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  • There is a new three-prong treatment on the horizon. I will know more about this in November. If I do not receive a date this time, I am going on as if the illness is something I shall have to cope with in this life. Your son, being much younger, I would give it a bit more wait.
    Is there not or is there is a new treatment for Hep C coming out soon? We're putting my son's treatment off for a bit for now because of all of the side-effects of interferon. I know you know much more about this than me. Please help me decide if he should wait or not wait.
    Thank you for the prayers. I am sure it will all work out, if meant to be
    Kudos on setting up the Social Group! I will lift up prayers for your current health situation. I would ask the same for my own. Today was a difficult day for me. Lots of pain and fears that I will need hospitalization...and I no longer have any health insurance coverage. Given my wife's own health situation, as her primary care giver, when I am out of commission due to my own health, she suffers more.

    I do not think a change of moderators is possible since the person who establishes the Social Group is the moderator, if they set up the forum to be moderated. Knight may be able to switch Social Group owners, but that is something you will need to ask him about. Posts to the Social Group, moderated or not, are viewable by all of TOL, so matters of privacy would not be protected in a Social Group. This is why I wish Knight would establish men and women only forums where only members of such forums can see the content therein.
    I felt that he was capable of making himself out as a fool all on his own, although I must admit that I was trying to help him out just a smidgen. :) I hope that there will come a time in the course of my life where I will stop being so surprised at some people's capacity for stupid thinking. As it is, I am still shocked.
    I was on vacation for the beginning of the season. I may start a second half season if there's interest...or sooner if I have the time. :think:
    You are very welcome, and I am sorry to hear of your health misfortunes. You brighten my day with your wise observations.
    Thank you! My health circumstances plays largely into how active I am and differs from day to day. Would like to join you, just do not get around much anymore.
    Good day to you Ktoyou! I do hope you will come back now that THE WORD has exited. I haven't been here that long (on TOL), but I do enjoy your way of laying things out. I have a glass of sweet tea here for you...sit a spell? :)
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