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    The Brainwashed Culture as Spielberg doubles down The reference to Ellsberg, Fonda and 'social justic' around 3:40 forces us to ask: is it just coincidence that Ellsberg is being worshipped in Spielberg's The Post, about to be released, just as several things about the Left are cracking...
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    ECT Matching modern thought in two theological mistakes

    As F. Schaeffer used to show, there are many philosophical questions which are actually theological, but modern man only swerves and trips into the reality that they are theological and already known to the Bible. For ex., the problem of evil or prelapsarianism. That would be the modern view...
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    Ex-KGB explains plan to brainwash the US
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    ECT A model example of the NT use of the OT

    "No eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." I Cor 2 quoting Is 64. It is in a chapter where the question of restoring Israel is hashed over again. How come, O Lord, you don't come down and obliterate your enemies. The answer is that...
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    Child soldiers still dying fighting for Iran I hope either that story or the following will help you realize how much there is to be thankful for about America's dissociation of state and church. Also please note the extent to which names in these Islamic circles are...
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    The new god of 'belonging'

    TOL's member Northwye has extensive experience with the people who have attempted to 'fundamentally transform' America (the West really): transformational Marxists in Frankfurt, Columbia U, Stanford U, etc. But one item from his essays and notes on these things escaped my attention until this...
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    ECT Lucado's CHRISTMAS CANDLE reviewed

    Any British period movie lover will enjoy this, with many of the usuals on stage. Shannon Boyle, too, with a singing role. A British friend was at my Thanksgiving dinner table last night and praised British casting for 'not having the most beautiful of people'; she got her wish, too. It...
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    ECT The City No Longer Deserted, Is 62

    This section was written during the Babylonian captivity, to give hope to believers who were in Israel for their future. When they did get back to Israel and somewhat of a settled life, there were two disparate developments. One, that it was ridiculously inferior to what they had in David's...
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    God's "Signal Benefits"--Washington

    I'm not sure of the year of Washington's proclamation about Thanksgiving, given in New York, but it forms a bridge between the original event and the Constitution. The reason you probably aren't aware of it is due to the propaganda of Leftist media in the West. The proclamation is fairly...
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    Entirely new findings about Antarctica, look down the left side list, part of their digital reports, but it doesn't seem to link individually. NASA has all but concluded that there is a magma plume under Antarctica because the amount of energy detected per sq meter is 150 millivolts rather than the usual 60. Their depth...
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    Join the e.resistance to Google
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    Inspiration for a demoralizing time

    (sigh) Allah is still great, the Air Force forgot to share violent background data, the Clintons are bigger traitors than ever, and students are protesting Prager even speaking at universities... Time for some soaring worship of the one King who is alone worthy of trust and whose reign shall...
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    Help, suffering from fast-politics indigestion

    When the tax reform package was announced, the first Democrat complaint was that the administration was so arrogant to expect the 400 pages to be discussed in 10 work days. Within hours, however, they were 'experts' on what it said, repeating all the usual mantras--that it only helps business...
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    ECT The Best NT summary: His Exodus

    Jesus (Joshua) came to complete his exodus, Lk 9:31. He came to get the people of Israel to become missionaries to the world. They would fearlessly go everywhere in the known world. His work was often to create a new version of something they were familiar with: manna, temple, exodus...
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    Nonscience strikes again: 1.7 F degrees

    Trying to rattle our sanity again, official government science says there is a crisis that the earth temperature rose 1.7F degrees in the 20th century. Due to human activity. They might like to go find the "human activity" in the 1700s that caused Taku Lake, Alaska, to break through at the...
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    Duche's 1775 sermon on Gal 5 links the Reformation to the American Revolution

    THE REFORMATION AT 500, AND THE CASE OF TWO “GEORGES” The vital link between Galatians and the US Constitution Marcus Sanford, November, 2017, Most of us can remember the basic line about why the American colonies wanted freedom from England: oppressive government. It is...
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    ECT Why did Paul use the expression 'spiritual blessings of Israel' in rom 15:27?

    'tois pneumatikois auton ekoinonesan ta ethne...' "to share spiritual blessings/gifts with the nations...'
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    Prager hits the Left exactly

    "Usually people fantasize about an idyllic place when they are in deprived conditions. The Left and the universities are in wonderful, affluent conditions here in America, fantasizing that it is a dark, evil, racist place." --Dennis Prager, national talk show, Oct.16, on the NFL player protests.
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    ECT The Pharisee analogy

    Overusing the Pharisee analogy is like over using the comparison to Nazis. Lately, I heard one in which the accuser was anchoring it all on the belief that there will be a kingdom in Israel in the middle east of this earth, with Christ on its throne, etc. I don't know where Christ of the cross...
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    ECT How did they forget?

    How did Peter forget the kingdom of Israel in 2 Peter 3? How did Hebrews forget it in its letter? How did Paul forget it in I Cor 15 and Rom 8 and Acts 17 etc? How could they forget?