About bible


New member

I do not know what you mean by distortions, but you do not need to use this term or word in regard to the Bible. As for translations or versions, what do you mean by versions? I believe you are speaking of English. I have read some Hebrew from the Bema, but I am still learning.


I mean as u told there are some authors so if all are not the same it means there are some words from human in them. In fact it's better to say they have written what they thought not what exactly jesus brought from God

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New member
Lol. That is very funny, do you really believe that?
If u could tell me how fire can make a huge amount of iron into powder in less than 10 seconds I will eat my hat

Clearly that was explosion not fire

Besides building 7 just came down without even being hit by any airplane why????

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New member
There's a good reason why you are afraid to read the Bible.
I am not. To be honest English has no eloquence and comparing to Persian and Arabic is nothing . That's why when I decided to read bible I couldn't pass second pages although I don't deny my decision wasn't firm and a little lazy

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New member
. That's why when I decided to read bible I couldn't pass second pages although I don't deny my decision wasn't firm and a little lazy
I already told you that the Bible is available in Farsi.
Actually, there is much information about Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes and Artaxerxes.


New member
[h=3]Why Allah Created Stars! [/h] Quran gives us further scientific knowledge by telling us that the stars were created by Allah as missiles to throw at the devils:
Quran 67: 5 And We have (from of old) adorned the lowest heaven (sky) with lamps, and We have made such (Lamps as) missiles to drive away Satans…
Quran 37: 6-8 We have indeed decorated the lower heaven (sky) with beauty (in) the stars, (for beauty) and for guard against all obstinate rebellious Satans. So they should not strain their ears in the direction of the Exalted Assembly but be cast away from every side.
Interesting that u mentioned some verses that shouldn't be treated like ordinary verses. Holy Quran is full of analogy and similitude and metaphor so why don't u notice to verses that r clear?

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And the sun and the moon are joined, (9)

This is a verse from Quran that predicted the day of resurrection and clearly is matched with science because scientists say sun will become so large that swallow mercury and Venus and probably earth and God says it will be so including the moon

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[h=3]Does Earth Spread Out Like Carpet (flat)? [/h] Quran 15: 19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon Mountains firm and immovable;
Quran 78: 6-7 Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And the mountains as pegs (anchor)?
It doesn't say earth is flat . It says we made it like u can harvest and build houses and ...

In ether verses God says
?????? ???????? ????????? ????????
Have We not laid the earth out as a cradle(6)

So we know it's just an analogy not a reall cradle as we are familiar with.

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[h=3]Is Religion Compulsive Or Is It Not? [/h] Quran 02: 256 There is no Compulsion in religion….
Quran 9: 29 Fight those who do not profess the true faith(Islam) till they pay the polltax (jiziya) with the hand of humility.
Quran 9: 5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them and take them captive, and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush….
Quran 47: 4 When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads….
Quran 2: 191 And slay (kill) them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out such is the reward of those who suppress faith.
Quran 8: 65 O Apostle ! rouse the believers to the fight of….unbelievers.
These verses are revealed in different situations
The first for example was revealed when some of new Muslims were in Medina and their children hadn't chosen Islam as their religion. GOD said parents can't force them to believe in Islam and other verses are revealed in a situation of defence and some because of unfaithfulness of some jews and Christians that didn't keep their promise to prophet as was agreed

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New member
You had time for the internet when you started the thread. You probably had time to drink Coke and smoke too. All you had to do was some extra prayers any way, right? Just like the RCC. Of course the RCC doesn't toss homos off the roof
What is rcc?

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New member
But hassan here's the difference, I'm not on a muslim website asking questions about the Koran you are here asking questions, and I'm saying that I believe that the Bible is the truth and that we don't need another book. Reading one or two pages isn't enough, if you're truly interested, try first with the gospels as they're about Jesus. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.) And you'll see what a heart he had, full of love, forgiveness and mercy.

And I believe that the Bible is the true word of God and those who have written the books of the Bible are inspired by God to do so. I believe that God has everything in the Bible that we need to know, and there's enough in the Bible to show us how to live before God, and the difference with Christ Jesus to others is that he didn't just speak the word, he lived it out perfectly too, never sinning and always living right before God. Showing us the way.

And if you want to, you can ask me any questions you wish.
And u think we don't believe in jesus?

We believe in all prophets and angels and their books as God ordered us to believe in them in Quran
Unfortunately probably u think bible is the only book that is full of forgiveness and love and ... But Quran and quotations from the prophet and his true successor Ali are full of amazing ones. And we have a deep and profound meanings and realities in Shia mysticism that u even can't imagine

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God's Truth

New member

I won't put down your God, so don't put down mine.

