About bible

God's Truth

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i'm sensing troll

This site is for all religions is it not?

Maybe there is a large portion of the Muslim community that believes that it was a plan to destroy the Islamic religion.

Why write people off so quickly as trolls, how is that good?

I think it is good to know that many don't trust America and Christians in particular and it shows how hard it will be to ever reach these people.


New member
what do you believe that God tells you about Jesus?
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and( also )for their saying:" We killed God's messengerChrist Jesus, the son of Mary!" They neither killed norcrucified him, even though it seemed so to them. Thosewho disagree about it are in doubt concerning it; they haveno] real [knowledge about it except by followingconjecture. No one is certain they killed him!(157)
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Rather God lifted him up towards Himself. God is Powerful,Wise!(158)

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There is nobody from the People of the Book but who willbelieve in him before his death, while on Resurrection Dayhe will act as a witness against them.(159)

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New member
It is not humble to have many wives and many children.

Jesus healed the sick and took away the sins of the world, to those who came to him with living faith.

I chose the Prophet Jesus Christ who did not come for protection but only to save.
I think u accepted the prophet because of his act simply because u think a prophet that came to save is better than a prophet to protect. Something like this.
But I wanna tell u it's not true

It's rational to look for evidences to prove someone's prophethood not his orders and teachings.
The reason is all prophets were sent from God so they teach whatever God wanted . They did what they were told .
So we have to obey them whatever it is

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New member
The new deputy should bare the same witness as the last one sent from the king.

God doesn't change, and his word doesn't change, he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Jesus didn't override the prophets, he fulfilled what they prophesied, and the apostles who came after Jesus preached the same word as he did. They all preached the true word of God.
I agree
But the point is God doesn't change anything that relates to principles of theology and morals but about rules and orders it's different.

God can say today eating pork is forbidden and tomorrow it's good for example.
Tell me about Christian's belief about Moses?
Do u believe in him as a prophet?
Did he have a book?
If so why u don't obey him and obey jesus pbut??

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New member
Give a reputable Internet site giving that information.

It is well known he had many wives and many children.

It is well known that Jesus had none of those things.

My Holy Bible says that Jesus Christ himself is God in the flesh and that if you come to God the Father in heaven through Jesus Christ the Son then you will be reconciled to God, and that God Himself will live in you.

My Holy Bible says that Jesus is the First and the Last.

True Christians have God Himself living in them.
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Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but] he is[God's messenger and the Seal of the Prophets. God isAware of everything!(40)

Bring me from bible that says jesus is the last thanks

As u see in Quran God says muhammad is the seal of prophets. So I think u should consider Quran's claim that bringing like it is impossible as a miracle and proof of what our prophet said

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. . . and( also )for [sic] their saying:" We killed God's messengerChrist [sic] Jesus, the son of Mary!" They neither killed norcrucified [sic] him, even though it seemed so to them. Thosewho [sic] disagree about it are in doubt concerning it; they haveno] [sic] real [knowledge [sic] about it except by followingconjecture. [sic] No one is certain they killed him!(157)
So it looks to me, like you cannot believe the Koran, and believe that Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, rose from the dead, because the Koran says that Christ Jesus didn't really die on the cross, is that correct?
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Rather God lifted him up towards Himself. God is Powerful,Wise!(158)

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There is nobody from the People of the Book but who willbelieve [sic] in him before his death, while on Resurrection Dayhe [sic] will act as a witness against them.(159)
Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, was the Firstborn from the dead, the First to rise from the dead, the rest of us will rise on Resurrection Day, that's what the Koran, and thus Allah, is talking about. The Resurrection, the Resurrection Day Resurrection, the general resurrection, has already begun, with Christ Jesus rising from the dead First; the Church celebrates the holiday Easter every year.


New member

In the Bible there are times when God's word is related directly. If it says in the Bible somewhere that this is what God said, then what we find there is what God said.


But it doesn't prove that all of them are from God right?

