7th Grade Students Required to Write 'Allah Is the Only God' in Tennessee


New member
I think the schools should teach the real 5 pillars of Islam.
1. stealth jihad - move colonists into areas you wish to convert, and allege prejudice if anyone protests.
2. when numbers reach about 5% of the population, insist that the local grocers provide foods which comply with sharia law.
3. economic jihad - throw violent protests if anyone exercises their right of free speech against Islam. Threaten cartoonists, etc.
4. sharia law - insist that local police & governments allow Muslims to self-govern under Sharia law.
5. full jihad - when the muslim population reaches 30-50%; wage open jihad on any and all other religions. If people refuse to convert, demand they pay the jizyah, or get beheaded, etc.

point out that nice sections of the Koran which preach things like freedom of religion are abrogated by any later parts of the Koran which conflict with them - in other words Allah changes his truths.
Class out

The Western world is under siege.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Would you have a problem with public school students having to memorize the Nicene Creed?



like marbles on glass
Would you have a problem with public school students having to memorize the Nicene Creed?

Something that long wouldn't be chosen for memorization, although they might reference it.

More likely would be closer to the two greatest commandments or the golden rule.


like marbles on glass
It's a matter of desensitizing.....talk about it....make it something acceptable....even "cool". They did the same with being "gay". It was different and cool and worth trying. :nono:

I don't think it's that at all, the OP article itself mentions that the religions are mixed into a curriculum that spans two years, 7th. and 8th. grade, and that Christianity is brought into it later, near the end of 7th. and beginning of 8th. grade. And the parent in question doesn't have a problem with Islam being learned about, just not wanting it to be the only religion learned about:
Although Porterfield does not object to her child being taught details on the Islamic religion, she does oppose the fact that her daughter's history unit has not yet taught her about theological components of Christianity or Judaism.
The article goes on to say that after the student said she didn't want to write or recite the Shahada, the teacher said she wasn't required to. So there doesn't appear to be any coercion involved on the teacher's part. And further:
Although Porterfield claims that the history unit spent all of three weeks going over Islam, Jan Hanvey, Maury County Public Schools' middle school supervisor, told the Columbia Daily Herald that most of the three-week unit discussed things like government, culture, geography and economics, not theology. Hanvey also stated that the chapters on Christianity and Judaism are scheduled to be taught at the end of the year with the "Age of Exploration" unit. They were not "skipped" over like Porterfield claimed.
From the Columbia Daily Mail link:
Dr. Jan Hanvey, Maury County Public Schools middle school supervisor, said the curriculum and topics have been covered for at least 31 years. She is a former social studies teacher.
She said teachers do not spend three weeks specifically talking about Islam, but rather the geography, culture, economics and government surrounding the religion.
Islam is discussed for about one day of the three-week period, Hanvey said. By the end of the year, students will have studied Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions, she said.
“It’s part of history. If you don’t talk about it, then you are leaving out the ‘why,’” Hanvey said. “Children need to know the ‘why,’ and they need to be able to learn and know where to find the facts, instead of going by what they hear or what they see on the Internet.”
The chapter on Christianity was not skipped over but was put off until a later date, she said. The textbook’s chapter layout does not drive instruction. Instead, teachers use a pacing guide that may be different from chapter chronology, Hanvey said.

This happens very frequently. My professors routinely group chapters for study out of order in the text because of how they relate to the overall course study. For example, currently the study module in one of my texts is made up of chapters 1, 2, 3, and 14.
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like marbles on glass
I've seen some dumb threads on this board but this one takes the cake.

Question on Test:

What are the Five pillars of Islam?

Fundie Christians: They are trying to force conversion to Islam! Remove our children from the public schools, our kids are not to be educated but indoctrinated!

Question on history test about WWII: Name 5 points of the Nazi Party Platform.

Hello people, such a question would not, in any way, shape or form, be trying to convert people to Nazism. The contention that the schools are trying to indoctrinate kids into Islam is as dumb as the above example is trying to convert kids to Nazism.

And fundies wonder why they have a reputation for being ignorant hicks that are against that darn book larnin'?

