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  • I lift my heart in prayer. I feel as though God wants you to know that He is recieving much prayer on your behalf at this time.
    I agree. It seems that there are so many who have difficulty with the language of the KJV, but I find it quite simple and very elegant. :)
    I called Knight about how to admit new members, but he was right in the middle of coaching a hockey game. Oops! I'll try to call him later.
    Hi Kat, I need help with this "Mod" responsibility. What does it entail? I'm honored to be a Mod but need to know my duties and how to perform them. Thanks, Pat
    I was as disappointed by Knight's response as I've been since I arrived...I'm done reporting anything. There's no point, given it's all but impossible to protect a standard that doesn't appear to exist, provided you know where to aim the foulness. Ah, well. I like him anyway...oh, and CONGRATS on the whole mod deal. I should be irked with you for not telling me, but I'm all out of irked tonight. :eek:
    I just saw your reported visitor message. The guy is a creep and IMO should have been banned for that alone. Don't get too upset as just 'consider the source'. In other words a rabid loon....:D

    Just did. I meant to object to his treatment of you, but I was so disgusted by the ongoing minutia of filth he rolls out that I lost sight of you for a moment.
    I just haven't been on here much. That hep C doctors scared the hell out of my ex and I. He said Sean may lose his mind. He said hide all guns and knives. He asked if I'm capable of holding him down if he goes berserk and on and on! I got angry and told him I know people that have gone through this that held their jobs down and had minor side-effects and he agreed that that is true. I then said, "WHY DON'T YOU GIVE BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY INSTEAD OF NOTHING BUT HORROR STORIES?" We were about to say never mind about the treatment. It was unbelievable to me.
    I have been on interferon twice, the three prong treatment will also include a protease inhibitor, Telaprevir seems at the top of the list. It shall be the standard treatment for all hepatitis C. Try Google, I get too much bunk and worthless information without spending hours looking it up.
    YOU SAID, "There is a new three-prong treatment on the horizon. I will know more about this in November. If I do not receive a date this time, I am going on as if the illness is something I shall have to cope with in this life. Your son, being much younger, I would give it a bit more wait."

    Can you please explain this 3 pronged treatment in the future? Is it for anyone with hep c or just for hep c1? My son has hep c2b, which is the easiest to cure I've read. We went tot he infectious specialist today and I guess he starts interferon now in 3 weeks because this Dr. is going to Boston first to find out the latest and greatest.

    This Dr. scared the ever-lovin'-heck out of my and my ex husband with all kinds of nightmares about how people lose their minds while on interferon and my son is already afraid. I got angry with the Dr. and I said, "I've read and know people that had interferon that worked the entire time and had very little side effects, you make it look like everyone loses their mind" And then he told me that yes many people experience no problems.
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