Anger at mass Muslim rapes = mass Muslim rapes, IF NOT WORSE


New member
So what's the solution? Round them up and kick them out? How exactly would that work?

Ultimately, the solution has to be better security for everyone in Germany. Maybe that means more police. Maybe more effective screening of immigrants. I wouldn't be shocked if we learn that this was coordinated, perhaps by Daesh, in an attempt to heighten distrust of the refugees.


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No problem. I'm used to doing exactly that.
I know better.

Is this a sign that rational discussion is coming to an end? I certainly hope not.
I am discussing rationally.
Just because you can't see it doesn't make it any different.

It disgusts me that you not only think some DESERVE to have their bodies raped and even go as far to imply rape as some sort of God sanctioned punishment on women.
But in spite of that major difference between us, I still consider you my friend.

I feel fairly confident that even if I were stripping in a club and some rapists tried to rape me, you would pound them into the ground!!!!
But you have to ask yourself why you would do that if you REALLY (deep down in your heart) thought it might be God's sanctioned punishment for me to get raped.
That sort of reasoning makes me slightly skeptical as to what your heart would really do in the situation.
Would you protect me from a rapist just because I am your friend, or because it is the RIGHT thing to do?


Well-known member
Exactly. Which is why I'm frustrated that some try to reduce this to just another rape thread out of (I'm guessing) retaliation for the old rape threads, using the same "arguments" used on the old rape threads. They do not apply here. This is war, and it really doesn't make a damn bit of difference that the rapists are (and will continue to be) Muslims. The issue is much larger than just rape...but some want it kept narrowed down to yet another discussion about rape.

Yep, it's totally different. They could be stoning women in the streets just as easily. They could be shooting cops sitting in their cars. They could be picking us off one at a time....and Rusha would still try and make it about rape.

Rape is sitting up there on the Women's Liberation table as the "go to" idol that all must bow down to. There's nothing like distraction to keep all eyes focused away from the battle.


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No doubt. I'm thinking bows and arrows. My son goes bow hunting and those things are awesome.
Crossbows are effective and very quite about it.
Plus, the ammo cannot be traced as bullets can be.


New member
That's true, but I really doubt our military or our law enforcement officers will side with the government over the citizens. They might try to bring in UN forces though.....I don't know.

It's an unknown. It could amount to a slaughter and mass imprisonment of American citizens.


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Yep, it's totally different. They could be stoning women in the streets just as easily. They could be shooting cops sitting in their cars. They could be picking us off one at a time....and Rusha would still try and make it about rape.

Rape is sitting up there on the Women's Liberation table as the "go to" idol that all must bow down to. There's nothing like distraction to keep all eyes focused away from the battle.
Take another peek at the title of this thread.
I see RAPES in the title itself.
Not just once, but twice.

And the linked article in the OP is talking about the sexual assaults on women.

So no, talking about rape is not a derailment of this thread.


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Take another peek at the title of this thread.
I see RAPES in the title itself.
Not just once, but twice.

And the linked article in the OP is talking about the sexual assaults on women.

So no, talking about rape is not a derailment of this thread.

Uh oh. I actually did read the title of thread and thought it was yet another rape thread.

Shame on me for applying the same standard towards ALL rapists. My bad.


Well-known member
I know better.

No, you really don't, Tam.

I am discussing rationally.
Just because you can't see it doesn't make it any different.

No, it's not rational to resort to calling me an idiot or retarded.

It disgusts me that you not only think some DESERVE to have their bodies raped and even go as far to imply rape as some sort of God sanctioned punishment on women.

It "disgusts" you that I believe we all deserve whatever we get for our bad behavior...right here in this life? Really?
I happen to believe that is true of all bad behavior. I understand that God allows all kinds of terrible things to happen...not just for chastening, but for our growth. You could take away the "rape" issue and my beliefs would still be the same.

That "disgusts" you or does it only disgust you because RAPE is in the mix?

But in spite of that major difference between us, I still consider you my friend.

