Well-known member
Now now, no reason to gossip. What does it matter who I am ... or what I believe?
Now now, no reason to gossip. What does it matter who I am ... or what I believe?
Now now, no reason to gossip. What does it matter who I am ... or what I believe?
I know, right? Given that the thread isn't about you, what does it matter?![]()
If you look up "Jews are evil" you'll find a few websites too. And they'll tell you all sorts of things that aren't true. Some of them have books.lain:
Would you accept from a student writing a paper on a serious subject an unsubstantiated claim gleaned from a website? No, source matter matters. You don't get objective data from stormfront, or any sites trading in alarmist rhetoric, etc.
I don't have to. You just did.
Do they mean that the anecdote shouldn't be confused with a rule for determining policy?
No, they really don't. I'm noting that mob violence is far from uncommon and has no necessary ties to a religion or immigration. See, you saw a crowd of Muslims breaking the law and assumed it was a Muslim problem. You wouldn't see a soccer riot and violence in a mostly Catholic country and assume the Church was responsible.
I don't know, but if you want speculation let's begin with what the government has to say about it. If we are to believe the German government, around 1,000 men gathered in a train station before fragmenting to commit various crimes in Cologne. Sounds like terrorism to me. Hamburg and Stuttgart saw similar happenings on the night. They're looking into linkage as we write.
Moderate Muslims | |
I noted the law gave them the right to be exactly where they are, in contradiction to your declaration. No one is arguing that changing the law would alter that.
I leave off your skewing of history and appeal to emotion in lieu of reason. Barbaric race? God, Trad, is this as far as you've come?
It's not "my" standard. Did you major/concentrate in electives before grad school? Did you get a degree in tapestry or French art?Frankly, what it comes down to, TH, is as follows:
1. I don't even think that "objective evidence" which is in accordance with your standards is even necessary.
Not if you understand anything, literally anything about proper methodology know what, forget it. It was clear enough when you eschewed inquiry for anecdote that there's nothing rational about your approach. You are an educated man who might as well not be on the point.There's sufficient evidence playing itself out in the media.
Yes, you do. Or you do if what's true matters instead of what you apparently want to be true.I don't need statistics to see that Muslim immigrants are acting differently from other immigrants.
It's not "my" standard. Did you major/concentrate in electives before grad school? Did you get a degree in tapestry or French art?
Thought about French, then doubled in psychology.
“diversity is more important than your security”The New Colossus
- Emma Lazarus (1849–1887),
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame (New York City and Brooklyn)
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Isn't "diversity" a fundamental part of American culture?
It's not "my" standard. Did you major/concentrate in electives before grad school? Did you get a degree in tapestry or French art?
Strike the "probably" and you're spot on.In hindsight, it occurs to me that, given my presentation, what I've said probably comes off as no different in content than someone utterly uneducated and committed to the right's disdain of academia and intellectuals might have said.
Well, if by that you mean the words you used and methodology you approved, yes.I think that my mode of presentation is largely to blame for this.
In order, you were and to some extent, despite effort to reframe it, still are...and "good reasons" is the sort of loose phrase that has no real teeth to it. An unlettered man (and, apparently, the lettered variety on occasion) might find an anecdote or two sufficient for the rule, without control considerations or any larger understanding.So, to be clear, I'm not arguing in favor of irrationalism or in favor of acting without good reasons,
Well, I often find when someone is comfortable with one irrational bias it usually doesn't exist in isolation.(though, the fact that a protestant would have a problem with this strikes me as utterly amusing...what did you say that your religious sect is, again?).
Except in this case you rest on anecdotal evidence that can't establish a probability if you understand statistical models. It's literally of no value absent correlation. And the entire question rests on the numbers.It is in this way that I insist on different kinds of evidence for the Islamic question.
It's necessary to have the data, not anecdotes and skewed rhetorical speculation.It is not necessary to read scientific journals to come to a reasonable opinion on Muslim immigration.
And given you hadn't even bothered to look, simply strung together a couple of inflammatory bits and ran up the anti-Muslim flag, your distinctions are of no consequence. You can't claim a lesser necessity from a position of willful ignorance in any event.There are different degrees of evidence, different kinds of "proof."
3. In the absence of the "greater" form of proof
It is a statement laden with undemonstrated assumption. Though really it's mostly a cover. What the writer would actually be saying is Islam promotes rape, if you consider the posit. Else, you should expect any increase in population to carry with it an increase in crime, unless the argument or expectation is that all immigrants are saints.Thus, consider the claim: "Islamic immigration has caused the rape rate to increase in Europe."
A lie, oft repeated, remains a lie and a man who understands bias inherent in "liberal" or "conservative" sources has reason to make serious inquiry or he is nothing more than a parrot and his opinion should be taken as seriously.My only point here is that it is not unreasonable for me to believe a claim often made by conservative sources, even though I haven't undergone further research.
A grain of truth could be nothing more than immigration brings an increase in crime, which would then condemn Muslims without real cause.The assumption is, of course, that conservative sources probably wouldn't repeat something over and over again if there weren't at least a grain of truth in what they are saying, if they had absolutely no reason for saying it.
As I said, first research and then conclude.Of course, direct statistical surveys likely can and should countervail over second hand news sources or encyclopedia articles. However, when such things exist, but are not available to us, it is not unreasonable to base our opinions on the encyclopedia articles or news articles.
And if you were blinded and grabbed the tail of an elephant you would instantly recognize the snake you weren't holding.If you were standing on the moon, Aristotle says, and you could see the moon blocking the sun's light and casting a shadow on the earth, you would immediately recognize the cause of that kind of eclipse.
I spoke directly to the Cologne incident and to the government consideration of it, the very real chance that it was a serious body of people set on a very particular path and goal. A milder form of terrorism. And if the German suspicion is upheld, your suggestion is precisely the sort of response it was aimed at inciting.This is why I keep insisting on the Cologne incident, on the public displays of violence and misconduct of the Muslims in the middle east, etc. They aren't "isolated" incidents." We're talking about massive crowds of people.
Some have argued that it should be a prerequisite for membership to this website. But then you would the only member. Am I right?isn't psych a prerequisite for understanding french art?