Teachers are darned if they do, darned if they don't. Touch on various religions and place them in a historical context and they're in trouble, don't reference them at all and they're in trouble. Sometimes it's the teachers who probably feel like they're under siege.
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patrick jane

Except they skipped the part on christianity, and what world religion class requires students to write a conversion creed?

Where is your church and state objections? Oh thats right, its only objected to if its a picture of Jesus, or a school says Happy Birthday Jesus.

But writing that Allah is the only god and muhammed is his prophet, is perfectly ok. (lie from the pit)


if i was a parent and that happened in my child's school, i would march up there and demand explanation and change, or take my kids out. that is disgusting, and i think seeds are being planted in our children. when you introduce children to doctrines and faith based teachings, they grow up remembering those words and teachings. if they teach about one they should teach them all. America is founded and based in Christianity, not mohamhead
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Well-known member
Talk about grasping at straws and tilting at windmills. Learning, writing and understanding the shahada or the five pillars does not make one a Muslim anymore than writing and understanding the contents of the apostolic creed makes one a Christian or learning, writing and understanding the four noble truths makes one a Buddhist. Learn the difference of doing something in a descriptive manner and a normative manner, they are not the same thing. Learning about other perspectives and understanding what other people believe, oh the horror!

This is no more endorsing Islam than learning about the Vikings is to encourage the raiding of Lindisfarne.

And no, America is not based and founded on Christianity. It was founded on enlightenment deism, inspired primarily by the French revolution.


like marbles on glass
Talk about grasping at straws and tilting at windmills. Learning, writing and understanding the shahada or the five pillars does not make one a Muslim anymore than writing and understanding the contents of the apostolic creed makes one a Christian or learning, writing and understanding the four noble truths makes one a Buddhist. Learn the difference of doing something in a descriptive manner and a normative manner, they are not the same thing. Learning about other perspectives and understanding what other people believe, oh the horror!

This is no more endorsing Islam than learning about the Vikings is to encourage the raiding of Lindisfarne.

And no, America is not based and founded on Christianity. It was founded on enlightenment deism, inspired primarily by the French revolution.

Well said.

The Horn

What's all the fuss about ?. Public schools are trying to teach kids ABOUT the religion of Islam . They're not trying to convert them .
An appalling number of Americans are woefully ignorant about this religion and have been brainwashed by negative hype into thinking that all or most Muslims are evil , violent fanatics who are out to conquer Americans and kill anyone here who refuses to convert .
The disaster of 9/11 14 years ago tomorrow fueled Anti-Muslim hatred and paranoia , and there have been numerous incidents of hate crimes against innocent Muslims in America who were not a threat to anyone .
Public schools are doing the right thing by trying to educate kids and
to defuse paranoid fear and hatred of Muslims .


like marbles on glass
I've seen some dumb threads on this board but this one takes the cake.

Question on Test:

What are the Five pillars of Islam?

Fundie Christians: They are trying to force conversion to Islam! Remove our children from the public schools, our kids are not to be educated but indoctrinated!

Question on history test about WWII: Name 5 points of the Nazi Party Platform.

Hello people, such a question would not, in any way, shape or form, be trying to convert people to Nazism. The contention that the schools are trying to indoctrinate kids into Islam is as dumb as the above example is trying to convert kids to Nazism.

And fundies wonder why they have a reputation for being ignorant hicks that are against that darn book larnin'?

You made a great point. Unfortunately, great points by atheists or progressives don't come without cost around here. While I know some or most of you expect it, it's making for some pretty boring discussions without all of you around (thanks to the efforts of a few here who dish it out but can't take it.)


New member
What's all the fuss about ?. Public schools are trying to teach kids ABOUT the religion of Islam . They're not trying to convert them .
An appalling number of Americans are woefully ignorant about this religion and have been brainwashed by negative hype into thinking that all or most Muslims are evil , violent fanatics who are out to conquer Americans and kill anyone here who refuses to convert .
The disaster of 9/11 14 years ago tomorrow fueled Anti-Muslim hatred and paranoia , and there have been numerous incidents of hate crimes against innocent Muslims in America who were not a threat to anyone .
Public schools are doing the right thing by trying to educate kids and
to defuse paranoid fear and hatred of Muslims .

