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  1. Angel4Truth

    Even Most Liberals Believe America Is in Moral Decline

    Even Most Liberals Believe America Is in Moral Decline Id be willing to bet though that the definitions of "moral values" vary widely. What say you all?
  2. Angel4Truth

    Gay Atheist Speaks a Timely Word to the Church

    Sharing this excellent article: Gay Atheist Speaks a Timely Word to the Church from:
  3. Angel4Truth

    Baltimore's mayor: Spike in crime 'disheartening'

    Baltimore's mayor: Spike in crime 'disheartening' Well, she basically showed the thugs that it was acceptable to be abusive to the police, by having them stand down during riots. Demoralizing her police force in front of the world, and her prosecuting attorney filing charges not after...
  4. Angel4Truth

    United Methodists Propose to Change ‘Church Law’ to Allow Homosexual Behavior

    United Methodists Propose to Change ‘Church Law’ to Allow Homosexual Behavior Another church group caving to the world instead of following God. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit: Will be adding churches and church groups and pastors who cave on this issue - if you...
  5. Angel4Truth

    Court Upholds Right of Christian Company Not to Print T-Shirts With ‘Gay Pride’ Messa

    Court Upholds Right of Christian Company Not to Print T-Shirts With ‘Gay Pride’ Messages Excellent news! A court that actually follows the constitution.
  6. Angel4Truth

    'Sweet Cakes' -Christians In American Are Being Attacked at an Alarming Rate

    sharing : 'Sweet Cakes' Persecution: Christians In American Are Being Attacked at an Alarming Rate From:
  7. Angel4Truth

    GoFundMe Shuts Down Camapign for Christian Bakers Asked to Pay $135,000 Fine.....

    GoFundMe Shuts Down Camapign for Christian Bakers Asked to Pay $135,000 Fine for Refusing to Make Cake for Gay Wedding Read more at...
  8. Angel4Truth

    Ad saying 'Killing Jews is worship' will not be banned from New York buses

    Ad saying 'Killing Jews is worship' will not be banned from New York buses Thoughts?
  9. Angel4Truth

    District Apologizes After Transgender Book Read to Children Without Parental Notice

    District Apologizes After Transgender Book Read to Children Without Parental Notice Disgusting. There is no reason children that young need to be 'educated' on this issue...
  10. Angel4Truth

    Parrot's Cries of 'Help, Fire' Bring Firefighters to Burning House in Idaho

    Parrot's Cries of 'Help, Fire' Bring Firefighters to Burning House in Idaho From another article...
  11. Angel4Truth

    PayPal wants to implant passwords in your stomach and your brain

    PayPal wants to implant passwords in your stomach and your brain Would you allow yourself to be implanted or ingest anything in order to have more...
  12. Angel4Truth

    Homosexuality, Abortion, Carnality: Who Are You to Judge?

    Sharing this excellent article: Homosexuality, Abortion, Carnality: Who Are You to Judge? from:
  13. Angel4Truth

    Young father is attacked by teenage swarm after he helps a woman to her car

    Shocking footage emerges of moment young father is attacked by teenage swarm after helping elderly woman to her car in US NWUPbfMzIMY...
  14. Angel4Truth

    Parents Protest Texas Middle School For Not Suspending Student Author of ‘Killing ...

    Parents Protest Texas Middle School For Not Suspending Student Author of ‘Killing Children’ The school wont suspend the student even though he has named...
  15. Angel4Truth

    Indiana HIV outbreak tops 100 cases: state health officials

    Indiana HIV outbreak tops 100 cases: state health officials Do you agree or disagree with taxpayer funded needed exchange programs? Why or why not?
  16. Angel4Truth

    Indiana Pizza Shop 1st to Publicly Say It Would Deny Same-Sex Service

    Indiana Pizza Shop 1st to Publicly Say It Would Deny Same-Sex Service See video interview here: After this aired, loads of online articles came up insisting these people denied a gay wedding and they...
  17. Angel4Truth

    Top violator of women's rights around the world? It's Israel says UN

    Top violator of women's rights around the world? It's Israel says UN Mindblowing isnt it.
  18. Angel4Truth

    Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

    Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’ Excerpts from : Not very smart and ill bet it wont be long either before lots of what happens because of this will...
  19. Angel4Truth

    LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Housing for 15 Alternative Sexualities Is OK, but Men-Only is Not

    LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM? Housing for 15 Alternative Sexualities Is OK, but Men-Only Fraternities Are Not, Wesleyan University Says Its ok to identify as anything except a straight male apparently... This just blows my mind and one of "legitimate" sexualities there in that 15 letter redefinition...
  20. Angel4Truth

    Gym Revokes Woman's Membership After She Complains About a Man Using Women's Room

    Planet Fitness Revokes Woman's Gym Membership After She Complains About a Man Using Women's Locker Room So, the man who claimed to be a tranny, was dressed as a man in the womens rest room.... and he wasnt even a member there. Yet she, is suppose to feel unsafe to protect the tranny claiming...