You are the person who is whinnnniiinnnngggg about all them mean women taking away your rights. So either list them ... or just admit that you are bitter ... and just lashing out.
Reality. Realize it.
You are the person who is whinnnniiinnnngggg about all them mean women taking away your rights. So either list them ... or just admit that you are bitter ... and just lashing out.
Show the quotes or either admit you are once again being deceitful.
If a statistic were possible to exist that showed something such as what I presented, I would have.
Instead, you're just going to have to realize a little thing called 'reality' and stop pretending like most men who get arrested for domestic assault beat the snot out of their wives. That's simply just fiction.
So admittedly, you've got nothing. There's a surprise.lain:
Except reality, but forget about that, right?
It's all about what makes women perceived as victims of the fabled oppressive patriarchy.
You are the person who is whinnnniiinnnngggg about all them mean women taking away your rights. So either list them ... or just admit that you are bitter ... and just lashing out.
Reality. Realize it.
So, you have nothing to offer up outside of your bitterness and demands that I go find your imaginary proof myself ...
Where's the proof that it isn't the case?
You see, you run around with the imagination that all these women are abused when, in reality, many men are going to jail for stupid things. Like pushing an irate wife in their face.
I live in a place called reality. You do not. If you did, you would acknowledge that most people in jail for 'domestic assault' shouldn't even be there. They shouldn't have to suffer a restraining order and not be around their own house while the wife packs up everything you invested in and moves out. Or gets custody of the kids. Or seen as a wife beater.
My proof is right outside your window.
Women get an extra counselor in domestic courts by default from social services, and the standard for prosecution is cut in half if they are the plaintiff. They make it a point to convince the woman to rape the man the best she can in court. I've seen it outright.
You just deny these things because it hurts your stance considerably. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you were guilty of such. It's surprisingly common.
BTW, why would anyone *push someone in their face*? THAT is not okay
BTW, why would anyone *push someone in their face*?
Rusha said:BTW, why would anyone *push someone in their face*? THAT is not okay
Yes it is. If someone is in your face acting like a lunatic, you have a right to physically back them out of it- and not in some fragile little way neither.
The rest of your argument is just wish wash denial.
I've been told I'm 'Skybringr', 'Sum1sgruj', 'Homeskillet'.. can't think of the rest.
No less than thirty times by the same few people over the past two months. I deny it, they keep saying it.
Why would it matter anyway?
Well considering the low life made several threats (one included ripping my face off and the other about coming back and making my life hell), it would be rather odd if I wasn't concerned.
However, it has been stated that you aren't him.
Ho hum.
I did a bit of digging,
and told by a little bird some things.
You all treated ol' Sum1sguj like garbage and he got tired of it.
You're not concerned about anything except racking others nerves.
I did a bit of digging, and told by a little bird some things. You all treated ol' Sum1sguj like garbage and he got tired of it.
You're not concerned about anything except racking others nerves. He must be that golden skeleton you all keep in the farthest reach of the closet.
Avoid little birds. They have little bird brains and little bird agendas.I did a bit of digging, and told by a little bird some things.
Mostly he was sent on vacation following a profane image, implied profanity and a couple of really stupid attacks on the trinity. You have to know where you are and if you can't keep muddy boots off the dinner table, eat at home.You all treated ol' Sum1sguj like garbage and he got tired of it.
Sometimes I feel Like I'm going to lose my patience with you Trinitarians. You all are swine, going around wearing that conviction on your shoulders simply because others do not share the views of a bunch of men who sat down and wrote doctrine according to their ideas. Go be a Christian and shut your mouths. You all are merely fallen, disgraceful men like anyone else.
Pot. Meet kettle.
You can't even pretend to act as if the trinitarians on here are not utterly absurd with their unholy idol :rotfl:
And trinitarians actually deserve a bit of scorn for their crimes against humanity. To me, the trinity symbol is equivalent to a swastika.
Which sort are less equal and by what measure?
Can Catholics commit murder? Rape? The rest is data.
I saw a white guy set fire to a field. You can't trust white guys near your fields. A smaller version of your problem here.
What you're suggesting works an injustice against those who have not by their actions merited the exclusion.
You want to start building the great wall of Europe?
Great. Link to it.
Yes, Trad, I'm going to unreasonably insist that before we start deporting every Muslim immigrant you can rationally justify the necessity.You're going to insist on objective surveys, statistics, etc.
I appreciate the candor. Then you have to understand and should acknowledge that your conclusion, founded on ignorance, is likely as ignorant and that the correct solution to a thing almost never arrives via that particular.I am going to answer:
1. I don't have such surveys, etc. With respect to those, I'm simply ignorant.
There's a lot of data being collected and even a cursory Google search can begin to unlock both that and the problems of causal linkage/other factors to be considered and cross compared, etc., but I'd suggest that if you can't even answer this much you should probably have refrained from more than inquiries and general concerns in your comments on the question. Instead, you reached fairly strong conclusions and offered a fairly radical notion/solution to your perception of a problem you now admit you are insufficiently versed in to make more than an uninformed speculation.I'll further ask, however:
2. Whether there even are such things. Who is doing the surveys? What are their political motivations? What facets of the issue are they looking at?
I once knew a kid who thought cheating on exams was the way to a good grade and a bright future.I read an article not too long ago in which EU leaders came out and insisted that the Cologne attacks had nothing to do with immigration. The evidence for this...? Well, they certainly didn't cite anything in the article, just a bald assertion that it's not true.
A good place to begin inquiry. But a lousy defense of an uninformed opinion.Seriously. Who's doing the surveys? What's their methodology?
