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  • If the bible teaches ECT, and if you don't believe in a God of ECT "on principle alone" (meaning you would reject the bible if it opposed your principle), then you are not open to at least the possibility that ECT is true. This is a dangerous position for you to be in--not in terms of ECT, but in terms of being willing to follow truth when it conflicts with your preconceived notions. Your principles apparently trump other potential sources of truth. That makes you the final arbiter of right and wrong. You walk a dangerous path, my friend.
    You seem to have no basis for your beliefs--just what feels good to you. That doesn't help avoid ECT, if it is the truth.

    You want to wish ECT away as a non-player in any decisions. As nice as that may seem to you, it doesn't do any good if ECT is a fact.

    You can declare it insane all you want to, just like you can declare that God doesn't exist, but that doesn't make it so. It just shows that you have rejected God.

    I urge you to reconsider. If God really did send His own son to die for our sins, making a way for us to get to know God Himself, and we refuse that precious gift, that really is the unpardonable sin--the rejection of the Holy Spirit's call to repent and be saved. And if true, it would seem to be an eternal sin with eternal consequences.

    We can define "love" as something else, but if that's what the original lover did to show us what love is, can we afford to reject it? I pray you don't reject it any longer.
    You want me to read ALL of your commentary on ECT? For what purpose? As you mentioned, this particular thread is concerned with whether ECT is biblical or not. Pointing to other sources is less than helpful, except if those sources are a commentary on the bible.

    But thanks anyway.
    How goes the journey in OZ? The mental theatrics are humorous around here, the drama, correctional pontificating, educational pedestals of concern for grammar and the bully pulpit of spelling voids the message escape pod. Guilty of on all counts you're honor but that wasn't me Romans 7:20...................................................................................
    Sorry about not hitting 'view conversation'. Boy do I feel sheepish!
    I told my wife about the picnic band idea, and she was completely against it. Oh Well. She thinks I already do too much music stuff, and not enough 'cleaning the house' stuff. I would rather be a cool musician than a janitor. Proverbs 21:9 right? I agree with the kicking the dead horse thing on ECT. I hear God saying "come away from them, they are blind leaders of the blind."
    I feel most people know in their hearts what is truth and what is not. I do feel I am making a difference and being successful with expanding people's consciousness maybe 15% of the time. There is resistance but I will be patient because I know it's important. I was once in a lot of these peoples shoes at one point so I can understand where their coming from.
    Just enjoying an easy-going feeling that's been around for the past few weeks. Working on some audio book projects, cruising the internet and dabbling on the keyboard. Yes the "hell" thread reached its saturation point a long time ago. I think some lessons take multiple instances for it to resonate. Looking forward to some more topics.
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