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  1. Arthur Brain

    Nazism left wing? Well...

    No. Not that this is any sort of revelation to people on the sane side of any given spectrum of course.
  2. Arthur Brain

    The Kraken...Carries On Sleeping...

    This is going nowhere. Yet more embarrassment for the Trump team...
  3. Arthur Brain

    Is An Adult Having Sex With A Ten Year Old Guilty Of Child Rape?

    Well, obviously they are but in a related thread it's postulated from certain quarters that a five year old can be charged, tried and executed for murder so if the ten year old was a "willing participant" then they're just as culpable as the adult aren't they? After all, it's hardly likely that...
  4. Arthur Brain

    Donald Trump Is Fab!

    Well, he just has to be, right? Trump Gurl is flooding the politics section with all of these fawning threads so Trump can't be a narcissist, misogynist manchild after all? Yeah, he's great!!
  5. Arthur Brain

    Were The Nazis Left Wing?

    Well, obviously they weren't as anyone familiar with history already knows but for the sake of argument and for those that think they were, why? Is it simply because Hitler belonged to a party that had "Socialist" in its name? That's pretty feeble considering how much he's on record for deriding...
  6. Arthur Brain

    Trump On Germany This helping anything at all?
  7. Arthur Brain


    Related to some of the threads ongoing and were it not for the fact of being booted from one via snowflakery would have been posted on the "Trump Sez" one: How is it justice to execute a man based on insufficient evidence to establish guilt? Props to Wiz of Oz for pointing this case out...
  8. Arthur Brain

    Happy Thanksgiving! How ironic. Tomi Lahren considered this the highlight of an event that's supposed to celebrate what again? She's not the only one either.
  9. Arthur Brain

    To Those Who Think Adulterers, Homosexuals, Fornicators etc...

    Should be executed, flogged, forced into "marriage" and the like and that current laws aren't "Godly", what are you doing about it exactly? Not much it would seem apart from spout off while living within current, secular laws. :think:
  10. Arthur Brain

    If Speed Limits Are Abolished Then How Can Anyone Be Accused Of Driving Too Fast?

    Seeing as how Stripe locked his thread I thought I'd reopen the convo with JudgeRightly here and for anyone else to comment on point. The salient part from JR: If a child (and this applies to...
  11. Arthur Brain

    What Kind Of Person Could "Execute" A Child?

    Related to the thread as to whether children should be executed (they shouldn't) but this is to solely address what kind of personality could even entertain pulling the plug on children and to the point of even stabbing them to death. For the advocates of those in favour of such measures then...
  12. Arthur Brain

    Should Children Be Executed If They've...

    Insert "Capital Crime" here. Following an exchange with "Judge Rightly" of which one of the salient parts can be found here: It seems as...
  13. Arthur Brain

    Should People Who Have Mental Illness/Retardation Be Tried As An Adult?

    A question more aimed at those who think a swift and painful execution should happen for plenty but open to others as well. Is it in any way moral to try and convict a person who wasn't/isn't in control of their faculties for crimes? If so, then should children be convicted as adults as well?
  14. Arthur Brain

    What Exactly is "American Culture"?

    Can someone define just what exactly that term is supposed to mean? :idunno:
  15. Arthur Brain

    The Most Embarrassing President Ever?

    The farce after Helsinki underlines just how much of a dope Trump is. A "very stable genuis" who can't get the difference between two words with distinctly opposite meanings and needs to make the feeble excuse of a transcript error? What, do most folk need to have some help when they say "would...
  16. Arthur Brain

    Anyone have any evidence that Joe Biden is a sexual assaulter or pedophile?

    Ya know, besides doctored photos, dopey youtube videos and gossip? If so, bring it forth. Trolls need not apply unless for once they've found something from under the bridge that counts as actual evidence... Something like being caught on tape admitting to it for example. :Plain:
  17. Arthur Brain

    Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Illegal

    It doesn't work and it's abusive: The first five results on Google for "Does Conversion Therapy Work?"
  18. Arthur Brain

    How Are Atheists, Agnostics etc "Hating God"?

    This may have been broached before but after an exchange with AMR in TH's thread I decided to open it out into a separate thread so as not to derail that one and invite further opinion here. AMR's original comment: "My exposure here has not modified my views of non-believers. They hate God...
  19. Arthur Brain

    A Response to Glorydaz & Tambora

    To glorydaz & Tambora As per Sherman's wishes I'll not post in any GM thread that he may start but I did want to address these posts: Trump wasn't divorced when Melania became involved with him, separated but doesn't that still constitute adultery for you? In fact isn't divorce something to...
  20. Arthur Brain

    Will The Real Donald Trump Please...

    Shut up, stand up, sorry... How many aliases has this guy got? :freak: