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  1. I

    ECT The NT theology core

    Here are some of the most solid and vital 'teachings of the apostles' (Acts 4) that matter: 1, God was in Christ, resolving the sin debt of mankind, 2 Cor 5. This is historic fact, as much as creation or the cataclysm themselves. Paul says this after saying that he once knew Christ 'kata...
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    Other trends in sexual deviance

    God gave the order of monogamous heterosexuality to humans. The more deviances are tried, following the Marxist Frankfurt School of Social Transformation, the more ridiculous they get. We now have a rising number of female school teachers in trouble for sexual relations with boys. Last month...
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    Black Professor Dismissed for comment on BLM He was likely saying the same thing that my video does (see below): some of them incite the killing of police. I think he should be given the chance to say in a formal way (a column, an official article) what he meant. Anyone can use...
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    ECT Notes on D'ism this week

    I'm seeing the following unstated positions by D'ism harden into place. I don't think they want you to know this up front. 1, there are NT letters that are only for one group or another. You have to ask them which ones you are allowed to read. 2, The neat thing about the NT (to them) is...
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    Ontario, Canada, climate professors claims and shifts

    Last week a Canadian geography and climate professor said that the concern about climate change is not sea levels. It is heat waves. However, the same fellow said three times on a CBC radio interview that 'we are well within normal ranges of change, but it is a crisis.' In 2003 he said...
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    bumper sticker of the week

    POLITICAL DISSENT IS NOT RACISM ...but what other category does the Left have to appeal to?
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    ECT The essential irrationality of Dispensationalism

    STP is looking forward to the day when the Levitical sacrificial system is practiced exactly as it is supposed to be, (in the unintended compliment of D'ism thread). that is the opposite of what Hebrews says. I therefore believe D'ism to be as irrational as the secular social scientist who says...
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    ECT Request for Clarity about Judaism and D'ism

    If D'ism has a different eschatology than Judaism had 2000 years go, what is the difference? What is the conflict between Judaism then and the Christian believers then? If D'ists mean that there is a parallel separate Christian group of Jews in the church, what about the 7 Ones of Eph 4...
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    Caution: retina burns painlessly

    There is no pain when the retina burns, so read all the instructions carefully! DON'T look at partiality. Only look (unassisted) at totality while it lasts. There aren't any nerve signals that come from the retina.
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    ECT The Rebellion that Desolates

    The abomination that desolates is first of all a grammatical phrase in which there is cause and effect. There has to be an evil thing and what it does results in the destruction of the country. The expression starts, however, as 'the rebellion that desolates' in 8:13. By starts I mean that this...
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    The Rebellion that Desolates

    [intended to be in ECT]
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    ECT The Jerusalem above

    When the expression 'anothen' (from above) was coined for NT use, it was Jesus speaking to Nicodemus about the Judaism he grew up in. Most of the NT is speaking to the Judaism that it was born into. That should make expressions like '...and have life more abundantly' look slightly different...
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    ECT That Same Power

    I am reminded again that justification from sins in Christ is the center that won't go away. It serves as that about salvation (of course) and prophecy and many other things. After the rebuke about their interest in the land (it is not for you to know), He told them they would be given a...
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    ECT Christ the mediator

    I'm not sure D'ism understands Christ being the mediator of the new covenant, and being that between God and mankind, as a man. He not only is the other party (which is why the representation in Christ is so important), he is is the go-between. There are more dual-natured truths in NT...
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    ECT 8 Things that sink D'ism

    9 actually. Thanks to Tambora, I can put this one away with this outline: She wrote: Don't mention land to IP. It infuriates him that GOD promised Israel land. And that the new covenant was promised to Israel & Judah infuriates him even more! IP is really into replacement theology. 1, The...
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    ECT Modern boredom and the historic issue of Jesus as Messiah

    One reason I do not stop posting here at TOL is that the D'ist issue is extremely close to, and recapitulating of, the same messianic issue of Jesus in 1st century Judea. Call it boring if you want. I find it engrossing and compelling. I find it remarkable that one of largest and best...
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    ECT A bit of a theologic test

    Ktoyou thinks I'm boring, and need a new sound. Last month in an evangelistic conversation, I was explaining to a person that the dual miracle or claim of Mk 2's opening scene has a way of providing internal proof of the NT. Here is how: Jesus cross-claimed he would raise a paralytic when he...
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    ECT The Christocentricity of Acts 13

    The promises to David are transferred to Christ. Christ's resurrection is the fulfillment of things promised to the fathers. The normal reader may not see that when reading the OT, but the Spirit provides the light. 13:36 (Cp. Jn 12:34: the crowd: 'the law (prophets) says Christ will...
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    ECT All the Prophets, Acts 3

    In the teaching of Acts 3, we see that all the prophets said the suffering of Christ was coming. Peter then explains that all the prophets said that the refreshing and restoration would come, thought not at the same time. Does anyone actually think the suffering of Christ was only for...
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    ECT Never the Twain

    Since the impostor-apostles of D'ism (Walvoord, Ryrie, Pentecost) all basically put that 'never the two--Israel and the Christian church--shall meet', why does anyone doubt that they have two peoples and programs?