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  • During TOL-a-thon they always are CREDITED to the fund drive total :) - at least in my case......and my knowledge of the system. - as long as u renew sub during the fundrive.
    Knight sometimes overlooks subscription renewals. If yours doesn't show up in the contributors list then send Knight a pm.

    I have given $105 in 13 and 14. I gave 500 in 2012 for my lifetime membership. I will probably give this year but not until later. I like to wait and see who gives ... and who doesn't. :)
    Yes, I mean kolos can refer to the cutting off of the wicked people and the sending of them to the "bonfire" thus destroying them, therefore Matt 25:46 could refer to their annihilation.


    kolos could refer to the cutting away of the wicked parts of people, they go away to the pruning away, thus Matt 25:46 could mean Universalism / Restorationism. I believe a more natural reading is toward Conditionalism / Annihilationism, but I accept that either could be supported. What can't be supported is eternal punishment being eternal torture.
    Saw it and responded! And by the way thanks for the rep, and also by the way, nice new avatar. :)
    I'm kind of tired of the serial bit too, honestly. And with school tightening up I wouldn't be able to, so here and there suits me fine. :)
    yes, just today i notice it's wrong. i know i had a bunch of reps to give MORE than 24 hrs ago, today it keeps giving me that "too much in 24 hrs try later". i am getting it after EVERY few reps. it's askew
    I never really figured that one out, which is why I stay under the max in a day and generally try to spread it out. So I might do sixty on a Friday, if I know I'm going to be out or not spend much time on a Sat. then pick up on Sunday. Or, I've rep'd forty and loose change on Monday with an eye to doing it again late Tuesday, that sort of thing.
    i noticed first thing this am, and i pm'd amr and th. th didn't sound concerned and amr never said a word. your guess is as good as mine. yes all threads/discussions are gone; everything. town did mention that we know the members, but either way, i think it served his purpose. i was thinking of quitting anyway, too much work. maybe it's illegal. i just know y'all owe me a bunch of TRS REP for THIS WEEK. really -
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