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  1. Arthur Brain

    "Locker Room Talk"?

    Is this seriously the type of thing that gets given a pass among conservatives these days? Or is it, as most sane people consider it to be - sexual assault and boasting about it? wFEqVARTYkY
  2. Arthur Brain

    Did God Design All Of Creation To Suffer As A Result Of The 'Fall'?

    So, Adam and Eve transgress by eating an apple from a forbidden tree and as a result, not only do all human descendants get 'infected' by sin but the whole of nature gets struck with suffering, disease and death as well?
  3. Arthur Brain

    Trump Apologises?! Well, sorta...well, not really...

    Although for Captain Egotrip, it's about as close as he's likely to come to one: “Of course I didn’t know that. I know nothing about them, and I know nothing about them today other than I read a...
  4. Arthur Brain

    Who Would Make A Better President?

    A: Donald Trump B: Anyone or anything else. All vote...whenever. :Plain:
  5. Arthur Brain

    Judge Roy Moore Allegations So, even Janet Porter agrees that Moore should have taken such a polygraph test waaay before he did if these allegations were all just made up, so why didn't he? What kind of campaign team did this guy...
  6. Arthur Brain

    Nuking Mecca - Reasonable Course Of Action Or Bat Crazy Far Right...

    Fundamentalist nuttiness that would plunge the world into WWIII? Discuss...
  7. Arthur Brain


    As I was 'removed from the discussion' over in the "5 pillars of Mohammedanism" thread then this is a reply to 'Dodge' from that very convo:
  8. Arthur Brain

    Thread For Musty's Question

    Seeing as you've locked your thread then allow me to answer here and without all the troll like crap: "Ah, now old evasive AB kicks in. So the bottom line is, your question was never genuine but was just a trap you thought you'd lay for me. That about it?" No. :e4e:
  9. Arthur Brain

    Why Do people On The Far Right Repeatedly Complain About Censorship...

    When they advocate things that would effectively silence any dissenting voice to the point of them being executed for indulging in practices or beliefs that wouldn't align with their perceived 'status quo'? The Following archive thread being a case in point...
  10. Arthur Brain

    Could Obama Be Secretly Gay?!

    Well, according to venerated and scholarly accredited historian Pastor Scott Lively, he may very well be... :shocked: GWc8FFm8tOI aCW, take note... :eek:
  11. Arthur Brain

    Was Lazarus A 'Bum'?

    He wasn't working and he begged for food. Why was the rich man wrong in denying him even the scraps of food off his table? Plenty here seem to think that those who don't work shouldn't eat so does this apply to all the homeless 'bums' and those down on their luck as well?
  12. Arthur Brain

    Could You Train Yourself To Enjoy...

    Music you find boring? Foodstuffs you recoil at? Reality TV if you cringe at it? This is an offshoot from a conversation with Glassjester where he proposes that people can train themselves to enjoy things they have an aversion to. I say it's bunk and there's no evidence to support it...
  13. Arthur Brain

    'Missional Wear' Ok, what's the point? Anyone who's part of the 'elect' doesn't need to see it and how does it evangelize anything? Or is it ordained by God that Calvinists wear such apparel to goad reprobate 'tree huggers'? :idunno:
  14. Arthur Brain

    Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?

    Well, okay, the obvious answer is no but given that some here seem to think that any sort of 'non virtuous' sexual life can somehow lead towards developing homosexual desires if straight I'd be interested in hearing just how that happens... :think:
  15. Arthur Brain

    A Response To Musterion (As He Locked His Thread)

    The following is a quote from the aforementioned: "Point one: many homosexuals tend to be fabulists and chronic liars. This fact is well known to anyone who has been around them and is a fact admitted to by other homosexuals. The homo in this story represents that general rule, not an...
  16. Arthur Brain

    Non Married Cohabitation Should Be Illegal

    The penalty for those found guilty? A public whipping and an enforced 12.5 hour duration of 'America's Got Talent' or the...'equivalent'. Any naysayers?
  17. Arthur Brain

    The Walking Dead Appreciation Society

    For those who follow a deservedly recognized series with plaudits galore, from Rick Grimes' atrocious beard to Darryl's crossbow running out of arrows etc... Fave characters? Moments? Reasons why it stands out in the 'zombie' genre? The floor is open to critics as well as fans so shuffle away...
  18. Arthur Brain

    Destroying Islam

    A question to those who think using nukes would somehow destroy Islam. How? Aside from the moral implications and suicidal nature of such a course of action for now then just break this down for me. How does nuking a country(ies) destroy an entire religion? You can't exactly give a warning...
  19. Arthur Brain

    Should It Be Lawful For Minors To Be Married With Parental Consent?

    As aCW is squirming around the question on his own thread and coming up with ever more elaborate and goofball ways to deflect away from it I thought I'd branch it out here. This isn't just about Phil Robertson's notorious comments about getting girls at 15/16 before they pick pockets at 20...
  20. Arthur Brain

    What's Happened To The TOL Topic Of The Day?

    At this rate it's gonna be a month... Thoughts?