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  1. Angel4Truth

    From where you are ( i miss you )

    From where you are /TG4zXE0_7yA
  2. Angel4Truth

    Angels POTD 1/26/13

    In response to what washington produces, Inzl nails it! :first:
  3. Angel4Truth

    Angels POTD 12/23/2012

    Goes to lighthouse for the absolute truth and all the sense in this nonsensical world to say it : :first:
  4. Angel4Truth

    Can anyone reccomend any good christian movies?

    Its hard to know what christian movies are good and which ones are not so great... i regularly find when trying to review a christian movie before getting it or renting one, that the reviews at first glance dont seem so hot, even for the really good ones - and upon closer inspection, there seems...
  5. Angel4Truth

    Freewill from scripture

    Psalm 119:108 Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O LORD, And teach me Your judgments. The word freewill is from the hebrew "ndabah" and this means - literally free will, freely offered, spontaneous offering. Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the...
  6. Angel4Truth

    Theology Club: How does open theism intepret these verses?

    How does open theism intepret the verses about God not changing? Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Psalm 102:27 But you remain the same, and your years will...
  7. Angel4Truth

    Theology Club: Did God know that man would sin?

    How do open theists explain that Christ was slain before the foundation of the world? This would mean He already had a plan of salvation, which infers that He knew already that man would sin. If He knew already that man would sin, would that not in itself show that God indeed has...
  8. Angel4Truth

    Theology Club: Open View theism and Romans 8:28

    For the sake of the argument concerning predestination and the thread, how do open theists interpret this passage that states being foreknown and states predestined: Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to...
  9. Angel4Truth

    Angel4Truth's SPOTD 7/30/12

    Goes to NickM for a short sweet response to the question posed in this thread: Why are there so many mass shootings in the US? :first: Excellent answer Nick!
  10. Angel4Truth

    Angel4Truth's SPOTD 6/13/12

    Best answer ive ever seen on 'population control' goes to Inzl Kett :first: Excellent response! Well done!
  11. Angel4Truth

    Angel4Truth's SPOTD 5/21/12 - the deterrrence of the death penalty

    Short simple and the truth on how much of a deterrence the death penalty is: Way to go Rusha! :thumb:
  12. Angel4Truth

    A4T SPOTD 5/17/12

    Steko's perfect dead on and right to the point biblical response to meshak preaching the works gospel to her imaginary friends anonymous 'readers' Well done!
  13. Angel4Truth

    POTD 4/15/2012

    :thumb: Well done!
  14. Angel4Truth

    The Days of Noah and the Days of Lot...

    Recent news events and many peoples basic attitudes has caused me to ponder the chapter of Matthew 24 about the return of Christ and the season in which it would be. There is also a parallel passage on the signs of the times mentioning the days of Lot. Lets begin with Matthew: Matthew 24...
  15. Angel4Truth

    Hello, nice to meet you

    Hello, nice to meet you, a friend suggested this forum and it looks like a cool place to have discussion:Elaine: