Anger at mass Muslim rapes = mass Muslim rapes, IF NOT WORSE


Well-known member
Muslim woman tells it more or less like it is, albeit without using the M-word.

Understanding how African and Asian men view and treat women in their own countries is crucial when dealing with the migrant crisis – because only when we understand their cultural practices can we help them to integrate. They need to understand that women are deemed equal to men in Western societies.

Here in the West, we need to stop burying our heads in the sand and accept that Asian, Arab and African men grow up in societies where misogyny is the cultural norm. We need to talk about it so we can change it.

Ignoring it, like the BBC did, is just condoning it. If we are allowing people to come in, we must also make sure that we are not blinded by some truths which are hard to swallow. It is a betrayal of the truth, of the majority of decent migrants and – most of all – of women who must not see progress turned back for the sake of accommodating a medieval world view.

But for some reason, what she says somehow won't count or will be ignored by the paid purveyors of the agenda.


New member
I don't think any of the victims were seducing their attackers or stripping in front of them at frat parties.

Even that doesn't excuse violent rape crimes.

Arrest hookers if you must, but arrest Johns (clients) and give them equal sentences.
That would end both prostitution and child prostitution as big business.

Letting ignorant violent idiots rule the streets and impose fake 'justice'
by acting out and out of control, is a recipe for the fall of any civilization.


New member

When you have reprisal attacks, which is the openly stated reason police hide the ethnicity of attackers, that is what they fear will make people feel like inflaming social tensions was a worse evil than the rapes.

I think we must deal with the problem though... It's like if you were a kid, ignoring the person violating you repeatedly because they promise revenge on your family if you tell. That's not the answer.


New member
No we identify the difference between legitimate and incisive criticism of issues, and right wing racists & hate mongers using the violent attacks on people to justify hatred bigotry and violence.

We understand the attacks were evil, wrong and worrying, and there needs to be action taken deal with the individuals.

We also understand that out of the 1,000,000 immigrants that have come to Germany this year, 999,000 were not involved in the attacks.

For evil hateful racist retards to use these attacks create hatred towards the 999,000 is just as evil, hateful and disgusting as the attacks themselves.

Evil is wrong if committed by white, brown or black people, and if committed by immigrants, or citizens, by right wing people or left wing people.

To stir up hatred of whole groups based upon the actions of a few of its members is evil, wrong and should be opposed by all right thinking people.

Some countries require you learn the local language to immigrate. I think we need a required training in social justice, too. Let them know right out of the gates that only the rapist will be blamed for his actions.


Well-known member
When you have reprisal attacks, which is the openly stated reason police hide the ethnicity of attackers, that is what they fear will make people feel like inflaming social tensions was a worse evil than the rapes.

What should the citizens of Europe do? They're being besieged in what amounts to a government-sanctioned invasion. The governments - most of them - talk a tough game (when they're not blaming their own citizens) but are going to continue to allow the same type of savages in. So if the police won't or can't respond, it's going to be up to the people. What should the people do? Waiting for elections is out -- the problem is NOW.


New member
Indeed. Being that there was little to absolutely no concern for rape victims on several other threads created prior to this one, it seems that this is less about rape and more about who is committing the act.


ok doser said:
if you get raped, suck it up and get on with your life


New member
Victims who put themselves in harm's way on purpose bear some responsibility for the harm that befalls them.

Some people, like missionaries, put themselves in harm's way on purpose.

You are basically giving steam to the argument to stone rape victims, as you've just given them the responsibility for a death penalty offense.


New member
The German economy (and others) must be repressed by all these depressed women who don't want to go out and spend anymore.


Well-known member
Indeed. Being that there was little to absolutely no concern for rape victims on several other threads created prior to this one, it seems that this is less about rape and more about who is committing the act.

What you don't realize is that some of us are onto you. A few here have been sucked in by your scam, but others won't be.

You've been attempting to create what some call a kafkatrap: seeking to quash disagreement, not with facts, better arguments or superior logic, but by relentlessly trying to impose a sense of guilt on whoever dares to disagree with your agenda.

You're trying to convict us of thoughtcrime.

That's why, in all these threads, no matter what we've said or why we've said it, you've made it clear that you do not care. You've never seriously tried to counter us with sound logic, reason or even facts as we have with you. You don't because you don't think you need to try. Instead, your lazy fall-back has been to try to guilt-trip us ("rape excusers," "victim blamers," etc) for simply disagreeing with approved-thinking leftists like yourself.

But we recognize, even if you don't, what you do as a leftist mindgame specifically designed to shut down dialogue and dissent from your narratives. And because we recognize it, it won't work on us. So you can stop with the lazy moral high tone that you in fact do not possess.


Hall of Fame
Some countries require you learn the local language to immigrate. I think we need a required training in social justice, too. Let them know right out of the gates that only the rapist will be blamed for his actions.

Which is, of course, as it should be.

Some people, like missionaries, put themselves in harm's way on purpose.

That they are ... then again, waking up and just breathing is enough to put people in harm's way in the evil mind of a rapist.

Though as you stated, they knew the risks.


Oh. Was I being insensitive over one of the most traumatic experiences a person could ever face?

Or ... is the outrage contingent on the aggressors being Muslims?

It is worse because their belief system allows for the rape of infidels.