About bible


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The authenticity of bible isn't established for us.
We just say we believe in bible and jesus as God ordered us to do so

We even can't say these bibles are real one or not
Besides as I said always new prophets with new books abrogated previous ones so reading bible isn't obligation on us although we we r allowed to read them

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what do you believe that God tells you about Jesus?
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New member

I won't put down your God, so don't put down mine.

So tell me why I should believe in your God and Prophet over my God and Prophet?

My Prophet saves; he is God Himself come in the flesh as a Man to die for us.

Your Prophet doesn't himself save, and he is a mere man.

My Prophet came only to show us the Way, and then die for us, he did not marry, he did not become an earthly father to many children, he did not have riches and many homes and wives.

Your Prophet had many wives and riches and homes and cannot save anyone.

Your Prophet brought you the Qur'an given from an angel.

The Christian Prophet's words were brought from witnesses of Jesus Christ himself.
And our prophet lived a simple life and was very modest and said salutation to children and even visited his sick enemy and forgave many of his enemies that killed many believers and ...

And his numerous marriages was political
In that situation if u marry a tribe u would be protected from them and they wouldn't harm u
Besides marriage is something scared in Islam and being simple is condemned and prophet jesus was in a special situation that didn't marry.
And we will recite prophet's intercession in hereafter god willing

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God's Truth

New member
And our prophet lived a simple life and was very modest and said salutation to children and even visited his sick enemy and forgave many of his enemies that killed many believers and ...
It is not humble to have many wives and many children.

Jesus healed the sick and took away the sins of the world, to those who came to him with living faith.
And his numerous marriages was political
In that situation if u marry a tribe u would be protected from them and they wouldn't harm u
Besides marriage is something scared in Islam and being simple is condemned and prophet jesus was in a special situation that didn't marry.
And we will recite prophet's intercession in hereafter god willing

I chose the Prophet Jesus Christ who did not come for protection but only to save.


New member
I told you why anyone should chose Jesus over Muhammad.

I chose God come in the flesh named Jesus Christ over a mere man named Muhammad.

I chose the name of the Man whose name saves.

I chose the Man who did not come for wives, earthly children, and earthly riches.

You tell me, since we both will respect each others Prophets, why do you chose yours instead of mine?

But remember, before you answer, you must keep the respect.

You cannot say that what I say about Jesus is a mistake, and I will not say that about your Prophet.

I will not call your Book full of mistakes, so don't say that about my Book.

Now tell me why you chose a Prophet who was a mere man, he says himself that he cannot save, he had many earthly desires, much riches, many wives and children, and many homes.
R u sure u didn't get your information from a wrong place??

He had one house and all of his children died except his daughter and he wasn't rich at all .
I chose him because his eternal miracle is in our hands
Quran claims u human being can't bring a surah like me and after 14 centuries Noone could do that. The smallest surah contains only 3 short verses

If a king sends a deputy to his people and then after a while the deputy dies and king sends new deputy should people obey new one or previous one???

Prophet muhammad was born 500 years after jesus so if God didn't want to abrogate Christianity he wouldn't send new prophet.

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Well-known member
R u sure u didn't get your information from a wrong place??

He had one house and all of his children died except his daughter and he wasn't rich at all .
I chose him because his eternal miracle is in our hands
Quran claims u human being can't bring a surah like me and after 14 centuries Noone could do that. The smallest surah contains only 3 short verses

If a king sends a deputy to his people and then after a while the deputy dies and king sends new deputy should people obey new one or previous one???

Prophet muhammad was born 500 years after jesus so if God didn't want to abrogate Christianity he wouldn't send new prophet.

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The new deputy should bare the same witness as the last one sent from the king.

God doesn't change, and his word doesn't change, he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Jesus didn't override the prophets, he fulfilled what they prophesied, and the apostles who came after Jesus preached the same word as he did. They all preached the true word of God.

God's Truth

New member
R u sure u didn't get your information from a wrong place??

He had one house and all of his children died except his daughter and he wasn't rich at all .
Give a reputable Internet site giving that information.

It is well known he had many wives and many children.

It is well known that Jesus had none of those things.

I chose him because his eternal miracle is in our hands
Quran claims u human being can't bring a surah like me and after 14 centuries Noone could do that. The smallest surah contains only 3 short verses

My Holy Bible says that Jesus Christ himself is God in the flesh and that if you come to God the Father in heaven through Jesus Christ the Son then you will be reconciled to God, and that God Himself will live in you.

If a king sends a deputy to his people and then after a while the deputy dies and king sends new deputy should people obey new one or previous one???

My Holy Bible says that Jesus is the First and the Last.

Prophet muhammad was born 500 years after jesus so if God didn't want to abrogate Christianity he wouldn't send new prophet.

True Christians have God Himself living in them.


New member
It doesn't say earth is flat . It says we made it like u can harvest and build houses and ...