We have another difference, as I recall. And that regards whether God answers prayer. Does it disgust you because we differ on that? That really is nearly the same as this one when you take out the word RAPE.

I feel fairly confident that even if I were stripping in a club and some rapists tried to rape me, you would pound them into the ground!!!!
But you have to ask yourself why you would do that if you REALLY (deep down in your heart) thought it might be God's sanctioned punishment for me to get raped.
That sort of reasoning makes me slightly skeptical as to what your heart would really do in the situation.
Would you protect me from a rapist just because I am your friend, or because it is the RIGHT thing to do?

Of course I would pound him into the ground. What you're suggesting here was addressed very early on in the rape topic. I used the example of my own daughter....if she was stripping and was raped. I explained that I would feel horrible for her, would not cease to love her as much as ever, that I would comfort her and then would tell her she should never have been stripping....that God cares more for her eternal soul than he does about her body. I would expect her to see she was reaping the consequences for her bad behavior. I know her, and I have no doubt she would admit that. She would see that God had allowed it for His own good purposes.


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It's an unknown. It could amount to a slaughter and mass imprisonment of American citizens.
It could.
Then again, if the citizens revolt and stop paying their taxes, then all those military, police, and prison workers will no longer be getting a paycheck and I doubt many will stay on the job.
And since you now have a lot more money in your pocket for not paying taxes, you can now looks for some guns to buy and start defending yourself.

But that's how America started out.


Well-known member
Uh oh. I actually did read the title of thread and thought it was yet another rape thread.

Shame on me for applying the same standard towards ALL rapists. My bad.

If anything, it should show that there are men who rape because of the immoral dress or behavior of women. You all have been denying that's the case. :chew:


New member
As a dispie fundie, I know this whole world is destined to burn, then be remade. I rejoice in that because it'll be (first and foremost) JUSTICE AND RETRIBUTION for all the unaddressed wrongs of history, then the Restoration of All Things.

What makes you so sure?

In the meantime, I'm a middle aged man with two daughters well under the age of 10. I confess that, as a father, I now find myself in a position I couldn't have imagined ten years ago. I am TERRIFIED at the world they're going to have to face as it grows more savage by the day. And it's coming here too. Sooner or later, it's coming here. So when I see people who I thought acknowledge that fact but seem to dismiss or ignore it, it bugs me greatly. But I'll just learn to keep it to myself. It doesn't do any good to discuss. It won't change anything anyway. Every man look to his own house; everyone else take care of themselves. May as well start now.

Wouldn't it make more sense to try to save the world than to let it burn? It seems to me that as you rejoice in the burning, you're feeding the brutality that you're so afraid of.


Well-known member
Take another peek at the title of this thread.
I see RAPES in the title itself.
Not just once, but twice.

And the linked article in the OP is talking about the sexual assaults on women.

So no, talking about rape is not a derailment of this thread.

Well, it's kinda like saying the San Bernardino shootings were work place violence. Guns are used in both cases, but only Bambi and friends would compare them.


New member
It could.
Then again, if the citizens revolt and stop paying their taxes, then all those military, police, and prison workers will no longer be getting a paycheck and I doubt many will stay on the job.
And since you now have a lot more money in your pocket for not paying taxes, you can now looks for some guns to buy and start defending yourself.

But that's how America started out.

That's one way to do it, but it has to be a large chunk of citizenry or else you end up with like 10% of the population in make shift prisons.


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Rape is sitting up there on the Women's Liberation table as the "go to" idol that all must bow down to.
I am not a women's libber AT ALL.
So you can save that smoke and mirror routine for your idiot squad to rally around.


Hall of Fame
I am not a women's libber AT ALL.
So you can save that smoke and mirror routine for your idiot squad to rally around.

Not sure exactly why rape wouldn't be an issue that ALL women concern themselves over ...


New member
If anything, it should show that there are men who rape because of the immoral dress or behavior of women. You all have been denying that's the case. :chew:

Because the way women dress just overwhelms men's self-control and they can't help themselves? Of course we deny that.