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    How did they forget?

    How did Peter forget the kingdom of Israel in 2 Peter 3? How did Hebrews forget it in its letter? How did Paul forget it in I Cor 15 and Rom 8 and Acts 17 etc? How could they forget?
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    Predictions about oil wells during Harvey

    Weren't there dire predictions? Especially about those rigs at sea? what happened?
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    The Left is Intolerant and Violent
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    ECT The 2P2P Revised Version: Acts 1

    The 2P2P Revised version of Acts 1: Disciples: "We're still thinking about that redeemed Israel--you know, the one we mentioned the other day. So...when, hmmm?" Jesus: "Great question! Just hold that thought! You guys have really got it, although, no, now that I think about it, I'm not telling...
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    ECT Remember my Gospel...resurrected...David, 2 Tim 2

    There is no such thing as 2P2P believes, that the issues about David are one area and the resurrection and justification are another. That is classic 2P2P compartmentalism. In his last letter, summarizing many things tersely, Paul said there are two things to remember about Christ: raised...
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    ECT The NT uses of Zech 14:5

    First, for those of confused about the NT, that would be the accounts and letters of the apostles; ie, the collection. The arrival of the new covenant of forgiveness is within that collection, but the NT covers a few more things than does the topic of the new covenant. 2nd, it is extremely...
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    The Basis of Rights

    Our US Declaration of Independence and Constitution do not base our rights on the government. The government should guarantee them but these documents say they are from God our Creator. Leftist activism seeks to shift the basis to government so that 'consensus' can give and take away. In...
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    ECT How D'ism becomes rancid

    There isn't any way for a person who has to work full time and has other life to try to keep up at ECT on all the detailed questions. Here's the upshot of what I notice trying to discuss with you people, with few exceptions. 1, I don't accept the Bible as futurist. It is grounded in its own...
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    boycott the NFL

    The NFL is the disgrace today. It is all propagandized reality. Capernick is not a national hero, he is merely mainstreaming the misconceptions of the rioters of Fergeson etc. In the St. Louis/Stockley case, there is one small item the prosecution has, but 99% is the usual character of a...
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    Facebook and Jews on MS greeting page this morning

    The Windows 10 greeting page has a tiny picture and spot for 8 words about the news. Today's caption: How Facebook knows you are Jewish. What for and why is that news?
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    ECT Mt 25's coming and the situation of Hebrews

    Other than the 4 options for the return of Christ in Mk 13's parable of the servants, most of the NT sees the return right after the destruction of Israel in that generation. The resurrection was the enthronement of Christ: God made him Lord and Christ; David foresaw the resurrection as the...
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    ECT The Messianic Gift of the Spirit

    The Messiah himself would arrive full of the Spirit of God: Is 11:1-3. The Spirit of God was also to come as a gift to those following Messiah, and gaining his new covenant, 59:20-21. He comes to those who repent of their sins, no matter what race. This is the 'pouring out of the Spirit'...
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    ECT the Enthronement Prayer earthquake, Acts 4

    Vs23+: After getting their first taste of rejection by the leaders of Judaism, the apostles went to prayer. After referring to the Creator of everything, they go to Ps 2 again, where they see the enthroned Christ who was also that powerful Creator, to ask him to help them deal with the threats...
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    ECT Another pair of disasters, another prediction, another hijacking of Lk 21

    I'm starting to wonder which is worse: the climate scientist who thinks 2 odd events make a crisis or the Bible numerologist expert who thinks the 2 make a 2nd coming...
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    Shapiro defended by Dershowitz--and police!

    Good for Dershowitz on Fox, defending Shapiro's right to speak, while disagreeing politely with him. The Left's mindset is exactly what they protest, which is alarming--there is no self-correction, self-understanding. Shapiro complimented the police on providing a safe event; they created a...
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    ECT D'ism has the Twots (pron.: toots)

    There is "one" thing you can count on D'ism: everything is two. Two gospels, two thrones, two heavens, two kingdoms two groups of Christians, two new covenants, two bibles. It's got the "twots". It's a hoot with the twots.
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    ECT The Dejected Fools

    Sometimes we feel miserable because we believe the wrong things, Lk 24:17. "We had hoped he was going to redeem Israel." v21 Christ: "How foolish you are."
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    ECT The Resurrection Question that terminates D'ism

    What is it about the resurrection that is so complete for Israel that Paul could be allowed to say what he did in Acts 13:32+?
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    ECT D'ism was invented because Chafer thought the Bible was confused

    Enjoy your heritage D'ists. That's why it exists. The guy couldn't digest the apostles teachings. This is not opinion; it is his words, recently noted with background by Northwye. To bolster support, the 'enemy' of RT was concocted. This buried the actual RT issue which is at Gal 3:17...
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    ECT 2 confrontations about Israel's kingdom

    Lk 24 and Acts 1 are not that far apart in real time. In 24, the two disciples are downcast that it seemed that christ was not going to redeem Israel after all. 'He was well liked, but was killed by the leaders. But we had hoped...' They are blasted by Christ for not realizing how much the...