In ether verses God says
?????? ???????? ????????? ????????
Have We not laid the earth out as a cradle(6)

So we know it's just an analogy not a reall cradle as we are familiar with.

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The verse said the "EARTH" was spread out, not the land.


I mean as u told there are some authors so if all are not the same it means there are some words from human in them. In fact it's better to say they have written what they thought not what exactly jesus brought from God

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In the Bible there are times when God's word is related directly. If it says in the Bible somewhere that this is what God said, then what we find there is what God said.




New member
Hall of Fame
Wait a minute. Sunday is not the third day from Friday.

If Jesus was buried on Friday then Saturday would be one day and Sunday would two days.

If the Catholics are right then Paul was obviously mistaken.

Poor Paul. :rotfl:

thursday to friday sundown, is one day, friday to sat sundown is 2 days, and sat sundown to sunday sundown is the third day, in hebrew, a day is from sundown to sundown, any part of a day, counts as a day.

Thats 3 days, fri, sat, sun. 1-2-3.


New member
Hall of Fame
Simply because I think bible is a translation of original book so I will never find the truth by reading it but I know Arabic so I can read the Koran

The Quran has been translated and rewritten many times in arabic. So which is the correct rendering?

check out the many here and their differences and renderings and years:


So if what you say is true, you can learn nothing from the Quran.
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New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't judge about bible . I simply asked some questions and wanted to know how Christians think and I will never judge a book until I read it completely

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This is a lie, according to your own words, which i will quote again, in the post of mine after this one.


New member
Hall of Fame
Simply because I think bible is a translation of original book so I will never find the truth by reading it but I know Arabic so I can read the Koran

The Quran has been translated and rewritten many times in arabic. So which is the correct rendering?

check out the many here and their differences and renderings and years:


So if what you say is true, you can learn nothing from the Quran.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm sorry but Seems u just know this sentence
I'm here for rational diabete

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Its debate, and you arent and havent adressed most of my concerns to you throughout the thread. Still playing games? Its ok though, since ive read what you misrepresent.


New member
thursday to friday sundown, is one day, friday to sat sundown is 2 days, and sat sundown to sunday sundown is the third day, in hebrew, a day is from sundown to sundown, any part of a day, counts as a day.

Thats 3 days, fri, sat, sun. 1-2-3.

There are people who claim Jesus was buried on Friday afternoon. From Friday to Saturday is one day. From Saturday to Sunday is two days.


New member
Hall of Fame
There are people who claim Jesus was buried on Friday afternoon. From Friday to Saturday is one day. From Saturday to Sunday is two days.

I know what the hebrew is, and any part of a day, is that day - friday, sat, sun thats 3 days and its already been explained to you. Look it up.


New member
any part of a day, counts as a day.

That's true in certain instances.

In the Bible, the season of light (Gen. i. 5), lasting "from dawn [lit. "the rising of the morning"] to the coming forth of the stars" (Neh. iv. 15, 17). The term "day" is used also to denote a period of twenty-four hours (Ex. xxi. 21).

In Jewish communal life part of a day is at times reckoned as one day; e.g., the day of the funeral, even when the latter takes place late in the afternoon, is counted as the first of the seven days of mourning; a short time in the morning of the seventh day is counted as the seventh day; circumcision takes place on the eighth day, even though of the first day only a few minutes remained after the birth of the child, these being counted as one day.

Again, a man who hears of a vow made by his wife or his daughter, and desires to cancel the vow, must do so on the same day on which he hears of it, as otherwise the protest has no effect; even if the hearing takes place a little time before night, the annulment must be done within that little time.

The day is reckoned from evening to evening—i.e., night and day—except in reference to sacrifices, where daytime and the night following constitute one day (Lev. vii. 15; see Calendar).



New member
I know what the hebrew is, and any part of a day, is that day - friday, sat, sun thats 3 days and its already been explained to you. Look it up.

If Jesus died and was buried on Friday, then twenty-four hours later would be Saturday. Twenty-four hours from Saturday is Sunday.

If you have Friday, Saturday and Sunday how many nights are there, Friday night and Saturday night.


Well-known member
You're the first that answered my question

OK u wanna say bible is infallible and will remain so even we discover that some of its verses contradict science I mean u wanna tell me that even if we find some verses against science in actuality we have understood them improperly and we have to change our interpretations

I infer that bible in your views will remain infallible even we find it's not???
Yes. Just wanting to feel superior in the Koran isn't enough.
See here, the Koran is at odds with modern science as well.

See Pew Research here as well, Most Christians view less conflict between science and faith than any others.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think here doesn't belong to Christians alone if it is for u let me know I will leave

Besides the true supporter of terrorism is the USA and 9/ 11 was an inside job to defame Islam and put Muslims under pressure because they fear from expansion of the truth

I mean if someone wanna get the truth he has to see all translations simply because even translators of holy Koran are different and sometimes can be confusing

i'm sensing troll