Hi K,
The subject of space/time is most wondrous! - our entire experience of life in this dimensioned existence occurs within such a context,....yet its the Infinite itself that all this arises within as an 'experience of perception'. All is as a 'play' unfolding, interacting with so many conditions as the wheel of nature carries on its journey. We soon drop this matterial body and arise in our spiritual form to the next phase of the soul's journey and look forward to the cosmic symphony where all shall merge into One! - haha,....ok,...embelleshing a bit

- sometimes dropping all beliefs and just surrendering to Reality is the sanest way to go....beyond the intellect. Just giving the ego up entirely,.....discarding it. Then when all that is false is abandoned,....there is only that which is True, in its utter purity. Just this BEING, being what it is. Truth in its majesty...beyond any opinion, idea, concept or even 'belief'. This truth is wholly present,...here....NOW.