So tell me why I should believe in your God and Prophet over my God and Prophet?

My Prophet saves; he is God Himself come in the flesh as a Man to die for us.

Your Prophet doesn't himself save, and he is a mere man.

My Prophet came only to show us the Way, and then die for us, he did not marry, he did not become an earthly father to many children, he did not have riches and many homes and wives.

Your Prophet had many wives and riches and homes and cannot save anyone.

Your Prophet brought you the Qur'an given from an angel.

The Christian Prophet's words were brought from witnesses of Jesus Christ himself.


Well-known member
I mean if someone wanna get the truth he has to see all translations simply because even translators of holy Koran are different and sometimes can be confusing

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So that's your excuse for not trying to read it yourself?

Your opening post is either honestly asking people to tell you what to believe, or you're being disingenuous. Either way you look like a fool.


Well-known member
And u think we don't believe in jesus?

We believe in all prophets and angels and their books as God ordered us to believe in them in Quran
Unfortunately probably u think bible is the only book that is full of forgiveness and love and ... But Quran and quotations from the prophet and his true successor Ali are full of amazing ones. And we have a deep and profound meanings and realities in Shia mysticism that u even can't imagine

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Our Lord Jesus Christ is more than a prophet he's higher than all the angels, he is the Holy son of the living God, the Messiah. He is the highest in heaven after God the father, sitting at the right hand of God and God has put him over everything in heaven and in earth. And the only way to the father who is God, is through Christ Jesus. He is the way.

So if you believe in Jesus and the prophets, how come you haven't read the Bible? And are you allowed to read the Bible in your religion?


New member

I won't put down your God, so don't put down mine.

So tell me why I should believe in your God and Prophet over my God and Prophet?

My Prophet saves; he is God Himself come in the flesh as a Man to die for us.

Your Prophet doesn't himself save, and he is a mere man.

My Prophet came only to show us the Way, and then die for us, he did not marry, he did not become an earthly father to many children, he did not have riches and many homes and wives.

Your Prophet had many wives and riches and homes and cannot save anyone.

Your Prophet brought you the Qur'an given from an angel.

The Christian Prophet's words were brought from witnesses of Jesus Christ himself.
Good questions

All Muslims believe in jesus but not as God rather as a prophet
I think I am the only one who should ask some of your questions from u

If for example 2000 thousands people have said jesus was a god or prophet ,about prophet muhammad 2500 have said that

If evidences say jesus was a prophet the same evidences say so about prophet muhammad

So why did u choose jesus?? While he was 500 years before our prophet which means God has sent a new messenger and people should obey new one

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New member
So that's your excuse for not trying to read it yourself?

Your opening post is either honestly asking people to tell you what to believe, or you're being disingenuous. Either way you look like a fool.
Maybe u r right

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New member
Our Lord Jesus Christ is more than a prophet he's higher than all the angels, he is the Holy son of the living God, the Messiah. He is the highest in heaven after God the father, sitting at the right hand of God and God has put him over everything in heaven and in earth. And the only way to the father who is God, is through Christ Jesus. He is the way.

So if you believe in Jesus and the prophets, how come you haven't read the Bible? And are you allowed to read the Bible in your religion?
The authenticity of bible isn't established for us.
We just say we believe in bible and jesus as God ordered us to do so

We even can't say these bibles are real one or not
Besides as I said always new prophets with new books abrogated previous ones so reading bible isn't obligation on us although we we r allowed to read them

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God's Truth

New member
Good questions

All Muslims believe in jesus but not as God rather as a prophet
I think I am the only one who should ask some of your questions from u

If for example 2000 thousands people have said jesus was a god or prophet ,about prophet muhammad 2500 have said that

If evidences say jesus was a prophet the same evidences say so about prophet muhammad

So why did u choose jesus?? While he was 500 years before our prophet which means God has sent a new messenger and people should obey new one

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I told you why anyone should chose Jesus over Muhammad.

I chose God come in the flesh named Jesus Christ over a mere man named Muhammad.

I chose the name of the Man whose name saves.

I chose the Man who did not come for wives, earthly children, and earthly riches.

You tell me, since we both will respect each others Prophets, why do you chose yours instead of mine?

But remember, before you answer, you must keep the respect.

You cannot say that what I say about Jesus is a mistake, and I will not say that about your Prophet.

I will not call your Book full of mistakes, so don't say that about my Book.

Now tell me why you chose a Prophet who was a mere man, he says himself that he cannot save, he had many earthly desires, much riches, many wives and children, and many homes.