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  • Dear freelight! You're welcome for my generosity. If I had all that TOL needs to meet their limit, I would. I do wish others would help, but they might be waiting until the deadline. I mean, it is $3,000. Some people just don't always that much laying around. I'm thinking that a longer notice before the TOL-A-THON would help people save up some money, or put some aside just for TOL. It'd be easier then. Thanks again, pj!!
    Osiyo! Saquu gawondisdi vtla yeliquu...

    kayaker, chief blind wild hawg of the buffalowlife clan...
    Free - I am sort of vacating ToL - just a lot of goof-offs. Was there a particular question you had - I probably cannot find the original.
    I have only received on neg rep. That was from Mr thin skin Town. He is too serious about himself IMO. :)
    Whether you believe me or not Paulie, there is no adventurous side to life greater than scepticism. It's like every spiritual realm in existence except that it actually leads to truth and it is genuinely open minded. Believing stuff without evidence is the opposite of open minded.

    All the other stuff is fun and all but if you want truth there is only one path. I love truth and I'm not alone. Have a look around, the best minds on the planet are sceptics, and rightly so.

    But I wish you well in your endeavours.
    Hi Paulie,

    I recently got a short ban for this believe it or not.

    Well, I've been taking some time out from this board lately. Sometimes the Dunning Krugar effect is just too much. It's tough being a sceptic around here, let me tell you. The wack-jobs think us sceptics are the crazies!

    Thanks for the reps :thumb:
    i haven't posted much recently but i plan to so keep your eye out but i will check out you posts....i'm good, the band i'm in is negotiating a record contract as we speak so i'm hoping things get alot busier soon ;) i don't care about being rich and famous....just to live comfortably and provide for my family and be able to do what i love, playing music :)
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