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  • With respect, there is no Christian who denies the divinity of Christ. It is fundamental to the orthodoxy of the claim. People can and will call themselves any number of things they aren' many dishonest men swear to their own veracity? :cheers:
    She can be likable enough, in an oft irascible fashion, but I don't feel she has a place among the Body given she rests on a rejection of the foundational divinity of Christ. It's a bit like someone from the Klan joining the NAACP and lecturing in a hood.
    You know I totally caught you out. :chuckle:

    That's okay, I'll let you off easy, you can just owe me a margarita.
    Sure, I can change the OP. Do you have a way in mind you'd like the rule to be worded? You're one of the regulars, so I'm certainly willing to make the change, but could you maybe talk to a few others like Foxfire and Eeset and anyone else I'm not thinking of, and get a general consensus of what you'd all like to see happen? :)
    Oh yeah....I just couldn't remember the name. It's certainly grown up since I was there, that's for sure. But, I've been up on that butte a time or two. Very pretty area.
    Maybe i thought i did.....from another forum....i could be wrong....

    nice meeting you nevertheless :wave:
    You're talking about that butte by the old junkyard...not Lava butte, right? I haven't been to Bend, itself in a long time. I live over the mountain, now, near Pleasant Hill. Redmond is probably as bad as Bend, but you might look there.
    I just noticed you're from Bend. I used to live there and have a log cabin in LaPine. Nice country.
    No, I don't feel 'moderated.' I believe your thread can yet be seen as breaking TOL rules. There is often a flip-flop of mod sentiment here that goes from championing Conservative Christian values, then allowing a broader expression. It sends a mixed message of what is allowed & not. In one sense, the woodshed encourages member involvement. It is either a 911 or a citizen-arrest tenor and I'm never sure which it is. I don't apologize for what I believe about a particular post breaking a TOL rule, or I wouldn't have reported it. I'm reminded it isn't just about the rule, but about Knight & mods desire. Thus, though I believe your thread does break several rules, I remember Delmar saying that such wasn't allowed for more threads to be started on TOL. Since he's stepped down, that sentiment is probably null. I do like the fluid nature, if a bit frustrating. That'd be more your thing than mine, however. I'm more comfortable with structure.
    Part of it, for me, is a bad (good on other boards where I mod) mod habit. I 'mod' here and shouldn't. That's really what those reports were about. For that, I'm glad Knight chimes in when he does. It helps steer me back into the right direction, and just be a member and not fall back on 'mod' mode. In some ways, such keeps me from participating normally. I'm glad Knight chimed in. -Lon
    I took Knight's note as a way of saying to leave it alone too btw. I think his thoughts and sentiment are clear, whereas a few other mods expressed it differently. Knight tends to steer my perception about such matters. -Lon
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