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    ECT Our current covenant, that is, ministry

    You cannot make it through 2 Cor 3-6 without the realizations: 1, that the new covenant is being administered to people NOW to save/bring justifying righteousness to the world 2, that it is a mission The asinine part(s) of D'ism is that when it so stubbornly departs from number 1, it denies...
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    ECT The Curse Declared by Paul

    The strongest curse Paul declared was regarding other gospels. Yet here at TOL we have a club of people championing every other gospel they can find except what he preached. Doesn't matter how unified he was with Peter. doesn't matter what grammar rules they break, or what Greek grammar rules...
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    Test case of 'truth' in America--the cap twitters

    Politico tweeted that Trump signed a kids ball cap at the Easter egg roll and rudely threw it at random to someone else. That seems to be from an editor seeing a certain photo and its angle. This tweet was retweeted nearly 19K times. Later in the day, they corrected the story because the boy...
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    ECT Some tools for diagramming sentences

    Unfortunately these post formats won't support the type of spacing so you can see parts of speech labeled in the line above, let alone the usual line diagrams. You might try ( )s with these labels inside, not bothering with articles. The dog (N) chased (V) the cat (DO) up (P) a tree (OP). N...
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    ECT There must also be a change of the law, Heb 7:12

    Hebrews tells us that the new covenant was already in existence. As far as human time, history and progression go, it seems to be after, but in fact was already there. It first says this by showing that the type of priest that the 'King of Righteousness' (Christ) was was operating before the...
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    ECT Resurrection Day and Eschatology

    From “Justification by Faith and Eschatology” Robert Brinsmead Editor, PRESENT TRUTH, Sep. 1974 “The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was declared to be the fulfillment of what God had promised to Abraham, Israel and David.” P5 “Christ was not only the means of God’s fulfilling His word...
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    ECT The Dilemma and Resolution of Ps 16 in Resurrection

    The doctrine that Christ accomplished what He did for us--on our behalf--comes partly from resolving the meaning of many psalms. I'm referring to those which say that the righteous will have peace and blessedness and even victory over death. One problem with these kinds of psalms is that...
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    ECT What are early Christians?

    ...The ones who get up for sunrise services on Resurrection Day! Happy Res Day to all, indeed!
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    ECT The Monarchy Christ vs Christ Crucified

    Since the loss of independence in 330 BC, intertestment Israel looked for a restored monarchy. The desecration by Antiochus was insulting, but the event that matters most to the mood of the NT was the census of 4 or 6 AD. The Roman pivoting arrangement was bad enough. The temple tax made...
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    Discuss Daystar Movie of Week at 7pm EST today

    Sat.Apr.15.2017 4pm PST Daystar TV is on DirecTV 369 THE SOUND OF THE SPIRIT 2012 A 12 year old Jewish girl learns about faith after the death of her father. Hope to see you there. Want to talk about a story idea? One production co. has a budget of $5M for a 'faith-based...
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    The Monarchy Christ vs Christ Crucified

    Since losing independence in 333 BC, Israel went through a series of managing foreign powers. Or under them. The Greek was the most insulting, with their desecration of the second temple. When Roman authority took over, the arrangement was the uneasy 'pivot' type. That is, if Israel would...
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    ECT Lk 4 on Is 61: there is one Gospel it was was all moving toward

    There are other things that happen in the OT and maybe NT that are good news, but when I am trying to assert that there is one, it is in this Isaianic sense. There is just one that it was all moving toward. Those who have no sense of the shadow-to-reality progression of the Bible are simply...
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    Paul does not have 2nd coming-itis in Col 2

    When describing the problems of the law, under which neo-Judaism in that region of Little Asia wanted Christians to be subject, Paul is not saying that the 2nd coming of Christ is the solution. He means the Gospel event, Christ as He now is, and for the believer to be/dwell "in Christ" and...
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    2P2P's at Christian seders?

    How many of our 2P2P friends went to Christian seders last Sunday? why on earth would you do that? the 'type' is fulfilled in Christ! If you didn't go to a regular one, why not? It is an absolutely classic theme all through the NT that the typology of the old system is fulfilled in Christ...
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    ECT Two clarifications about your differences with other posters

    1, you can put them on ignore if you don't agree with them. To 'ban' them from any use here at all at the forum is a childish step on your part. 2, 'derailing' a topic would be a total removal of attention: from grace in Rom 4 to oximetry. 'Derailing' is not when you differ with someone...
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    Seeking information on ministry or outreach investment bonds

    If your church has had recent experience with bonds for construction, please get in touch with me. I'm trying to find out if any have ever taken on a project that had a nationally-saleable product, such as a book or film, and raised money as construction bonds are raised, and how the project...
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    ECT Seeking information on ministry or outreach investment bonds

    If your church has had recent experience with bonds for construction, please get in touch with me. I'm trying to find out if any have ever taken on a project that had a nationally-saleable product, such as a book or film, and raised money as construction bonds are raised, and how the project...
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    Why you can't trust 2P2Ps

    Jerry didn't want this topic talked about under the 'misunderstanding of Rom 5B': Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Shugart View Post Why are you changing the subject? The Scriptures state in no uncertain terms that when Abraham's faith was counted to him for righteousness his faith was not in...
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    Discuss Daystar Movie of Week at 7pm EST today

    Two actually:
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    Unity of Messiah and Gospel

    To show further that explaining Messiah from scripture and the Gospel were one topic and one message, see how Acts 17:2-4 summarizes Paul's "custom" at an outlying synagogue. He is in the OT showing that Messiah had to suffer for sins and why he would be raised (for his perfect accomplishment)...