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  • Yeah, I raised my kids to think pretty poorly of the words "anti-Christ." The day for Puritanism within the Church has passed. Someday I'll delineate for you how it was that Paul coined the phase, "Not no, but hell no!" You see, he came before the Puritans. I don't really expect anything from the Puritans among us, however, only just to see their own hypocrisy in the matter. Regardless, brother, I love ya, man. I've really enjoyed your thread.
    Hey Lon! I just noticed the comments on the rep page. I am not sure what that is and the purpose of it. But thanks.
    I have to revisit my opinion about the new Doom presence. It is indeed Sozo. Much as he tried, he cannot avoid revisiting his former semantic utterances that give it away.
    I'm afraid I still see some disconnects as far as proving (beyond shadow of a doubt) all the connections and necessities of irresistible grace and limited atonement (something that I'm still wrestling with). But when I read Proverbs 3:5-6 and Jeremiah 17 and other such passages, I can't bring myself to say "I'm guilty....and that should get me something!" The natural man might, but I can't see how anyone can come to Christ on some of his own inclination and then disavow any trust in that (not one speck!) as unGodly!
    Thanks Lon. John 5 and John 6 make it hard to avoid some sort of limited atonement conclusion (or at least the necessity for irresistible grace).
    But then you already knew that...(grin!)
    I might also add, that adding a new mini-forum on 'Unorthodox Doctrinal Discussions' might be a good thought, for more pronounced and controversial doctrinal subjects. So far we only have the broad 'Religion' forum for more liberal religious discussion....so it includes most everything and anything 'religion' related. I may bring it up to Knight if the concept germinates ;)
    Well,...its a religious text with great discussion potential, and a great opportunity for Christian apologists to practice on. Its just one creative venue of my eclectic religious studies, so its absence would not thwart me since I'm active in many discussions of various subjects here. The UB thread from its OP on, is more of an 'intro.' thread, not necessarily a 'promo'. Knight has already said we can keep that one UB thread, but not create any others, so its so far earned its right to exist. More read the thread than you know if you look at the 'views'. All things are open for 'discussion'.
    Blasphemy, right when he came back from a ban on the exact same thing

    ( I responded in thread listing each blasphemy and hopefully they will remember where they are posting before doing so again. Can we encourage them to make their own website somewhere and move this Urantia drain on TOL resources someplace else? It is as if we are housing a Book of Mormon discussion/appreciation thread.

    There is no comparison to the UB and the BOM,...they are miles apart as far as 'context' and 'scope', although both contain teachings of Jesus.
    In my opinion, Freelight, Caino, and Zeke should be
    booted out of here! They're not interested in learning
    about the Bible, salvation or Christianity! And, Zeke
    is just out of his mind!
    Thank you for the support, Lon. Good to see that some of the people who have clashed with me in the past didn't decide to take it out unjustly on an older lady. My spirits were lifted by your response and Grosnick's.

    God bless.
    Re: your rep comment.. I was referring to Facebook. Town posted those pics on Facebook the other day.. I was just giving him a hard time. :eek:
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