9/11 American Muslims


New member
Quote: In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

I also saw it on television, but the news story never repeated. I think the story was pulled for national security reasons.
Already been debunked. Try again.


New member
Muslims all over the world celebrated 9/11 that day, that is a historical fact. Is it believable that no Muslims in America would celebrate?


New member
Hall of Fame
Already been debunked. Try again.

That I'm aware the only people who are documented to have observed and cheered the attacks who were subsequently detained turned out to be half a dozen Israeli nationals. There was no documented mass celebrating from any Muslims in New Jersey. None. Didn't happen.

And by the way, this idiotic story makes zero sense. Why would Muslims right across the river from the WTC set up shop and cheer on the attack, unless they had some kind of death wish? Why didn't their neighbors take the law into their own hands? Why is it this claim appeared out of nowhere and disappeared as quickly? Who or where were these people, and does anyone seriously think the feds would've left such people alone?


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Hall of Fame
The feds can't do anything. Muslims celebrated all over America on 911. At a NH sheetrock company in Portsmouth several people were in the cafeteria watching the north tower burn when the second plane hit the south tower. When it hit, all the Muslims cheered and they all got fired. In Mass. at a major hospital the same scenario. People were watching the north tower burn and when the plane hit the south tower all the Muslims cheered. They didn't get fired though.

Muslims celebrated all over America on 911. Especially in Dearborn, Michigan.

Time out.

I live in NH and actually work in Portsmouth and this is the first time I've ever, ever heard this story anywhere. Is there anything by way of actual links or facts you can provide to flesh out this anecdote?

Sounds an awful lot like an urban legend.


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Hall of Fame
I don't have the links and I'm from NH too. I heard it from an employee of the plant while I was working in the Portsmouth area....at the plant itself.

Muslims cheer whenever there's an attack. I call it being, "drunk with the wine of their fornication." The incident at Mass. General was in the news papers.

Again, very urban legend type stuff. A story like that would've made the news. I don't recall that Mass General story you're referring to, either. Sounds equally questionable.


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Hall of Fame
No reason for that to make the news they were pummelled with all sorts of things at that time. Why do you have so much trouble believing Muslims CHEER when attacks occur?

I have reason to doubt a story that sounds like bar stool tales out of school. "A buddy of mine heard" is no kind of evidence. But it sounds like typical post 9/11 thinking, especially right after. And in fact no one's disputing that some Muslims did celebrate the attacks. What's been questioned so far is whether some of these stories--say, Trump's--have any facts behind them at all. So far the answer's no. Cherub sounds equally wrong-headed, deceived, or trying to deceive. And all you've got is word of mouth that doesn't ring a bell with a fellow NHer, so, not sure where that leaves you.


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Hall of Fame
I don't care where you think it leaves me. I know what I believe and why I believe it.

Of that I have no doubt.:chuckle:

I would believe what Cherub says over what you think all day long.

Misery loves company and so does delusion.:rotfl:

If you want to believe urban legends, you will. Facts are inconvenient for guys like you. Not my problem. "It was in the papers"? Fine, prove it. A drywall company? Not many of those in Portsmouth, so name the one. Otherwise, stop trying to pass notes in class.


New member
Of that I have no doubt.:chuckle:

Misery loves company and so does delusion.:rotfl:

If you want to believe urban legends, you will. Facts are inconvenient for guys like you. Not my problem. "It was in the papers"? Fine, prove it. A drywall company? Not many of those in Portsmouth, so name the one. Otherwise, stop trying to pass notes in class.

You look like a honest person. :rotfl: That's all. :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rapture:


New member
Hall of Fame
I remember a news agency broadcasting American Muslims celebrating on 9/11. I looked for the broad cast to be repeated but it never aired again. Don't you know, news stories get pulled by the government if they threaten the peace? The Government also hides certain statistics in order to keep the peace. Well, I suppose they have that right to do so. I guess what bothers me is that people are mislead and kept in the dark. Maybe they are right, maybe keeping the peace is more important.

You are right, they did, i saw it myself.


New member
Hall of Fame
I said Portsmouth but it's probably Newington. There were two sheetrock manufacturers in that area. Georgia Pacific and National Gypsum. It looks to me that you only believe the things you don't have to admit you're wrong about.

Uh-huh, well just a second ago you said "I heard it from an employee of the plant while I was working in the Portsmouth area....at the plant itself." So which plant was this, hotshot?:wazzup:

Are you just making this whole thing up as you go? 'Cause that's sure what it sounds like.


New member
Hall of Fame
Your attitude stinks. So if you're calling me a liar just because you can't cope with being wrong....

You're a loser!

I'm calling you a liar because your story stinks and you don't know what you're talking about.