9/11 American Muslims


New member
When it comes to presidential candidates, I have my doubts about all of them. As for me, I am to poor to vote Republican, and the Democrats are to liberal.


New member
I remember a news agency broadcasting American Muslims celebrating on 9/11. I looked for the broad cast to be repeated but it never aired again. Don't you know, news stories get pulled by the government if they threaten the peace? The Government also hides certain statistics in order to keep the peace. Well, I suppose they have that right to do so. I guess what bothers me is that people are mislead and kept in the dark. Maybe they are right, maybe keeping the peace is more important.

Imagine this, radical Muslims in America, and none celebrated the fall of the towers? Now I ask you, does that sound likely to be true?

Islamic terrorist have doubled in the past 10 years, along with attacks also.


New member
Hall of Fame
*knock knock*
Census Official: Yes sir, do you identify yourself as any of the following: Head of Household, Only Child, Sole Source of Income, Religious Extremist and/or Terrorist?

Why not, the irs asks criminals to report their illegal income on their income tax forms.

Does income from illegal activity need to be reported?

Yes. Failure to report income is what eventually landed Al Capone in jail.

IRS Publication 17 states: Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Form 1040, line 21, or on Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.

Illegal activites include but are not limited to bribery and kickbacks, embezzlement, extortion, fraud (including tax fraud), selling illegal drugs or other restricted/banned items (antiquities, ivory, wildlife, moonshine, etc.), prostitution, smuggling, burglary, robbery, and theft.

IRS Publication 17 also states: If you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless in the same year, you return it to its rightful owner.

On the flip side, expenses incurred while engaging in illegal money-making activities usually cannot be deducted.


New member
Hall of Fame
*knock knock*
Census Official: Yes sir, do you identify yourself as any of the following: Head of Household, Only Child, Sole Source of Income, Religious Extremist and/or Terrorist?

Special write-offs available for lone nuts, cabin bomb builders, and roving nomadic lunatics.:readthis:


Well-known member
Well, if we listen to the reasons our enemy gives, it is 2.

1.) We are there, creating problems.
2.) Our support for Israel.

We should leave those lands I agree. We should support Israel to a degree, but truth be told, I'm tired of giving Israel 500 million a year, and we have to borrow it to give it to you. Seems dumb to me. Israel is very capable on its' own to deal with them.


Well-known member
We've tried, they can't be reasoned with. :think:

“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind” — Hosea 8:7

And just so you know......radical Islam didn't exist till the 1970's when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Actually before that a few years. Then we got involved and trained them to who they are today.

Google Operation Cyclone and that should give you a good rundown of how we created the beast.


Well-known member
Well, if we listen to the reasons our enemy gives, it is 2.

1.) We are there, creating problems.
2.) Our support for Israel.

We should leave those lands I agree. We should support Israel to a degree, but truth be told, I'm tired of giving Israel 500 million a year, and we have to borrow it to give it to you. Seems dumb to me. Israel is very capable on its' own to deal with them.

Do you have sources for these two reasons? I would like to see this for several of these organizations- ISIS, Hezbollah, Boko Haran, etc.

I am rather skeptical that these are the real reasons. It doesn't fit with the facts on the ground. Nor does ISIS's main goal of setting up a Caliphate have much to do with western powers or Israel.