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    Actual Hebrews 7-8

    Among the many things shown to be superior about the new covenant that has come is that the ancestry of Christ doesn't matter the way it did in the old. 'Our Lord descended from Judah, and in regard to that tribe Moses said nothing about priests.' 7:14 So much for race. It wasn't his...
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    ECT They Called It A Sect

    In Acts 24:14, Judaism is said to have called the Christian Gospel a sect. That means in their perception, it is dividing Judaism. Because those in Judaism do not realize they have replaced the theology of the Promise with the Law. But Paul called it the Way, and the Gospel was to be the...
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    ECT Retroactively

    The NT says the OT means something other than what it looks like. It looks like it is about race, but it is not, says the NT. The NT says this retroactively; NT passages say things we don't think are there in the OT; but it is Christ's role to says what's what, not ours.
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    ECT The Believers from Persia (drive through version for those who hate research...)

    This thread is about how the people of Abraham the Persian were denominated by believing the Gospel of justification from sin through a credited righteousness, and the Seed of Abraham that would be born to bless all nations. They were shown the area of Canaan, later Judea, but the idea that they...
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    15:12 TO PARIS; a case for dramatic additions

    Is there something between a documentary and a drama? Yes, it's 15:12 TO PARIS. The writing could have developed ADD-issues, bullying, fatherlessness, life's setbacks, God's sovereignty, but instead it just reduced them to sections of train track to pass at high speed. Yet the story is real...
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    ECT What's New (Covenant)?

    If the D'ist new covenant is people under the law in Judea in some sort of attempt to 'do it right' finally, then what is 'new' (Christocentric) about the thing? Is this D'ism's way of being obsessed with changed humans and not realizing that the Biblical message is actually about what was...
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    ECT Who is "We" in Heb 12:22+?

    The race or those who believe the Gospel? There should be some clues in ch 11! Kinda bugs you when the title of a letter was always directed to some other group than you thought...
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    ECT The Believers From Persia

    THE BELIEVERS FROM PERSIA The unstoppable mission shook even the geology of earth Marcus Sanford MCS thesis on Luke-Acts and the ‘Great War.’, Feb. 2018 When the OT wraps up, quite a few of the key events are in Persia. There is no coincidence to this. The OT...
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    Demo scenes from The Nerve set to Hillsong's Grammy-winning "What A Beautiful Name"

    Demo scenes from The Nerve set to Hillsong's Grammy-winning "What A Beautiful Name"
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    ECT The eternal Gospel

    Like the eternal covenant, it was the plan before time began. that is why the eternal is before the old, in Heb 11-13. The sacrifice of Christ was known before this world was created, in same sense that parents know there are risks to raising kids. John 17 and Rev 13:8. The debt of sin...
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    ECT How D'ism wrote the divorce settlement

    "God settles things with ex-wife Judai I get the vineyard equipment. you get the property" --Dip-sensationalism
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    ECT R. Jewett explains the climate of 1st century Israel

    " the late 40s...persons in the villages of Judea or Galilee who maintained close relationships with gentiles or who did not zealously seek the purity of Israel were in mortal danger. The Zealots patterned themselves after Phineas... Their programme was to continue the works of Judas...
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    ECT Authentic, artistic Jesus drama
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    Authentic, artistic Jesus drama
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    ECT Back again to the Prager mistake which D'ism follows (identity vs behavior)

    I'm writing this at 6am PST, and will repeat an hour or two in which (Rabbi) talk host Dennis Prager grappled with identity politics vs behavior. Shall we subscribe to people saying they have an 'orientation' or only deal with their actions when it affects us? One of his...
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    ECT There is no difference

    The "advantage" of the Jew in Rom 3:2 was to have been entrusted with the spoken words of God. This is significant in Romans because Paul is going to bring the race Israel back to this in chs 9-11 to say that it is their mission (or, the mission is in better hands) to preach the Gospel to the...
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    ECT Salvation are its gates and walls

    How terrible that the OT should use the picture of the strong city about God's salvation! (Is 26:1) Equally bad that the city of David is cursed with woes! (29:1) So that Cornerstone laid in Zion--in 28--guess where that is. And the day that God himself is the crown and wreath of his people...
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    ECT Luther like Paul in Rom 9-11

    In a recent bio of Luther (2017, now at Netflix), we learn this detail: Luther's earlier understanding of relating to the Jews was that there was an advantage to their background that would make them better ministers of the Gospel. Just like Paul in Rom 9-11. It was during his late years...
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    Three great calls about Russia

    Last week on the Dennis Prager show were 3 great call-ins about our knowledge of Soviet culture: 1, an adjunct professor in the San Diego area said he does no know of any high school students coming into his classes on comparative economies who show any exposure to what communism has actually...
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    ECT The "Nation" of Mt 22

    My literalist friends here have insisted that 'ethnei' in Mt 22:43 is to be a nation, and then they have missed the point even if that were true. They think that the parable is saying that God makes his vineyard (the state of Israel) run by "regenerated" Jews in the future; that's why it is a...