“diversity is more important than your security.”


Well-known member
Yes. Necessarily. If something is true, it's true regardless of who says it.

If you want to disagree with something, then you should be forming arguments against the thing in question, not coming up with insults against the people who believe the thing with which you disagree.

But if Rusha did that, she'd have nothing to say. :shocked:

patrick jane

white power:


Is that a black Albino ?


New member
Hall of Fame
I've been told I'm 'Skybringr', 'Sum1sgruj', 'Homeskillet'.. can't think of the rest.

No less than thirty times by the same few people over the past two months. I deny it, they keep saying it.

I agree with them, its pretty clear you are the same person.

Why would it matter anyway? Why are you few so obsessed with that? Is it because your real intent is just to be nerve racking and generally miserable toward other people?
I think so, because it's what you few do all the time you are on here. Nothing intelligent or interesting to say, just gossiping females.

I don't care that you are here, provided you act like an adult. I think everyone has a right to their opinion, even when i dont agree with it.

I think you should man up though and be honest about who you are.


New member
Hall of Fame
I did a bit of digging, and told by a little bird some things. You all treated ol' Sum1sguj like garbage and he got tired of it.

You're not concerned about anything except racking others nerves. He must be that golden skeleton you all keep in the farthest reach of the closet.

And this gives you away completely. You did this under all screenames past Sum - very cool that you can spell it right too, for someone you didnt know when most spell it wrong or just say sum


New member
Hall of Fame
Some black folks today do exactly that and the left says they're justified. I'm past white to the point of translucency, and some black folks would punch me in the head just for being descended from slave owners, even though MY people got off the boat long after theirs did (and in fact were de facto slaves back in Scotland/Ireland).

Either what's good for the rooster is good for the hen, or it's ALWAYS wrong no matter who does it to whom. Pick one.

:thumb: Well said.


all your posts should look like that :thumb:


Are you pretending that you do not understand the difference between being proud of one's heritage as compared to persecuting others because of *their* heritage.

Oh well, spin it as you like. It's what you do ... and why reasonable, honest people don't buy into your "arguments".

See, I didn't say a single thing about persecuting others to celebrate my heritage. You completely come out of left field in response to the mere mention of there being nothing wrong with celebrating white heritage with that.

Racial paranoia is all over this country. If I celebrated white heritage, I wouldn't make it a block before a million of Rushas told me I was racist or some other thing. It's stupid- liberals have turned the country into an irrational mass of idiocy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
See, I didn't say a single thing about persecuting others to celebrate my heritage. You completely come out of left field....

it's what she does

soon she'll be claiming that you stated that you want to persecute others

and she'll keep it up for years


Well-known member
See, I didn't say a single thing about persecuting others to celebrate my heritage. You completely come out of left field in response to the mere mention of there being nothing wrong with celebrating white heritage with that.

Racial paranoia is all over this country. If I celebrated white heritage, I wouldn't make it a block before a million of Rushas told me I was racist or some other thing. It's stupid- liberals have turned the country into an irrational mass of idiocy.

Very fitting indeed. :think:


Well-known member
I'm confused that she titles herself a Right wing fanatic, and a Christian, but..

comes off as an atheist liberal.

She's a fanatic, but only "right wing" when it suits her particular view of the situation (situational ethics), and she isn't a Christian...but an "other".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
She's a fanatic, but only "right wing" when it suits her particular view of the situation (situational ethics), and she isn't a Christian...but an "other".

that's new

she no longer calls herself an agnostic?

what weird game is she playing now?