Now if we could just defuse the hatred displayed by Islamic fundamentalists towards Americans life would become better for all concerned....


New member
Hall of Fame
Would you have a problem with public school students having to memorize the Nicene Creed?

Something that long wouldn't be chosen for memorization, although they might reference it.

More likely would be closer to the two greatest commandments or the golden rule.

I don't think it's that at all, the OP article itself mentions that the religions are mixed into a curriculum that spans two years, 7th. and 8th. grade, and that Christianity is brought into it later, near the end of 7th. and beginning of 8th. grade. And the parent in question doesn't have a problem with Islam being learned about, just not wanting it to be the only religion learned about:
Although Porterfield does not object to her child being taught details on the Islamic religion, she does oppose the fact that her daughter's history unit has not yet taught her about theological components of Christianity or Judaism.
The article goes on to say that after the student said she didn't want to write or recite the Shahada, the teacher said she wasn't required to. So there doesn't appear to be any coercion involved on the teacher's part. And further:
Although Porterfield claims that the history unit spent all of three weeks going over Islam, Jan Hanvey, Maury County Public Schools' middle school supervisor, told the Columbia Daily Herald that most of the three-week unit discussed things like government, culture, geography and economics, not theology. Hanvey also stated that the chapters on Christianity and Judaism are scheduled to be taught at the end of the year with the "Age of Exploration" unit. They were not "skipped" over like Porterfield claimed.
From the Columbia Daily Mail link:
Dr. Jan Hanvey, Maury County Public Schools middle school supervisor, said the curriculum and topics have been covered for at least 31 years. She is a former social studies teacher.
She said teachers do not spend three weeks specifically talking about Islam, but rather the geography, culture, economics and government surrounding the religion.
Islam is discussed for about one day of the three-week period, Hanvey said. By the end of the year, students will have studied Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions, she said.
“It’s part of history. If you don’t talk about it, then you are leaving out the ‘why,’” Hanvey said. “Children need to know the ‘why,’ and they need to be able to learn and know where to find the facts, instead of going by what they hear or what they see on the Internet.”
The chapter on Christianity was not skipped over but was put off until a later date, she said. The textbook’s chapter layout does not drive instruction. Instead, teachers use a pacing guide that may be different from chapter chronology, Hanvey said.

This happens very frequently. My professors routinely group chapters for study out of order in the text because of how they relate to the overall course study. For example, currently the study module in one of my texts is made up of chapters 1, 2, 3, and 14.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame

What is the deal with this? I understand the Christian reaction; however, what about those who dislike any religion taught in school? They are supposed to put up with their kids being taught the religion of our enemy?

What is all this! We send our boys over to fight these wackos and then some radical educational agenda gets the go to force our kids to learn their religion? I do not get it? If they want to play that game, then why not teach kids military preparedness to fight Muslims.


like marbles on glass
I tried to rep him but you can't rep banned people. :mmph:

Gotta be quicker, kmo. I repped him before he was banned. :)

Also: The title of the article is misleading. It says: 7th Grade Students Required to Write 'Allah Is the Only God' in Tennessee Public Schools

Then I find in the body of the article that: "After Porterfield's daughter told her teacher that she did not want to recite the Shahada or anything resembling "Allah is the only god... that the teacher told her daughter that she would no longer have to recite or write the phrase."


like marbles on glass
What is the deal with this? I understand the Christian reaction; however, what about those who dislike any religion taught in school? They are supposed to put up with their kids being taught the religion of our enemy?

What is all this! We send our boys over to fight these wackos and then some radical educational agenda gets the go to force our kids to learn their religion? I do not get it? If they want to play that game, then why not teach kids military preparedness to fight Muslims.

I'm with the people who don't want any religion taught in school except in a historical and cultural context.

The same Christians saying "they've taken God out of the schools!" are often the same ones saying "they're teaching my kid about Islam"!

What those Christians want is only their religion talked about in school and no one else's.