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    MS news retraction

    On July 7, the Microsoft opening page news panel said that S. Carolina state patrol shot a woman in the accident on the interstate. Today it reads that a woman was shot in an accident on the interstate. The preferred mainstream news headline was obviously printed July 7.
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    ECT The hope for which the Jews accused Paul, Acts 26:7

    It is partly simply that the one resurrection of Christ took place. But that is not all there is to the accusation. What else?
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    Mingle experience

    If you've had a negative experience on Mingle, I'd be interested in hearing about it. Negative means fraudulent or intended to frustrate the successful development of a heterosexual adult relationship.
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    Christian Cinema site puts a John Lennon bio pic in top 10 Christian viewing

    I hope I have misunderstood, but a site with Christian films for rent called Christian Cinema has put a John Lennon bio in the top 10 Christian viewing list for this month! One comment back about this at the site already blasted them out of the water. They seemed to think that it was supremely...
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    Christian Cinema puts a John Lennon bio in top 10 Christian viewing

    I hope I have misunderstood, but a site with Christian films for rent called Christian Cinema has put a John Lennon bio in the top 10 Christian viewing list for this month! One comment back about this at the site already blasted them out of the water. They seemed to think that it was supremely...
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    ECT Lk 24 explodes D'ism because Christ is actually present in the transition

    V21 points out the mentality of the mostly zealot-raised disciples: "we had hoped..." This hope for a monarchy was mistaken all along, but in case our D'ist friends need a proof, this is where their minds are , not Christ's. Christ never was there. The transition is from what Judaism...
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    Tackett's IS GENESIS HISTORY? discussion

    IGH? is now on Netflix, very accessible. It is heavy on geology at first, which I really appreciated because of the sheer fact that as we go back in time to what made the geologic structures we have today, there is the cataclysm of Genesis 6-8. We are not today looking at 'creation.' 2nd, the...
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    Daystar Movie of Week Sat.Jun.10

    Sat.Jun.10, 430pm PST, Daystar (DirecTV 369) ANOTHER PERFECT STRANGER 2007 A teenager bonds with an unlikely friend who shares her disdain for religion. A Jefferson Moore production. Go to TOL's '...and the Rest' to discuss any angle of the production from audio to doctrine.
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    Evergreen State College closed due to called-in armed person after Black Privilege Da

    Seattle Times, today. Back in April there was a day when all white staff were prohibited from coming. The place is a Leftist mess. This week there was a threat of violence by black students if Black Privilege days were not observed. The president allowed them to barricade the campus police...
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    ECT D'ism needs to decide which trinity it believes in

    The trinity of Judaism is 'Elohim--torah--'eretz Israel'. God, the Law and the land of Israel. This is currently taught by the mainstream follower of Judaism, Dennis Prager. I have also read established Messianic congregation (not isolated, private groups) statements of faith which list that...
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    ECT BIBLE PROJECT summary of Acts

    To see the errors of D'ism and MAD clearly, view this excellent summary of Acts. One of the key problems of D'ism as a method is prooftexting. The whole does not matter, only a few favorited texts. and part 2
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    Daystar Movie of Week Sat.May.27th
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    ECT There is one God who justifies

    Just as there is one Gospel, there is one God who justifies the circ and the uncirc. Rom 3:30. The Gospel is about justification, and there is only one God who justifies and one gospel about Him and that.
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    New Study Shows People Want Scientists to Think For Them

    On Canadian national radio yesterday, the results of a test were read which had to do with the preference to have scientists 'understand' things for us. The mock new discovery was that scientists now understand helium rain. Group 1 was told that scientists have now discovered this fact or...
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    Daystar Movie of Week Sat.May.20th

    Please meet over at '...and the Rest.' Sat.May.20.7pm.EST Daystar (DirecTV 369) BROKEN 2013 As he clings to life, a troubled teenager recalls the events that led him to the bottom of a cliff. From color pallette to grammar, please join in discussion of the movie live at 4pm PST. Can't...
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    ECT 10 things D'ists say 1000x to avoid thinking

    1, Lk 18 says the disciples never heard of Christ's death for sins. 2, Rom 11 says all of Israel will be 'saved' at a certain future point 3, Acts 1 says the discples actually had the right question about the kingdom for Israel; that Jesus talked about it a lot during the 40 days; that they...
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    ECT That purpose was fulfilled in David's generation

    I don't think the Acts 13 line about God's purpose in David's generation is just about David. I think it is the purpose of the monarchy. That purpose was done and over with. The "but" that contrasts with this in v37 is about the saving redemption in Christ, in Ps 16, which David could not do...
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    ECT Two circumstances about 1st century Judea

    Because of Jacob's recent questions, I'm going to state the two main circumstances that matter to Christians about 1st century Judea. I got the sense from him that all a person does is read torah and doesn't find out any background information at all about anything. This reminded me of a...
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    Daystar Movie of Week Sat.May.13th

    Sat.May.13.2017.4pmEST. Daystar (DirecTV 369) THE LAST APPEAL 2016 "The world of death row, where prisoners ultimately come face to face with their own mortality." Discuss any production aspect of it here at TOL, under '...and the Rest', live, from script to score.
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    ECT Jerry's 'unaware of death' theory flops in John

    Jerry needs to prove that his theory is supported in John. I find Christ and his sacrifice for sin so that the believer is not condemned to be all through John.