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  1. Angel4Truth

    Kentucky Pastor Barred From Ministering Over Biblical View on Homosexuality..

    Kentucky Pastor Barred From Ministering to Incarcerated Youth Over Biblical View on Homosexuality Is Suing the State Another link ...
  2. Angel4Truth

    New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood

    New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood Excellent news, and since local health departments (so many more of them than these limited locations) help women and children without ability to pay also with more services, thats where the money should be going. Its blatantly false that women don't...
  3. Angel4Truth

    State Rep. Made Allegations About ‘Nasty’ Officer During Hearing on Sandra Bland Case

    State Rep. Made Allegations About ‘Nasty’ Officer During Hearing on Sandra Bland Case — So the Sheriff Released the Video Wow what a liar. Do you think anything should be done to this state official caught lying at a hearing?
  4. Angel4Truth

    ‘Hope for Iowa': Iowa Churches to Distribute Bibles to Every Home in City

    ‘Hope for Iowa': Iowa Churches to Distribute Bibles to Every Home in City Wonderful news! Wouldn't it be wonderful if all churches did this?
  5. Angel4Truth

    Painkillers, Heroin Epidemic: Coming to Your Neighborhood?

    Painkillers, Heroin Epidemic: Coming to Your Neighborhood? Revelation 9:21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts. The word sorceries in this passage comes from the greek word pharmakeia that the word pharmacy comes from...
  6. Angel4Truth

    Warning: Mockers in the Last Days (part 3)

    Part 3 continued: written by John McTernan from : Now is the time to make sure you know what side you are on, these are truely like the days of Noah and the days of Lot as the Lord said it would be like in the last days. Be Ready at Any Hour...
  7. Angel4Truth

    Warning: Mockers in the Last Days (part 2)

    Part 2 continuing: Continued in part 3
  8. Angel4Truth

    Warning: Mockers in the Last Days (part one)

    Sharing this excellent article: Warning: Mockers in the Last Days by John McTernan from: Part 2 to follow..
  9. Angel4Truth

    Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit

    Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit This is excellent and what should be happening - make them fire you, rather than quit, then file suit for religious discrimination. One should not have to check their religious beliefs at the door. Religious...
  10. Angel4Truth

    Private Group Buys Land Under Cross Memorial to Save Display Opposed by Atheist

    Private Group Buys Land Under Cross Memorial to Save Display Opposed by Atheist Excellent news and what i keep saying, let private groups buy the land these sit on.
  11. Angel4Truth

    Coca-Cola, Ford, Xerox Detest Being Listed as Planned Parenthood Sponsors

    Coca-Cola, Ford, Xerox Detest Being Listed as Planned Parenthood Sponsors in Light of Baby Parts Selling Scandal Good, maybe the rest will stop being sponsors also and they will be forced out of business.
  12. Angel4Truth

    Federal Court Rules Pharmacy Must Stock Morning-After Pill Despite Religious Beliefs

    Federal Court Rules Pharmacy Must Stock Morning-After Pill Despite Religious Beliefs I bet the supreme court will reverse this, based on its earlier decision on the hobby lobby case. Gotta love the government telling people what they must sell in their business.
  13. Angel4Truth

    At least 3 dead after gunman opens fire at Lafayette, La. movie theater

    At least 3 dead after gunman opens fire at Lafayette, La. movie theater Prayers for the victims and their families, looks like a copycat killer after James Holmes who shot people at a theatre in colorado, in which it was decided today in that case that the death penalty can be saught. Colo...
  14. Angel4Truth

    Seattle Mayor Proposes Offering Sharia Law-Compliant Home Loans for Muslims

    Seattle Mayor Proposes Offering Sharia Law-Compliant Home Loans for Muslims Wait, I thought extreme liberals dont think government should be involved in anything religious, or is that just anything christian?
  15. Angel4Truth

    ‘It’s All About Equality': Polygamist Applies for ‘Marriage’ License .....

    ‘It’s All About Equality': Polygamist Applies for ‘Marriage’ License in Wake of Supreme Court Ruling Weeeeeeeeeee, and here we go again! The only difference is that this time, the perversion wont take so long to gain its rights. I mean if its just about who you love, and maybe they were born...
  16. Angel4Truth

    Study: Liberals Have Less Self-Control Because They Dont believe they have it..

    Study: Liberals Have Less Self-Control Because They're Less Likely to Believe They Have Self-Control Well, doesn't that just explain a lot. Its about accountability.
  17. Angel4Truth

    Teacher Who Read Homosexual Book to Third Graders Resigns Following Parental Outrcy

    Teacher Who Read Homosexual Book to Third Graders Resigns Following Parental Outrcy And thats what needs to happen, parents rightfully object, then if the school wont back down, take your kids out. Less children means less tax money for that school to operate, send a message.
  18. Angel4Truth

    'Islamaphobes' Are For Protecting Human Rights of Girls

    Sharing: 'Islamaphobes' Are For Protecting Human Rights of Girls From:
  19. Angel4Truth

    e‘Transabled’? Healthy People Now Maiming Thmselves to Identify as Disabled

    ‘Transabled’? Healthy People Now Maiming Themselves Out of Desire to Identify as Disabled This is totally messed up. PS, see this post for the link shagster or keep whining about the lack of link that was accidental:
  20. Angel4Truth

    Woman murdered by ex while waiting for gun permit

    Woman Feared Her Ex, So She Applied for a Gun Permit. She Was Murdered While Waiting for NJ to Allow Her to Have One. Wow, so much for her 2nd amendment rights - i think her family should sue the state for violating her rights and wrongful death. So gun control advocates, do you think her...