Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Nothing you do surprises're a liberal and easily offended. Thus the whining and moaning and wallowing in self pity.
Yeah GD, I'm barely holding back the tears here...
Seriously, grow up.
Nothing you do surprises're a liberal and easily offended. Thus the whining and moaning and wallowing in self pity.
To be fair you were complaining about others, but the point was to spur you to write what you wanted to read. Start the conversation you mean to have. I'm as guilty as anyone of engaging in the snippier side of repartee, though I prefer the amicable variety and preferably tied into real and substantive points.@ TH, concerning my just being one complainer among others:
Now you're talking.Fair point. In the interests of turning dragging this thread out of the quagmire of interpersonal conflict and back know, something actually worth talking about:
Agreed. The problem is that this article can't be that starting point. So start without it.The OP is a photo-shop. That sign didn't exist in actuality.
That said, I think that there is a compelling point to be made in all of this, and it really does express a lot of conservative frustration.
I'd say that the conservatives are right, though not singularly about Muslims, but about immigrants in general, who are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty, the wellspring of a disproportionate amount of criminal, especially violent criminal behavior. Now some Muslims will undoubtedly use the cover of legitimate immigrants to enter in order to do harm. But the question becomes one of principle. Do we seal our borders out of fear of what the minority might do? If so then do we restrict it to Muslims? Is Muslim immigration a source of criminal activity above and beyond other immigrants?The simple fact is that conservatives have been insisting, over and over again, that if we let in Muslims into the US and Europe, we are going to see more crime, more terrorism, and more problems for us.
I don't know many people to my left who aren't aware of the danger or who think everyone nervous enough to have qualms is a racist. France has already paid for its immigration principle in blood. They haven't shut their borders. They're saying to the legitimate refugees what we should have said to the Jews we turned back once upon a time.The liberals, of course, seem to think that this won't happen, and imply that we are bigots and racists for even thinking that.
Where's your hard data on that? I saw an anonymous police source on the rape figure. From good data come verifiable conclusions. And from those conclusions can come reasonable restraints, where warranted.Well, lo and behold, there are more and more Muslims in Europe, and we are seeing more and more crime, more rape, and a whole bunch of other problems that didn't use to be there. Sweden is the rape capital of Europe because of Muslims.
I think points like that need qualifiers. First, good data. Then, "some". Because the least unified voices I've ever heard are among liberals who vary almost as proudly as conservatives raise the singular flag where possible.And when we point out things like this, liberals seem to have no coherent answer for us.
Depends on the numbers and how they compare. I'd say an alarmist and reactionary absent compelling data.The most that you people can muster is: "But it's only a small minority. Most of them aren't like that. If you want to get rid of all of them because of the actions of a few, then you are a racist!"
Let me turn that around. A friend of mine said why entertain even a relatively small risk of real harm. I noted that this is never an argument gun owners accept in relation to their right to bear arms.Meanwhile, of course, they would never accept this argument from the NRA: "But only a small minority of guns are used for illegal activities. Most gun owners are responsible. If you want to pass stricter laws for all gun-owners because of the actions of a few, then you are anti-freedom, anti-self defense and anti-constitution!"
That's one response. But is it a rational one? If most immigrant populations pose a risk of an increase in crime and are twice as likely as native populations to find themselves in poverty and we know that poverty is the disproportionate seed of criminal activity then you could make the argument that all immigration should be suspended and that only a few highly screened individuals should be permitted to enter.The simple fact is this: "Small minority" or not, Europe (and soon, I bet, the US) is facing problems that it didn't have to face before, and the cause of these problems is Islamic immigration. They need to get out and stay out. Period. End of story.
I disagree with any conclusion that predates substantive, serious consideration and facts in support. So in part I have to, though I think you raise issues that bear scrutiny and that's always a good thing, provided we're prepared, on all sides, to learn from the findings and we take care how we compile the data.You disagree with me?
Now that's not a statement I can or should be expected to respect. That's not an invitation to the discourse and discussion you say you want. It's declaration wrapped in an insult.Then that just tells me that you value this "diversity" liberal nonsense more than you actually value law, order and safety.
Yeah GD, I'm barely holding back the tears here...
Seriously, grow up.
I am grown up, Artie, so don't bother trying to hide your tears from me. I know how tender you are, and I recognize a snivel when I see one.
And while it may be technically legal, women do what should be seen as criminal to men all the time. There are women who do a lot of nasty things to men. They need to not only be disavowed from special privilege, but there needs to be a massive repeal in domestic courts.
Liberals are good at throwing shade on whatever doesn't specifically benefit them, and ignoring issues that do not pertain wholly to themselves.
"Disavowed from special privilege"?!
You really are one pompous little nutter...
Why would I hide what aren't even there?
one pompous little nutter...
Yep. Take the house, take the kids- be denied social services, quotas, and every other ridiculous thing these so called under privileged women have.
Seems fair to me.
If she wants to be that selfish, let her slave by it.
That's not pompous, that's square. But I understand that feminists such as yourself have absolutely no idea of the concept of 'fair' or even, ironically, 'equality'.
