9/11 American Muslims


I will stop you right there. This is what matters to most people. You cannot be surprised if a high profile personality makes a statement like that, with no evidence, to be called out.

Cool story bro.

The fact that you demand evidence of something that is highly likely and not even worth lying about suggests that you all are just vehemently phobic of criticism of Muslims. He could have pointed at Paris or London which experienced the same and had an equal effect on his point. This is why you are simply wrong. ~All yall~ are wrong.


New member
Cool story bro.

The fact that you demand evidence of something that is highly likely and not even worth lying about suggests that you all are just vehemently phobic of criticism of Muslims. He could have pointed at Paris or London which experienced the same and had an equal effect on his point. This is why you are simply wrong. ~All yall~ are wrong.
Trump still has nothing to support himself and neither do you.


Trump still has nothing to support himself and neither do you.

If want to play Blind Man, go ahead, but leave others out of it.

That's one of the principle issues with the Left today- they think they can change the truth into a lie if they close their eyes and shut their ears.


New member
If want to play Blind Man, go ahead, but leave others out of it.

That's one of the principle issues with the Left today- they think they can change the truth into a lie if they close their eyes and shut their ears.
And yet, you can't provide evidence for what you are claiming and I am the blind man? :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
There are many who claim to have seen the same thing as Trump did. And it was reported in the news. Believe what you want.

And those people aren't remembering something that happened. It didn't. Ever. They're lying, or mistaken, or deluded. Take your pick.


Well-known member
What is the implication of the happy Muslims claim? Let's say some American Muslims were happy about 9/11. Then what? Therefore all American Muslims are traitors?


New member
What is the implication of the happy Muslims claim? Let's say some American Muslims were happy about 9/11. Then what? Therefore all American Muslims are traitors?

Who knows? It should certainly make any sane person wonder.


New member
What is the implication of the happy Muslims claim? Let's say some American Muslims were happy about 9/11. Then what? Therefore all American Muslims are traitors?

Naturally a Muslims allegiance is to Islam first, that is to be expected.


Well-known member
Meaning is a more necessary craving than food or sex. The Judeo-Christian beliefs are not 'religious' per se; they are true to what is there and to human nature. So when you dump them, as the university has, you have people straining for 'necessary' beliefs, such as:

*yoga is prohibited in Ottawa universities because it is an 'appropriation of cultural imperialism.' Fasten your seat belt for a moment. They mean that to make a foreign practice or custom as popular in Canada as hockey is culturally innapropriate.

*in CA university system, you cannot use the expression 'the world is one race' because it will offend the minor races. It is OK to offend the major race, however, there is no longer a major race!

*the U of Minnesota will not permit the observance of the Sep. 11 attack so as not to offend Muslims. See the ex. above.

*Even though a mind like Dawkins says that the universe appears to be designed, you are not permitted to say so. The paradox of this is that Lyell said we must limit our conclusions to 'processes that can be seen.' So look! See!

--based on dennisprager.com