7th Grade Students Required to Write 'Allah Is the Only God' in Tennessee




like marbles on glass
A study group that is now officially a religion.

What's it to me?

The religion of secular humanism has taken over our society, including our schools.

If he wanted to start a study group, he should be able to. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, but as usual you're going off on some tangent that'll lead back to one of your pet subjects.

Make up your mind. More than one religion in school, or no religion in school. Which do you want?


If he wanted to start a study group, he should be able to.

Because barbarians that are placed in penal institutions for rape and murder have rights too.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, but as usual you're going off on some tangent that'll lead back to one of your pet subjects.

I said absolutely nothing about homosexual youth clubs in public schools anna, as I know how uncomfortable the subject makes you and kmoney ;-)

Make up your mind. More than one religion in school, or no religion in school. Which do you want?

Being that there is no such thing as "no religion in school" (secular humanism is a religion and is currently being taught), I guess that leaves two choices: Either the ever so tolerant religion of Islam (but will they teach that their false prophet was a pedophile?) where "the finer points of beheading infidels" would be taught K through 12, or what we'd done for close to 200 years here in the US: Christian/Judeo doctrine.


like marbles on glass
Because barbarians that are placed in penal institutions for rape and murder have rights too.


Do you know what he's serving time for? Because if he's not serving time for rape or murder, you're defaming someone whose name is known.

I said absolutely nothing about homosexual youth clubs in public schools anna, as I know how uncomfortable the subject makes you and kmoney ;-)

It was only a matter of time, I knew you couldn't hold out for long.

Being that there is no such thing as "no religion in school" (secular humanism is a religion and is currently being taught), I guess that leaves two choices: Either the ever so tolerant religion of Islam (but will they teach that their false prophet was a pedophile?) where "the finer points of beheading infidels" would be taught K through 12, or what we'd done for close to 200 years here in the US: Christian/Judeo doctrine.

Bzzzt... Wrong answer. Don't feel too bad. I know you tried your best. :)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Because barbarians that are placed in penal institutions for rape and murder have rights too.

Do you know what he's serving time for? Because if he's not serving time for rape or murder, you're defaming someone whose name is known.

I'll guarantee you that following the teachings of God didn't land your hero in prison anna.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I said absolutely nothing about homosexual youth clubs in public schools anna, as I know how uncomfortable the subject makes you and kmoney ;-)

It was only a matter of time, I knew you couldn't hold out for long.

You act like teaching children the finer aspects of same sex buggery in schools is something to be ashamed of anna.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that there is no such thing as "no religion in school" (secular humanism is a religion and is currently being taught), I guess that leaves two choices: Either the ever so tolerant religion of Islam (but will they teach that their false prophet was a pedophile?) where "the finer points of beheading infidels" would be taught K through 12, or what we'd done for close to 200 years here in the US: Christian/Judeo doctrine.

Bzzzt... Wrong answer. Don't feel too bad. I know you tried your best.

Be sure to check out my extensive segment on Education in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (you remember that thread, you left after your scaremongering post failed), as it will talk about all of the things that you're comfortable with in our current school system:

Planned Parenthood sex education programs.
Homosexual/transgender youth clubs*

Etc. etc. etc.

*Homosexuality, cross dressing and gender mutilation surgery is no longer just for adults.


like marbles on glass
I'll guarantee you that following the teachings of God didn't land your hero in prison anna.

In other words, you have no idea.

You act like teaching children the finer aspects of same sex buggery in schools is something to be ashamed of anna.
Still searching for an idea... searching...

Be sure to check out my extensive segment on Education in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (you remember that thread, you left after your scaremongering post failed), as it will talk about all of the things that you're comfortable with in our current school system:
Oh, it didn't fail. I wanted to put the names of everyone here who would execute homosexuals on the first page of your new thread. And you know what? There it is. :)

Now if you have nothing to offer on whether religions (plural) or no religion should be taught in school, I think we've come to the end of another lovely non-conversation.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'll guarantee you that following the teachings of God didn't land your hero in prison anna.

In other words, you have no idea.

Since it's so important to you, your secular humanist/atheist hero was serving 15 years for armed bank robbery.

In case you're not familiar with what goes on in an armed bank robbery, it usually involves putting a loaded gun in the face of a bank teller.

That being said: I'm pretty certain that like 99% of the inmates in correctional facilities, your secular humanist/atheist hero is innocent (he was just another victim of that wicked Judeo/Christian criminal justice system).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You act like teaching children the finer aspects of same sex buggery in schools is something to be ashamed of anna.

Still searching for an idea... searching...

Search no further anna, this book has all of the answers to your moral confusion.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Be sure to check out my extensive segment on Education in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (you remember that thread, you left after your scaremongering post failed), as it will talk about all of the things that you're comfortable with in our current school system:

Oh, it didn't fail. I wanted to put the names of everyone here who would execute homosexuals on the first page of your new thread. And you know what? There it is.

Standing by and watching your fellow human beings die horrible deaths from things like AIDS is a big "fail" anna.

Now if you have nothing to offer on whether religions (plural) or no religion should be taught in school, I think we've come to the end of another lovely non-conversation.

Teaching Judeo/Christian doctrine like our school system did for the first 200 years is plural the last time I checked.


New member

These are the days of of the Anti-Christ. This is spreading throughout the entire U.S. school sytem. Remember our Government removed Jesus, Christian prayer before school, and the Ten Commandments.

I strongly suspect Islam will be the dominate global religion. We are absolutley in the last day's. I have refrained for 20 years from stating this as I was unsure. No longer.

The Vatican now honors Islamic art work.

Islamis school holidays.:

Vatican displays Islamic art work along side their "Christian" art work:



New member
There's is no doubt about it.
We will be chastised by the Lord, as the children of Israel of old.

As a nation, we have abandoned the Lord. The Lord has been so patient, so long-suffering with us. We deserve what is coming. This nation has become just as the children of Israel of old that after all the Lord did for them, demanded to go back to Egypt to be under slavery again because they were not in accord with the liberty given them by the Lord.

God have mercy on our Country.
God have mercy on Muslims. May the preaching of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified reach their ears and they be saved and turn from their wicked ways.

May the Church get off its behind and pray for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

This Nation has gotten tired of all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon her and has abandoned Him and when the chastisement comes, as a nation, we will complain that the chastisement is not fair, exactly as the children of Israel of old.

May the Lord have mercy on us for we deserve nothing less than the chastisement that is coming!


New member
God hates fags

Totally and completely untrue.

God loves fags, as you put it, as much as He loves you and me.
God hates homosexuality.

If what you say would be true, then not one fag, as you put it, has ever been saved, which is untrue as many homosexuals have been saved and forgiven and now preach the good news of Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary for them.