Because anecdotal evidence isn't acceptable to establish a rule. An anecdote is only useful as an illustration of a rule that's understood from a broader statistical observation, when you're speaking to something like this.Anecdotal evidence ultimately can't carry the day. But in cases like this? It counts for something. I keep talking about the Cologne attacks, and you'll keep insisting on objective data.
I've heard of a gang of American soldiers behaving worse. Do I condemn American soldiers or simply insist on prosecutions for My Lai? I suspect we both know the answer to that one and it's really the answer to any attempt to generalize from an anecdote.But I'll ask you:
Have you heard of entire crowds and gangs of mexican, Jewish, etc. immigrants roaming the streets harassing, assaulting and raping people?
Ever hear of people, mobs really, responding violently to wins and losses after soccer games? Championship celebrations ending in burning cars? Or, violent, stupid behavior and mobs have histories and confluences that are rarely about the obvious.Have you heard of entire crowds and gangs of mexican, Jewish, etc. immigrants firebombing police vehicles?
I know you think that. I'm tying to get you to think about why you do and to dig a bit deeper, ask a few questions that aren't grounded in your personal bias and tendency relating to the "other".It's not enough to prove that Muslim immigrants are dangerous in general. But it does show, I think, that there is something different about Muslim immigrants.
One or two soccer fans going around harassing people is the sort of thing you have to expect after a match, I suppose. But a crowd of them?One or two Muslim immigrants going around harassing people is the sort of thing you have to expect, I suppose. An entire crowd of them?
You first have to establish the base for Muslims before you can compare them with another base you likely haven't researched.Do you have even anecdotal reason to think that Syrian eastern Catholics would be as dangerous as Muslims?
You're not paying attention. That was offered as an illustration of your demonstrated problem, extrapolating from too little data.Yeah. One guy. You've just strengthened my point.
Then you're mistaken as to every legal immigrant. Their right to be where they are is established prima facie by following the law and residing subject to it. Now if you want to deport illegal immigrants, within the framework of the law, go to.You're begging the question. You speak as though they have merited or otherwise have some right to inclusion. I disagree with this assumption.
The law should not be the instrument of fear, but of justice. An unequal law is an unjust law. Your suggestion is insufficiently reasoned, founded on ignorance and unjust, unless you mean to revise capital punishment (not allowed in most Western European countries, I believe) on the whole.And summary executions of any Muslims who dare attempt to enter by violence, fraud, etc.
Partly? Not exactly ringing condemnation. But the studies they're using to justify particular condemnations of Muslims aren't speaking to Muslims but to all foreign born individuals... Among those is there data to suggest a disparate habit for all Muslims? Most? Many? About the same?
"The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats Party has repeatedly made the claim that the high number of rape reports is at least partly due to the influx of Muslim immigrants.[34][35] Two reports from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ) are relevant to the rate of rape among immigrants to Sweden and their descendants. The latest published report that indicates the association between immigrants and rape was published in 2005 and revealed that from 1997 to 2001 foreign born individuals were 5.5 times more likely to be charged of rape than individuals born in Sweden to two Swedish parents and that foreign born individuals from all regions, apart from East Asia, committed sexual assaults at rates up to 5.3 times greater than that of individuals born in Sweden to two Swedish parents.[36]"
Yes, Trad, I'm going to unreasonably insist that before we start deporting every Muslim immigrant you can rationally justify the necessity.
I appreciate the candor. Then you have to understand and should acknowledge that your conclusion, founded on ignorance, is likely as ignorant and that the correct solution to a thing almost never arrives via that particular.
There's a lot of data being collected and even a cursory Google search can begin to unlock both that and the problems of causal linkage/other factors to be considered and cross compared, etc., but I'd suggest that if you can't even answer this much you should probably have refrained from more than inquiries and general concerns in your comments on the question. Instead, you reached fairly strong conclusions and offered a fairly radical notion/solution to your perception of a problem you now admit you are insufficiently versed in to make more than an uninformed speculation.
Because anecdotal evidence isn't acceptable to establish a rule. An anecdote is only useful as an illustration of a rule that's understood from a broader statistical observation, when you're speaking to something like this.
I've heard of a gang of American soldiers behaving worse. Do I condemn American soldiers or simply insist on prosecutions for My Lai? I suspect we both know the answer to that one and it's really the answer to any attempt to generalize from an anecdote.
Ever hear of people, mobs really, responding violently to wins and losses after soccer games? Championship celebrations ending in burning cars? Or, violent, stupid behavior and mobs have histories and confluences that are rarely about the obvious.
You first have to establish the base for Muslims before you can compare them with another base you likely haven't researched.
Then you're mistaken as to every legal immigrant. Their right to be where they are is established prima facie by following the law and residing subject to it. Now if you want to deport illegal immigrants, within the framework of the law, go to.
The law should not be the instrument of fear, but of justice.
TH, these examples actually work against your case.
Military combatants at war?
Championship soccer matches in Europe?
It's common knowledge that people behave badly at these things. From the incident that you cite later, i.e., soccer-goers throwing chairs at policeman, we cannot perhaps "prove," but we do see displayed very clearly, that European soccer matches can be dangerous and that European soccer goers can be very unruly.
This is common knowledge.
But do tell me, TH, what the cause of the Cologne attacks were.
Were the assailants in an unduly stressful situation? Were they at war? Were they at a European soccer match? Was there something inherently stressful about their situation?
Then the problem lies with them.
But what differentiates them from all sorts of other people who would not have acted in that way, e.g., Mexicans, Jews, etc.?
They were Muslim immigrants!
i don't believe those people were mooslims