9/11 American Muslims


New member
Twisted people like yourself make constant false accusations.

Those people are kept in the dark and fed steer manure. If any of them try to break free of Islam, they are killed.
All of them... all 1.6 billion of them are being held into Islam against their will?


New member
Hall of Fame
Of course you are aware of what the Qur'an says about apostates?

By this standard you're fine being judged by the conduct of any other Christian the world over, correct? What's sauce for the goose and all that.


New member
Hall of Fame
Did I say I was fine with it? You do leap, on a regular basis, to conclusions.

My point being that consistency requires you to apply the same standard to yourself and your brethren. If you're going to assume to know the minds of Muslims the world over and judge them universally on what grounds would you object to a Muslim doing the same to you?


New member
Well, if we listen to the reasons our enemy gives, it is 2.

1.) We are there, creating problems.
2.) Our support for Israel.

We should leave those lands I agree. We should support Israel to a degree, but truth be told, I'm tired of giving Israel 500 million a year, and we have to borrow it to give it to you. Seems dumb to me. Israel is very capable on its' own to deal with them.

That would be more logical and palatable if we stopped giving (much more) money to Muslim countries.

"Result: Seven of the top 11 recipients of foreign aid in 2009 can be described as Arab, Muslim or both: Afghanistan ($8.8 billion in aid), Iraq ($2.3 billion), Egypt ($1.8 billion), Pakistan ($1.8 billion), Sudan ($1.2 billion), the Palestinian territories ($1 billion), and Jordan ($816 million). Together, those entities received $17.7 billion."


New member
My point being that consistency requires you to apply the same standard to yourself and your brethren. If you're going to assume to know the minds of Muslims the world over and judge them universally on what grounds would you object to a Muslim doing the same to you?

Do you actually think they don't?


New member
My point being that consistency requires you to apply the same standard to yourself and your brethren. If you're going to assume to know the minds of Muslims the world over and judge them universally on what grounds would you object to a Muslim doing the same to you?

I posited some verifiable information. The Qur'an mandates death for apostasy.
As for the mind of anyone? I do not claim to be prescient.
Do you not see evidence of Muslims judging Christians and sentencing them to death?
I have not seen evidence of Christians slaughtering Muslims specifically because of their religion.


New member
Sahih Bukhari
Narrated Ikrima:
Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "


New member
Hall of Fame
I posited some verifiable information. The Qur'an mandates death for apostasy.

I'm not denying much of Islam is despicable. What I'm saying is that someone living in a glass house better be mindful of stones.

As for the mind of anyone? I do not claim to be prescient.

Well that's a relief.

Do you not see evidence of Muslims judging Christians and sentencing them to death?

Of course. Which makes claims of "persecution" by those safe in the west that much more insulting and demeaning.

I have not seen evidence of Christians slaughtering Muslims specifically because of their religion.

Now, no. Yet, no. I do see an extremely disturbing and growing streak of xenophobia here that's threatening to reach a peak sooner rather than later. And the fact that Christianity's unable to exert its worst impulses--as opposed to a cousin religion with eight centuries of catching up to do--is really beside the point.


Well-known member
That would be more logical and palatable if we stopped giving (much more) money to Muslim countries.

"Result: Seven of the top 11 recipients of foreign aid in 2009 can be described as Arab, Muslim or both: Afghanistan ($8.8 billion in aid), Iraq ($2.3 billion), Egypt ($1.8 billion), Pakistan ($1.8 billion), Sudan ($1.2 billion), the Palestinian territories ($1 billion), and Jordan ($816 million). Together, those entities received $17.7 billion."

I totally agree with that.

No money, to anybody.


New member
That would be more logical and palatable if we stopped giving (much more) money to Muslim countries.

"Result: Seven of the top 11 recipients of foreign aid in 2009 can be described as Arab, Muslim or both: Afghanistan ($8.8 billion in aid), Iraq ($2.3 billion), Egypt ($1.8 billion), Pakistan ($1.8 billion), Sudan ($1.2 billion), the Palestinian territories ($1 billion), and Jordan ($816 million). Together, those entities received $17.7 billion."

The Lord giveth and the government squanderth away.


Well-known member
Those are the Muslims considered as apostates or heretics, and that is why the other Muslims are killing them.

You're ideas are wrong, and you make up "facts" to make yourself feel more comfortable.

The things you describe do happen, but they are not true of all Muslims. By why let facts interfere with bigotry?


Well-known member
And they're all under satan's biddings

As am I, I suppose. And anybody else who disagrees with you.

It turns out that people can be wrong, or think differently than you, without Satan's intervention. But understanding that would force you to actually think about your beliefs.