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  • There definitely is. I'll add some insights in there (to the best of my understanding), tomorrow perhaps. Or as soon as I have the energies to venture into "deeply philosophical" land!
    I hadn't realized there were so many pages when I first looked at that topic a few days ago! I perused the first several and last several. Seems to be the common thread running throughout of the rigid who know all that is needed to know against those who have a desire to infinitely seek infinite Truth. I am slowly familiarizing. I wasn't able to do conversings such as this until I hit 25 posts, I believe.
    Oh okay, good. I haven't done much upkeep on that page recently but I'll accept when I log on there. Yes, consciousness expansion through parables and metaphors is all we can really aim for while encapsulated in this form of "reality," and the Urantia Book seems to work toward that from what I've read. Things can be "true" in spite of never having physically "been," based on what the presentation does to the consciousness of the receiver. I will look through that thread. And yes, it is exhausting to see undeniable Truth that others can't see, and even ridicule!
    Oh that, nah, I explained what needs to happen if Gurucam wants to discuss those things with me but apparently what I said was not heard because I see no new thread concerning the law posted. I will not be going back to that thread to say the same thing over again either. :)
    Good morning Freelight! regarding the brouhaha on the "Rape" threads, you are correct, the unpleasantness is hardly worth the effort to respond. At first I tried to be reasonable as a caring person ought to be. By disagreeing with some posters, it seems to be regarded as an act of war!
    At the moment keeping my distance seems to be a good solution. Thank you for your concern! I appreciate it. Blessings, Pat
    "Didn't make the 'cut', eh?"
    Haha, nope, for if I cut out the "old" then how shall I understand the "new"? :)
    In other words if there is no "old" then the "new" can simply mean anything anyone says.
    Unfortunately I'm the last person to ask about this right now. About two weeks ago my PC gave up and right now what I have is even more ancient, with the old XP and IE6, (ee-gads!). With IE6 I am blessed just to be able to get onto this board because I can hardly go anywhere else with it including not being able to get into any search engines, (not much supports IE6 anymore). On top of this it seems either this site has been down tonight, or perhaps I'm losing this behemoth also, not really sure which one it is! :)
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