Why would I hide what aren't even there?
Yep. Take the house, take the kids- be denied social services, quotas, and every other ridiculous thing these so called under privileged women have.
Seems fair to me. If she wants to be that selfish, let her slave by it.
That's not pompous, that's square. But I understand that feminists such as yourself have absolutely no idea of the concept of 'fair' or even, ironically, 'equality'.
Nope. If you're gonna make facile and erroneous claims about me, even indirectly then don't be surprised if I call you out on that kinda crap.
I'd say that the conservatives are right, though not singularly about Muslims, but about immigrants in general, who are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty, the wellspring of a disproportionate amount of criminal, especially violent criminal behavior.
Now some Muslims will undoubtedly use the cover of legitimate immigrants to enter in order to do harm. But the question becomes one of principle. Do we seal our borders out of fear of what the minority might do? If so then do we restrict it to Muslims? Is Muslim immigration a source of criminal activity above and beyond other immigrants?
I don't know many people to my left who aren't aware of the danger or who think everyone nervous enough to have qualms is a racist.
France has already paid for its immigration principle in blood. They haven't shut their borders.
They're saying to the legitimate refugees what we should have said to the Jews we turned back once upon a time.
Where's your hard data on that? I saw an anonymous police source on the rape figure. From good data come verifiable conclusions. And from those conclusions can come reasonable restraints, where warranted.
Let me turn that around. A friend of mine said why entertain even a relatively small risk of real harm. I noted that this is never an argument gun owners accept in relation to their right to bear arms.
I thought you were banned - :devil:
no, its THESE 'little' men - intentually inserting that all the men here are little and agree with the sentiments, effectively shutting down conversation, like a whiny 3 year old. So she can object if all men here are not in immediate agreement with her.
Total propaganda. Total dishonesty and total lack of intellect.
I'll tell you what's statistically an actual and more demonstrably prevalent occurance every day: domestic violence. It's almost entirely male ...
CDC Study: More Men than Women Victims of Partner Abuse
SUMMARY: According to a 2010 national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Justice, in the last 12 months more men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence and over 40% of severe physical violence was directed at men.
Now you're approaching the point of my questions. We need to have a solid footing on the subject or we're just trading in fear and loathing of the other.I'm not convinced that all immigrant demographics are created equal. Documented vs. undocumented immigrants? Muslim vs. Catholic immigrants? Mexican vs. British?
Which sort are less equal and by what measure? There are obvious answers that will likely be supported by objective data and then there's the other. My focus is on distinguishing between the two.Again, I deny that all minorities are created equal.
Doesn't establish a rule and beyond that is a causality problem though. The data should lead us through factors and allow for a more inclusive understanding of the problem, to the extent it exists and approaches the rule.Those weren't undocumented Mexican illegals harassing women in Cologne.
A sentence that broad rarely contains an ending steeped in dispassionate observation. Maybe the latter is your religious and/or personal bias in play. Stick to data.The problem with Muslims...
Can Catholics commit murder? Rape? The rest is data.Do you honestly want me to believe that Syrian Eastern Catholic immigrants would be as dangerous as Syrian Muslim immigrants?
I saw a white guy set fire to a field. You can't trust white guys near your fields. A smaller version of your problem here.Because, again, I'm pretty sure that those weren't Syrian Eastern Catholic immigrants harassing women in Cologne. Just saying.
And without that data you've reached a conclusion.You're educated enough to understand the mistake you're making here and have had it pointed out in any event. What you're suggesting works an injustice against those who have not by their actions merited the exclusion. Beyond that it's impractical. You want to start building the great wall of Europe?At any rate, I believe I've been quite clear in my message:
Expel all Muslim immigrants from the West.
So most Muslim immigrants and now most liberals?...I've seen liberals talking about this on TOL and other places. "Racist" is a pretty common term that liberals like to throw out in these circumstances.
My point on France is that though they're faced with actual damage they haven't responded as you are and they haven't abandoned the open nature of a free society.I'm sorry, was I accusing French politicians of being particularly bright? What's your point?![]()
Neither are most Muslim immigrants.Funny, I don't believe that Jewish immigrants were harassing women at Cologne.
So if most liberal sources actually did suggest that conservatives were racist that would make it true? That's your standard of proof as an academician?It's commonly repeated by conservative sources.
The rejection would be the same data that would sustain a claim: data.I did, however, come across a Snopes forum discussion on the claim that 70% of all rapes in Denmark are committed by immigrants...which nobody could seem to debunk.
Great. Link to least one party in Sweden does cite at least one study indicating that Muslim immigrants are much more likely to commit rape (5.5 times more likely).
Some doubtless are. But so is the tendency to stereotype out of our internal dispositions instead of looking for the truth, comfortable or not, contained in objective data.Muslim immigrants are dangerous.
No, it doesn't. The rule isn't found in an attempt to cherry pick to fuel your person problems. Even in the year you're noting men comprised only 40% of those men were the victims of severe violence.well, let's see what the CDC has to say about it:
looks like the CDC says you're full of crap :idunno: