just learn to keep it to myself. It doesn't do any good to discuss. It won't change anything anyway. Every man look to his own house; everyone else take care of themselves. May as well start now.


Well-known member
You saw that from ONE. That was all Res and it was stupid and evil of him to say that, even as a joke (if it was a joke).

Actually, Res was being a bit blunt, but it's actually not without merit.
There comes a time when people need to stop whining, and move on.
We all know it and yet because we're talking about the holy rape topic, people love to get offended.

Put it behind you and move on is absolutely a legitimate piece of advice. We give it to ourselves all the time....everyone has told themselves to do exactly that. Even those bleeding hearts would admit doing so, if they were honest.

We cry into our pillow until it's wet, we tell everyone how upset we are until they get tired of hearing it, we finally reach the point of saying "suck it up"....perhaps not in those exact words, but the exact words don't matter. It's a fact. Acceptance is absolutely necessary to moving on. It's one of the stages of grief, and when someone needs to be encouraged to do just that, their best friend will do so. They will not just keep patting and stroking and feeling sorry for them.

Good and loving advice....not a cold cruel heart.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.


Hall of Fame
All white males should be imprisoned or executed if they don't agree wholeheartedly with some people's agenda.

Says the guy who at one point PM'd me to ask me if I was a black woman. :rotfl:

Wow.... I just peeked in the subconscious of someone and it wasn't a pretty site.

Wow ... we ALL had a peek at your subconscious ... and understand perfectly well why you keep trying to hide your previous identity. :)