Recent content by Lon

  1. Lon

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    Yes, but we aren't talking about a best guess, we are talking about prophecy in which Jesus couldn't be wrong. No. It just doesn't make sense to even entertain the idea. 3 times and a rooster crowing. Can God 'make' that happen? Sure, but we aren't given that as anywhere near evident...
  2. Lon

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    Remember again, that was after His resurrection.
  3. Lon

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    This is a contrast between those with the Spirit and those without, He continues "this should not be!"
  4. Lon

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    Do you reckon He knows it now? Realized He divested Himself of deity to take on a human body. that time. Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Others have expressed the Jesus immediately gave them the signs leading up...
  5. Lon

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    Sorry, Clete said "whishy washy' and so it forced a strong stance at that venture, but it is good in the sense that it has brought up a stark need for discussion. I understood why I was put on ignore and appreciate it. 🆙 "Before the rooster crows, you will have denied me (exactly) three...
  6. Lon

    How to respond to classical theists who dodge Open Theism arguments

    It is VERY hard to not see omniscience in Peter and Jesus' dialogue without a very hard song and dance (gently, but firmly): Matthew 26:33 Peter answered and said unto him, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. 34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto...
  7. Lon

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    Are we comparing fruit? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Long-suffering, and Self-control? Are they not all of the same 'tree?'
  8. Lon

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    Rather, it was the breaking. They weren't 'free' to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The act and eating of the fruit of the tree were one and the same: knowledge and 'freedom' of good and evil. It was always a trading of masters. We were always owned. "Free" is a...
  9. Lon

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    Of course, wherefore would the Serpent have lied? It isn't a bad suggestion. We either see the serpent as Satan, possessed, or a wicked animal? Creation can be good. The book of Job tells us Satan had access and conversation with God. If the serpent were kept in a cage, it'd have saved...
  10. Lon

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    I cannot say, such is a matter between Savior and soul. I'd reckon that one is in grave territory. In a sense, we could bring up Papal abuses: Were those priests God's? I don't know. If fruit was enough, we'd reckon not. Else we would all be lost. As such, I reckon we deal with...
  11. Lon

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    More than, created in His image to do so. However, sin broke that: "Not that we loved God, but that He loved us..." It is why I believe we are born in sin. The passage says we didn't/couldn't love God until He saved us. Perhaps you had a 'choice' at one time in your life to 'not love'...
  12. Lon

    Is Faith Without Works Dead?

    The thrust of the verse isn't about 'cut down' but rather about God's desire, patience, and long suffering without seeing fruit. I'd reckon crab apples the next season would be at least something.
  13. Lon

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    A game is completely known by a game programmer. There is absolutely nothing you can do in it that wouldn't be already known. There is absolutely nothing (nothing) that you have seen or done that isn't done in His creation. He is the programmer by analogy of all we experience. Then, by...
  14. Lon

    Wokey McWokeface

    In short: Only Indians are allowed to draw Indians, only blacks are allowed to draw and use blacks. Only whites are allowed to draw whites? "No, that is okay, we aren't 'thin skinned.' 🤔 The problem with 'bleeding hearts' is no critical thinking skills or ability to follow ideas to...
  15. Lon

    If I were to become Open Theist...

    Selective reading on point. It starts with Jesus, 'Was He God?" "Did He exist." Agnostics and critics miss "critical steps" in analysis, purposeful obtusion for secular obvious reasons. Your universalism is showing. Ideology is mutually exclusive. Attempts to blend are simply pick and...