9/11 American Muslims


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Hall of Fame
Just the kind of reply I would expect from a LOSER! My story stinks because it puts you right where you belong. Right in the pit with all the others who call people liars.

You happened to open your big mouth with a tall tale when I was here to read it. That's your mistake, fisherman. You can't even keep your own story straight on a bulletin board.

Tell this nonsense to somebody who doesn't know better. I do. This is malarkey, and you and I both know it.


New member
Just the kind of reply I would expect from a LOSER! My story stinks because it puts you right where you belong. Right in the pit with all the others who call people liars.
That sounds like an insult Butters would use in South Park...

Greg Jennings

New member
Just the kind of reply I would expect from a LOSER! My story stinks because it puts you right where you belong. Right in the pit with all the others who call people liars.

Wow. It got even better.

Disturbo, the story stinks because it's pure hearsay. You can't back it and prove it even happened.

Greg Jennings

New member
Other than the news...I don't watch much TV. I don't want to know anything about butters in south park because it's useless.

He's a false accuser. God hates false accusers. I dish out what people dish out to me.

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

I'm guilty of sowing discord because Granite crossed me by calling me a liar.

Do you watch more than one news network?


New member
You guys just refuse to actually, ya know, read.
These are the same folks who take all Fox News reports as the truth and the rest of it is liberal brainwashing... unless, of course, those "liberal" sources support them. Then, they are great for citing and discussing. Strange. :think:


Well-known member
I've mentioned this a few times and so far nobody wants to go there.

Where's to go? A few guys were seen acting "suspiciously" (the witness's exact words were "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," ), arrested, held in prison for a while, deported.

Therefore- what?


New member
Hall of Fame
Where's to go? A few guys were seen acting "suspiciously" (the witness's exact words were "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," ), arrested, held in prison for a while, deported.

Therefore- what?

No, there's far more to it than that. If you've looked into this you know better and if not, you should.

It's a sidebar to Trump's outright lying, but a curious one all the same.


Well-known member
No, there's far more to it than that. If you've looked into this you know better and if not, you should.

It's a sidebar to Trump's outright lying, but a curious one all the same.

I've read up on this a bit, as a result of your bringing it up. It has been used as a "proof" for various conspiracy theories.

Anyhow- Trump is certainly a disturbing character. I was hopeful when Obama was elected (and disappointed later). I am fearful that Trump might get elected.


New member
Hall of Fame
I've read up on this a bit, as a result of your bringing it up. It has been used as a "proof" for various conspiracy theories.

Anyhow- Trump is certainly a disturbing character. I was hopeful when Obama was elected (and disappointed later). I am fearful that Trump might get elected.

It certainly proves something, to be sure.

At this point the fact he's lied about this simply doesn't matter: When it comes to Trumpism, reality's always been inconvenient.