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  • Have a good Thanksgiving, AMR. I wish you and the family a peaceful day together. Cheers.
    I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for your prayers. I will be cooking the dinner for the family and be thinking of many of you who may not be here at my table, but are welcome in spirit if not in reality.
    It's common for the Mensa crowd to enjoy both a measure of solitude and the wee hours. The trade off is frequently in longevity, but you can't have everything or, like the comic said, "Where would you put it?"
    That's a terrific illustration. :thumb: I recall the Donne poem about ravishing spirituality and it seems to me that either God is our lens or the world is. There's nothing else for it. So when zip declares that sort of trust outside of the orthodoxy I am left to wonder at how any of the faithful could rest on something less certain or what the point could possibly be.
    I'm always surprised, for whatever reason, by the number of introverts I find in a place like this...I wonder if the attraction isn't, to some extent, that they can see how the other half lives, after a fashion...and I'm not surprised by your insight else. It's a naturally compatible perspective.
    I cannot agree more, although, I am not a proponent of millennialism, it would be easier to suggest the rapture precedes it, since, well you know?
    Hi there AMR,

    ok first question... how do you view predestination/freewill ? To me, I have always felt it was a matter of perspective... There's no denying the verses that speak of 'God chose you' .. 'before you were born I knew you'... etc... also there's no lack of verses that speak of choosing to do God's will or not...

    and so by perspective I mean,, GOD with perfect foreknowledge KNOWS who will and who will not choose life over death and therefore aids them in that choice...thus HE 'chooses' us before the world began....

    For example, if GOD knew that Esau would sell his birthright, that he would choose an immediate gratification, over eternal life with GOD, not just in that but in all things, choosing death over life, THAT is why 'God hated Esau and loved Jacob'... not because of some arbitrary predestination but because GOD knows our hearts....

    ok. so what do YOU think of predestination/freewill?

    Because Dispensationalists deny and profane the blood of the new covenant. Hebrews 10:29 Their horrible eschatology has robbed them of any decent and biblical Soteriology.
    Thank you all, once more, for your continued prayers for me and mine. My apologies for my extended absence.

    The absence has helped renew me to focus my attention on important matters at home as well as my walk of faith by not neglecting daily Scripture study, rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer (Romans 12:12), fellowshipping as I am able with others, keeping stewardship of the secular and spiritual gifts God has given me, and with regular assembly with others to worship God (see also here, and Genesis 15:1-6; Prov. 3:5-8; Romans 5:1-11; Eph. 6, 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Hebrews 10:19-25, 35-39; Hebrews 11:1,6).

    Please know that I keep many of you in my daily prayers and conversations with our Lord.

    You can always reach me privately: amr AT askmrreligion DOT com

    For what He did for us,
    Hello again,
    I have been reading your suggested threads. Fascinating reading...

    Not being a trained theologian is it ok to say my head hurts? lol

    when I'm done (which may be a while) I hope we can engage in some discussion about them. I think I would enjoy that very much.

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