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New member
The Quran has been translated and rewritten many times in arabic. So which is the correct rendering?

check out the many here and their differences and renderings and years:


So if what you say is true, you can learn nothing from the Quran.
If u say such thing to a Muslim he or she will laugh. Quran has no translations or rewritten in Arabic.
It's as it was. but there are some accent in Arabic like in English
Maybe it's what made u confused.

Besides website I opened with 404 error

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New member
This is a lie, according to your own words, which i will quote again, in the post of mine after this one.
I said what all Muslims believe about bible.
When I haven't read a book how can I say my personal view about it huh???

We just say what God has revealed in Quran about Jesus and Moses

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patrick jane

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Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but] he is[God's messenger and the Seal of the Prophets. God isAware of everything!(40)

Bring me from bible that says jesus is the last thanks

As u see in Quran God says muhammad is the seal of prophets. So I think u should consider Quran's claim that bringing like it is impossible as a miracle and proof of what our prophet said

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Your prophet was a child rapist


New member
i'm sensing troll
How fire can make iron in less than 10 seconds into powder???

In Iran we call such things ''explosion''

I don't know about u. Maybe u r more informative than us to understand the difference between explosion and fire???!!!!!!!!!!!

And make a good explanation about collapse of building 7 in that day why it just came down????

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New member
So it looks to me, like you cannot believe the Koran, and believe that Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, rose from the dead, because the Koran says that Christ Jesus didn't really die on the cross, is that correct?
Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, was the Firstborn from the dead, the First to rise from the dead, the rest of us will rise on Resurrection Day, that's what the Koran, and thus Allah, is talking about. The Resurrection, the Resurrection Day Resurrection, the general resurrection, has already begun, with Christ Jesus rising from the dead First; the Church celebrates the holiday Easter every year.
Day of resurrection has many signs in Quran that none of them happened till now

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Well-known member
I agree
But the point is God doesn't change anything that relates to principles of theology and morals but about rules and orders it's different.

God can say today eating pork is forbidden and tomorrow it's good for example.
Tell me about Christian's belief about Moses?
Do u believe in him as a prophet?
Did he have a book?
If so why u don't obey him and obey jesus pbut??

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Hi Hassan, I don't believe that God changes. What I do believe is that all that was done in the old testament was obeying the law by the letter, and all in the new testament is living to do the will of God and obeying the law through Christ by the Spirit through faith.

It says in the Bible, that those born of God have his laws written in our hearts and in our minds, and this is so because we have the Holy Spirit of God in our hearts and minds teaching and guiding us every day giving us ordinances to follow and helping us to put the lusts of our flesh to death.

And if we obey the two greatest commandments, which is to love the Lord our God, with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind and our neighbours as ourselves, then we are obeying Gods laws. Because our Lord Jesus says, that upon these two commandments, hangs all the law and the prophets.

And the apostle Paul said this

Romans 3:31

Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.


Well-known member
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and( also )for their saying:" We killed God's messengerChrist Jesus, the son of Mary!" They neither killed norcrucified him, even though it seemed so to them. Thosewho disagree about it are in doubt concerning it; they haveno] real [knowledge about it except by followingconjecture. No one is certain they killed him!(157)
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Rather God lifted him up towards Himself. God is Powerful,Wise!(158)

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There is nobody from the People of the Book but who willbelieve in him before his death, while on Resurrection Dayhe will act as a witness against them.(159)

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Thanks for answering, but Jesus Christ was crucified, it's well documented in the Bible and was witnessed by many. And not only does it say this in the Bible, but independent of the Bible, Josephus, a historian, wrote about it too.


New member
Thanks for answering, but Jesus Christ was crucified, it's well documented in the Bible and was witnessed by many. And not only does it say this in the Bible, but independent of the Bible, Josephus, a historian, wrote about it too.
U mean the story of Jesus being crucified is in bible????
If so this part definitely isn't from God right?

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Well-known member
U mean the story of Jesus being crucified is in bible????
If so this part definitely isn't from God right?

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What I'm saying is, it seems that your beliefs are that Christ Jesus wasn't crucified. I don't agree with that, as it's well documented that he was, and not only in the Bible, but also by the historian Josephus.