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  1. Arthur Brain

    Are Glamour Models Immoral?

    Not essentially nude but bearing midriff, exposed thigh and cleavage etc. Are they enticing men or women to sin?
  2. Arthur Brain

    This... Is ridiculous. Rusha had you bang to rights. Get a grip CS and don't make bloody stupid threats.
  3. Arthur Brain

    Are You A Misogynist?

    Criteria as follows: You think women should be subservient to men. You think the following video is how women should behave: LS37SNYjg8w You're called Sum1sgrudge or a derivative thereof... You can't cook. You have a beard the size of New Mexico. You're an idiot.
  4. Arthur Brain

    Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

    Not very subtle and another "rape" thread but hopefully this one might just lay to rest the insidious theme that's been going about and end the crap once and for all. Does anyone agree with the following from the TOL "stalwart" of good taste, scholarly debate and outright bollards on this for...
  5. Arthur Brain

    The Moan Thread

    A place for all things negative and venting etc so as not to derail other threads. For example, I wish to complain in the strongest possible terms about this thread and it's inane premise etc...
  6. Arthur Brain

    Republicanchick Censorship Thread

    All those in favour say "oh, please yes..." or some derivative... :freak:
  7. Arthur Brain

    The Ambiguity Thread

    I'm not real sure how to describe the aim of this really. Go for any subject in non specific terms or coherence?
  8. Arthur Brain

    Ye Olde Neg Rep Thread

    Because I prefer the colour red to the colour green, I now implore anyone who sees unfit to rep me for any particular reason to neg while doing so. I would also appreciate some insulting vernacular to accompany such in the process. Many unthanks.
  9. Arthur Brain

    The New Rep System Is A Joke

    Before anyone starts flinging mud etc, let me just say that I had no problem with all reps being reset to zero, or even if the whole thing had just been scrapped altogether. What I object to is the latter of the following if this was supposedly the actual intent...
  10. Arthur Brain

    AB's Semi Quarterly Monthly Yearly Not Quite Bats But Who Cares Annual Awards Thread

    Nominations are up for the following: Poster Most Likely To Bore Even Themselves To Death Poster Most Likely To Have Algernon As Their Real Name Poster Most Likely To Hard Boil Eggs In A Kettle Finally for the moment, and rather absurdly frankly: Poster Most Likely To Soft Boil Eggs In A...
  11. Arthur Brain

    Nuclear War: Pros and Cons.

    Hmm, can't actually think of any pros and yet some elements here think that sending nukes into the Middle East is somehow a viable solution to ending any militant Islamist terrorist threat to the West. How many people here think it's as insane an 'option' as volunteering to go to a guillotine...
  12. Arthur Brain

    There Are No Rules In War?

    From a post in RM's recently closed thread: "There are no rules in war. And they did not commit torture. But you already know, you have already been shown over and over. You lying pig faced demon." I'm hoping that the...
  13. Arthur Brain

    The Diary Of General Lee Boringstuff

    What ho! Today I observed a resplendent day full of the joys of constructing jigsaw puzzles. What a shame that all of them had several hundred missing pieces...still, that didn't mar an otherwise 'fruitful' time of drinking pints of water. What fun eh? Later the joys of stargazing upon an...
  14. Arthur Brain

    And Now For A Nice Thread About All Things Pleasant...

    Yes, once again it's time to sit back in the armchair, swirl around a glass of finest scotch, smoke a cuban cigar and put on the lava lamp. Here is the place to discuss all things sugar and spice and everything nauseating nice. To kick off with here is a wonderful picture of farming equipment...
  15. Arthur Brain

    Who Here Chose To Be Heterosexual?

    Furthermore, how could you *choose* to be homosexual if you're straight?
  16. Arthur Brain

    A Slam Dunk From LMOHM... If that isn't Christian charity, empathy and compassion in action I'd love to know what is.... :BRAVO:
  17. Arthur Brain

    Hats Off To TH....

    In fairness there's any number of posts I could have picked in this thread but this resonated a bit more than others so for anyone interested....: :thumb: RULES Well, none really, have at it AFAIC. Agree, disagree...
  18. Arthur Brain

    Not much more to add to this apart from:

    :thumb: Take it away annabenedetti:
  19. Arthur Brain

    Lets argue

    So pick a topic and let's! :Plain:
  20. Arthur Brain

    The Nice Positive Affirmation Thread For Those We Don't Really Detest.

    Except we do but positives positives.... Kmo isn't an incapable vampire that can't grow sprouts. Selaphiel isn't an incapable vampire that probably can grow sprouts but who'd want to anyway? Rusha isn't Glenn Close... Mr Radish is not a vegetable pretending to be a gourmet side dish. TH is...