Anger at mass Muslim rapes = mass Muslim rapes, IF NOT WORSE


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I didn't take it as retarded and evil in any way.
I know you don't.
Shame on you.

We had been discussing rape for quite some time when Doser made that statement.
Oh, honey, it's not just about that one statement of his, but all of his retarded statements about rape victims.

What has been debated is that there are some women who do the very acts that get women raped,
I know I did the very act that got me raped.
I walked from an apartment to my car.
You idiots that think stripping is the cause of rapists being rapists is about as retarded as one can get.

Wake up and smell the coffee!
Rapists rape no matter how a woman is behaving.


Hall of Fame
Wake up and smell the coffee!
Rapists rape no matter how a woman is behaving.

Exactly so. In the evil mind of a rapist, they will always find a way to try to blame the victim. This is exactly why so many women do not come forward and report their rapes.


New member
When you have government agencies that do not have the manpower or means to protect all it's citizens at all times, then I believe it it the citizens themselves that should take action with whatever force they have available.

We the people are what makes America.
All of us, not just those in government agencies.

Something I can agree with.


Well-known member
Good. :thumb:
Don't let GloryDaz fool you.
She has high-fived Doser on just about everything (if not all) he said about rape victims.
She is just as wrong as Doser on the issue of rape victims.

My goodness.

I have agreed with Doser when he's right. He's been right on this issue.
Angel also agreed with him on this issue.
It's too bad she isn't here. :think:

It's a matter of personal responsibility. Being raped does not remove the guilt of a stripper. The stripper is a person just as a rapist is. Two people...two acts of bad behavior. Each will reap the consequences of their bad behavior RIGHT HERE ON THIS EARTH.

So we are back to square one. :sigh:

You claim a stripper is innocent and has no personal responsibility for her own bad behavior, and I claim each person is responsible for their own bad behavior.

And you call me wrong?

I call you stubborn. Too stubborn to admit what you refuse to see. ;)


New member
Yep. :thumb:

And the same is true over in Europe....too bad their guns have been taken away.

An armed populace cannot overthrow a government with powerful police and armed forces. However, they can stop an invasion of people bent on taking things over. That is, until the invading populace becomes the majority and populates the government over several years of elections.


You can't deal with mass migration "on an individual basis".

That will totally fail.

Its like defending your country in a war by 'individually catching enemy soldiers and sending the police to arrest each one."

You are a moron.

"Here come the tanks across the Israeli-Syria border. Quick, call 911 and have the drivers arrested."

Again you are a moron.

A mafia only needs a handful of hired killers, 'enforcers', or CAPOs, leutenants etc., and the rest are just ordinary infrastructure, non-criminal support and smokescreen.

According to you, the argument of organized biker gangs is valid.
Biker gangs are just harmless motorcycle clubs that collect for charities.
Only individual bikers should be arrested for their personal crimes.
There is no mafia, there is no biker gang, and there is no Muslim Terrorist organization.
They're all individual freedom fighters and individual criminals, but misunderstood.

Throw out RICO, and bring in Chamberlain for President.
There was no danger until Hitler was provoked by being 'offended' by British conservatives.
The New Colossus

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame (refers to New York City and Brooklyn).

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
- a poem by Emma Lazarus engravened on the pedestal of The Statute of Liberty Lazarus

Wasn't America created as a result of "mass migration!"
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New member
My goodness.

I have agreed with Doser when he's right. He's been right on this issue.
Angel also agreed with him on this issue.
It's too bad she isn't here. :think:

It's a matter of personal responsibility. Being raped does not remove the guilt of a stripper. The stripper is a person just as a rapist is. Two people...two acts of bad behavior. Each will reap the consequences of their bad behavior RIGHT HERE ON THIS EARTH.

So we are back to square one. :sigh:

You claim a stripper is innocent and has no personal responsibility for her own bad behavior, and I claim each person is responsible for their own bad behavior.

And you call me wrong?

I call you stubborn. Too stubborn to admit what you refuse to see. ;)

They assume just because the victims are not legally held responsible for their immoral behavior, they are not personally responsible to God for it.


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They assume just because the victims are not legally held responsible for their immoral behavior, they are not personally responsible to God for it.
Well that's another big ol' retarded lie from the idiot squad.


Well-known member
I know you don't.
Shame on you.

I'm at peace with my belief on this, Tam. There is no shame on me.

Oh, honey, it's not just about that one statement of his, but all of his retarded statements about rape victims.

I think you're so set on this that anyone who sees it from another perspective is deemed retarded.

I know I did the very act that got me raped.
I walked from an apartment to my car.

You did nothing wrong. Most rape victims don't.

You idiots that think stripping is the cause of rapists being rapists is about as retarded as one can get.

Rapists were not mass produced. They each have their own reasons for turning to rape. Some men would never consider raping a women who was like their mother or their sister or their child, but they would not see strippers in the same light. There are some rapists who only rape prostitutes etc.

We aren't "idiots", Tam, and just because you are emotionally invested in the topic does not give you the right to call us that.

Wake up and smell the coffee!
Rapists rape no matter how a woman is behaving.

Not true. There are some rapists who rape ONLY those women who are "offering" their wares in their eyes. You're the one who needs to "wake up and smell the coffee". There are more kinds of rapists than those who caught you in an alley. You are only judging what you, yourself, experienced. That' not good, Tam, and it's causing you to turn on your friends....those you should know are not evil and retarded.


Well-known member
I'm not backing off of that one bit. I just don't know Res well enough to give him benefit of the doubt that he actually MEANT well but couldn't say it the way Glory did, so it came out retarded and evil.

And it was retarded and evil.

Res was only being matter of fact. I recognize it because that's the way I every area of my life. And my family understands there isn't an evil bone in my body, so I'm not concerned with posters on a forum that see me as evil because I'm blunt and not politically correct. :)

I think there is a place for all kinds of people in this world....being conformed into the image of the Son must leave room for those who call fools for what they are....just as our Lord did.


Well-known member
Exactly so. In the evil mind of a rapist, they will always find a way to try to blame the victim. This is exactly why so many women do not come forward and report their rapes.

In your world, Rusha, rapists are the only evil ones, aren't they? You have no problem at all with immoral women. :chuckle:


Well-known member
An armed populace cannot overthrow a government with powerful police and armed forces. However, they can stop an invasion of people bent on taking things over. That is, until the invading populace becomes the majority and populates the government over several years of elections.

That's true, but I really doubt our military or our law enforcement officers will side with the government over the citizens. They might try to bring in UN forces though.....I don't know.