Search results

  1. Angel4Truth

    America Needs a Revival of the Fear of God

    Wanted to share: America Needs a Revival of the Fear of God written by Michael Brown - from here:
  2. Angel4Truth

    The Jealous God of Tolerance: Gay Rights Trump Religious Rights Again?

    Wanted to share this article: The Jealous God of Tolerance: Gay Rights Trump Religious Rights Again?
  3. Angel4Truth

    Thank God for a Messy Church

    We have a loving, merciful God, who will never leave us nor forsake us. He is just and righteous and is always ready to receive Us. Just wanted to share: Amen
  4. Angel4Truth

    How Christian Kids Should Deal With 'LGBT' Peers

    A good article - just wanted to share written by: From:
  5. Angel4Truth

    DMV says no makeup for driver's license photo; boy sues

    DMV says no makeup for driver's license photo; boy sues read more here: Another couple of transgenders - 2 males who dress as women, were also refused drivers licenses unless they removed their drag - and appeared to...
  6. Angel4Truth

    Can't sleep. Any suggestions?

    Anyone have any suggestions that help you get to sleep when you are having trouble? Thanks for any help.
  7. Angel4Truth

    One world religion?

    Is this the beginning of a one world religion? Berlin House of One: The first church-mosque-synagogue? read more here: And this: Islamic prayers to be held at the Vatican Friday, 6 June 2014 read more here...
  8. Angel4Truth

    What is This World Coming To? Exactly What Jesus Said it Would Come To

    Just a great article i wanted to share: What is This World Coming To? Exactly What Jesus Said it Would Come To Article comes from :
  9. Angel4Truth

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    One receives the Holy Spirit the moment they are born again, and are also instantly baptized into the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, Ephesians 1:13 In Him, you also...
  10. Angel4Truth

    Are you Going to Heaven?

  11. Angel4Truth

    Elisha -A little information behind what looks like overkill at first glance...

    Elisha and the bears...some perspective 2 Kings 2:23-25 23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed...
  12. Angel4Truth

    Acceptance of Homosexuality in Christianity

    Excellent video that discusses homosexuality within Christianity CIw6ngIqaD0
  13. Angel4Truth

    Minister calls for third Temple to be built

    Interesting news - i believe there will be a third temple built near the end of the time of the Gentiles coming to a close. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Potentially explosive statement by Jewish Home’s Uri Ariel breaks taboo against damaging status quo on Temple Mount
  14. Angel4Truth

    Angel4Truth's SPOTD 1/15/14

    On no longer being identified with the crucified old man, Delmar nailed it Well said! :first:
  15. Angel4Truth

    FCC denied the right to protect 'net neutrality'

    Appeals court rules against FCC's right to protect 'net neutrality' Decision means internet service providers could slow or block traffic to competitors and privilege sites of commercial partners This...
  16. Angel4Truth

    Random thoughts thread for pretty much anything

    Since a great many threads lately seem to be just random thoughts, i thought id make one too. Ive always wondered how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. I dont think they can but maybe someone would give it a guess and i wonder if the amount of it would be...
  17. Angel4Truth

    Curious, how many of you believe in UFOs (Aliens)?

    Just a poll to see how many of you believe in UFOs (for the thread purpose i am talking about the alien kind/extraterrestrials) Dont worry, i did not make the poll public so state how you really feel. The options are as follows: 1) I am a Christian and believe in UFOs 2) I am not a Christian...
  18. Angel4Truth

    Christian songs - what do you listen to?

    I love this one: /u-ZAQwXZ7YQ
  19. Angel4Truth


    Broken - lifehouse radio version /6OaTYzUVysA
  20. Angel4Truth

    over you....

    Over you 3Y2icHOgC5U