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  • Ok, sounds like me :chuckle: . I have to go to bed in a few minutes but I'll message you on there tomorrow evening my time and you can just reply when you log on. Talk to you then, :)
    freelight! Hope you are doing well, kind sir. Thank you for the rep. Much love
    I am sad because we were within 950 replies of ovetaking first place for hotest thread. No Foxfire is dropping us way away from that. And he can still delete another 1,200 replies. :(

    I have tried reaching out but get no response. It appears to be a classic flame-out.
    Foxfire evidently got mad at PJ because PJ "sabotaged" the 2 word thread's intent to reach hotest thread status or something along those lines. Now Foxfire is in the process of deleting all his replies in 2 word. Very sad. :(
    Hi Freelight! Yes, I am physically quite elderly. I have been told that I am an "Old Soul". I believe that I am. Wisdom is my goal.
    My body has/is serving me well. But the healing process slows down a bit with age. Still one keeps on giving it the best efforts. Peace
    Hi freelight, thanks, I know I can leave when I'm ready. I've done it before, I can do it again. Once of these days I'll forget my way back. :)

    I have no intention of smoothing things over with Knight. I don't regret anything I've said and would say more if I thought it would make a difference, but it won't.
    While an interesting topic, I put all thought and interest in the now deleted thread. I may poke in but for me it's ground already covered. Take care friend!
    Continued: I tend to class myself as an open-minded sceptic. For me the two go hand in hand. In the proverbial search for truth faith goes nowhere since it can used as an excuse to believe what one wants to be true, and god knows this place is a perfect example of that. Much better sometimes to just accept "don't know". But I see how much you enjoy your school of thought and compared to many on this board it comes over as benign, so I guess we continue to "giddy up", eh?
    But you will always be welcome on my turf. Just a different starting post is all ;)
    All the best :thumb:
    Hello Paulie. Yes I've been busy with my music and been enjoying a much needed break from TOL. It gets a bit much for me at times and music is a great tonic when I feel my patience wearing a little thin. Also I find producing modern electronic music a neat mixture of balancing science with my esoteric side.
    I don't pay much attention to my own banning on this board. In fact, there's very little I can equate this place to the real world. It is what it is :help:
    Free, I'm only offering an opinion. It isn't an attempt at fiat. If I was in Knight's position I wouldn't allow it. That and a few dollars will get you a cup of coffee. :)
    I'm not speaking for Unitarians. Or Hindus, comes to it. But the overwhelming majority of Christendom, Protestant and Catholic, is predicated on the same foundation. Remove that foundation and whatever you call it, what is left is something other.
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