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  • She seems like me, able to go on; however, not feeling well enough most of the time. I am praying for her.
    It's possible, I suppose, but then it's one of he hardest questions a Christian can ask and the ramifications being what they are...sometimes people choose comfort over that. And as it doesn't impact the salvific I can sympathize even if it's in my nature to latch onto something like that until somebody breaks a hip. :eek:
    I'm not sure this will work, aMR. I am still a rookie after all. I received your message regarding the operator of the Hypostatic Union thread. My goodness, we need to be praying for this guy. After reading some of his posts, I felt bad about posting my comment. I thought rather it would be better for all to walk away from that thread that it might fade into antiquity. The last thing that guy needs is an audience. Thank you for the heads up.
    The last time I checked he still didn't seem to have his hands wrapped around exactly what you asked and I attempted to offer another window on. If that's changed I'd be interested. As you know it's been a question I've grappled with for a long time (and many thanks again for the background help). I'm still going back to and mulling much of it, contextualizing and balancing it against other reading and my on poor cognitions. It's a real piece of meat though, isn't it. :)
    And music...I'm really happy that I still prefer jazz given the descent of lyrics into hypersexualized nonsense draped over derivative, three chord progressions, including the chorus prevalent in so much of what's offered...not that there aren't noteworthy exceptions, if mostly off the main charts.

    Did you see U2's lead singer Bono's brief bit on Christ that I put in Quixote's a while back. That was my near contemporary band and his faith made it harder to roll eyes at the faithful for a number of years.
    Good news. Embarrassing how marginalized those of us who aren't in our early middle years have become to marketers. I can only assume they're mostly twenty somethings who think life ends at forty...Also,'s horrible but I can't not watch it. The lead is impossible not to chuckle over.
    Did you notice Knight putting an end to the nastier, rampant personalization around the joint today? Really clears the air for a stretch.
    I got really tired of false theology on most sites so I go to for better truth. I edited that post at the moment. I'm on TOR and makes copy and paste difficult to pin point where I got it. I jump around the world to write some posts
    Bless you, AMR. Sounds like the new site you gave me will be a better place for me to start. Thank you for blessing me.
    Hi, again. Thank you for the information. I really don't know anything at all about it. I just saw mention of 'predestination' on a thread and then began wondering what Calvinism thought about it... if there was any doctrine or teaching regarding it. So... my apologies for my previous awkward question.
    God bless and I'll get around to reading that site tomorrow or day after. Thank you again! :)
    Hello AMR. I have a question about Calvinism that I thought I'd ask you. It concerns predestination.

    Since there is predestination, does Calvinism have anything to say about pre-existence?
    A blessed year to you and yours!
    May His light and life and love be yours in wonderful and surprising ways
    It's a peculiar thing to me, how people can transform a special recognition and reflection into a near if regard for the holy were some either/or instead of an and. :)
    Your general feeling about the "other" designation holds true more often than not, I think. I noted the peculiar charge of student x in the What Does Christmas Mean to You thread, his basic approach to a number of Christians and can't help noticing his designation, which I think changed about the same time he started in after that fashion. You could have wired my jaw when he found my noting Christmas to Easter as a time of heightened awareness and consideration of the life and mission of our Savior as being a Roman sentiment. Remarkable really.
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